Prayers to those who need them

Member since 5/05 6631 total posts
Name: Holly
Talk about BAD LUCK!! (sorry--long!)
My parents scored a cheap flight from Spirit Airlines to go to Myrtle Beach from LaGuardia Airport..
Their flight should have left at 11:40 AM...
They got there by 9:40, and got thru security, etc...
Then call me at work to ask me to check out the flight status online..It says it is running 1 hour and 20 minutes late....fine....then like an hour later, my dad calls me and asked me to check again, as he heard someone talking about it being cancelled...so I check the website..it still says delay of 1 hour an 20 minutes...so I called the reservation number to ask them...well the woman who answered had a very thick accent an I could not really understand her, but found out it was cancelled...
So my mom and dad go down to "reschedule" and find a line of over 200 people---there is only 1 line to stand in..the same line as others who are checking into their flights, etc...
They are told tehy can fly out tomorrow nighta t 630 or drive to Atlantic City and take it tomorrow at 730 am, but they had to pay for their own room & transportation to get to AC...meanwhile they paid for each piece of luggage, long term parking, timeshare, car rental, etc...
They decide to drive...hit heavy rain in Jersey..then stop for the night in maryland...STARVING...WIth NOTHING to do in the car--no cooler, no food, no books, no dvd or laptop, just the company of each other!
Finally get to their hotel to chow down on food, and the people at the sports bar & grill at the hotel tell them its the first night they have served food...
So, my mom & dad just have drinks & a few fried appetizers that took about an hour and a half to get to them
I hope tomorrow is a better day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!