talk to me about naps (2-3 months old)
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Member since 8/10 6011 total posts
talk to me about naps (2-3 months old)
my DD will take cat naps during the day when we're home - like 40 mins or less a couple of times a day. she'll fall asleep in my arms while sitting on the couch, but then if i try to put her down in the pack n play or her crib or bassinet, she'll wake up. sometimes she'll stay asleep if i get up slowly and lay her down on the couch in the same spot where i was sitting, but other times she'll wake up.
i just feel like im gonna cause issues with her naps down the line if she only naps in my arms. at night, she'll fall asleep in the swing and then we transfer her to the bassinet with no issues at all. and when she wakes during the night, we'll feed her and put her back down in the bassinet while she's still awake and she'll fall right back to sleep on her own. it's just the naps during the day that bother me lol.
any suggestions??
Posted 10/1/11 9:26 PM |
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Member since 8/07 5974 total posts
Name: MB
Re: talk to me about naps (2-3 months old)
she's still pretty what feels right...try to put her down when she's tired for a you swaddle her ever?? at that age, swaddling DD helped her sleep longer. They change so much every few weeks/months that you shouldn't stress about what they're doing right now!
Posted 10/1/11 9:29 PM |
So in love with my little girl

Member since 1/10 2471 total posts
Re: talk to me about naps (2-3 months old)
About 3 weeks or so ago DD, now 3 months, started getting really overtired because she kind of stopped napping 'on her own' during the day. Up until that point if she was tired she slept, didn't matter if I was at the mall, holding her, etc.
I started reading Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Baby and he talks about how at this age babies get tired after 1.5-2 hours of being awake. He also stresses getting them used to motionless sleep.
I started putting her down in her crib for naps, fully swaddled since that is how she still sleeps at night. We are still working on it, but she definitely 'gets' it now that she's supposed to sleep when I put her down in the crib swaddled. I rub her belly and sing to her a little, give her the paci (if she'll take it), and leave her once she's calm.
I agree with the whole being worried she won't fall asleep on her own. I'm so terrified of starting any kind of habits where DD needs to be rocked to sleep, etc.
If you can, start now and try putting her down drowsy but awake, then soothe her in whatever way works if she cries a little before she falls asleep.
Posted 10/1/11 10:19 PM |
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