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Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
my followup appointment after my mc my doc gave me paperwork to get blood tests done for things like factor v thyroid lupus ect.... i never went did any of you do this testing after your first mc
Posted 10/9/08 9:32 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: testing
i didnt... my doctor didnt want to do anything!! i was so upset over it
can you still go? or do you need new paperwork? i would do it...
Posted 10/9/08 9:43 AM |
Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: testing
i prob still could go or i prob could call and get new forms i just hate blood tests and i hate looking to find things wrong esp since nothing runs in my family i just thought it would be easy to get pg again i think i will give it 1 more month and then i will go back to the doc to get the tests done
Posted 10/9/08 9:55 AM |
Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Re: testing
I went for all sorts of bloodwork after my m/c. We're still waiting for some of it to come in. I've been trying for over 4 1/2 years, so I probably have a different mentality at this point- but IMO, I would jump to get that bloodwork done. From what I've seen a lot of drs don't feel it's necessary to do any bloodwork to see what's going on until after another 1 OR 2 miscarriages. I don't want my future children's lives being in jeopardy if in fact it is something as simple as a clotting issue that medication can fix, KWIM? It may be nothing, it may have just been a fluke thing- but do you want to take that chance? JMO. GL to you!
Posted 10/9/08 10:01 AM |
Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: testing
Posted by MrsMessina
I went for all sorts of bloodwork after my m/c. We're still waiting for some of it to come in. I've been trying for over 4 1/2 years, so I probably have a different mentality at this point- but IMO, I would jump to get that bloodwork done. From what I've seen a lot of drs don't feel it's necessary to do any bloodwork to see what's going on until after another 1 OR 2 miscarriages. I don't want my future children's lives being in jeopardy if in fact it is something as simple as a clotting issue that medication can fix, KWIM? It may be nothing, it may have just been a fluke thing- but do you want to take that chance? JMO. GL to you!
thank you!
Posted 10/9/08 10:23 AM |
Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Re: testing
Posted by sweetdreamz1181 thank you!
I hope that didn't come off the wrong way. I just don't want any of us to have to go through this pain again, especially if it can be prevented. I am aware that my attitude is diff. than a lot of others on here (in general, TTC, IF and here- not JUST here)- but I just want to see everyone cover their bases if they can. GL sweetie!
Posted 10/9/08 10:31 AM |
Re: testing
I totally agree...had i gone through the testing, i would have maybe been able to avoid my second miscarriage. IMO, if your insurance covers it, do it. It is a simple blood test that could show a lot. I am so angry that it was not offered to me after my first loss...
i wish you all the best!
Posted 10/9/08 6:34 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: testing
Usually they dont do that till after 3rd M/C. My Dr ordered them and I found out I had Some blood clotting disorders. I would go....
Posted 10/9/08 8:58 PM |
Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08 1351 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: testing
I'd go in a heartbeat. I just had my second m/c and the fact that my doc is ambivalent about testing until it happens again is major cause of agitation to me.
If your doc will do it, jump at the opportunity. In the end, a little blood test is nothing compared to how you would feel if it all happened again- especially if you could have avoided it.
Posted 10/9/08 9:09 PM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: testing
Posted by QueSeraSera
I'd go in a heartbeat. I just had my second m/c and the fact that my doc is ambivalent about testing until it happens again is major cause of agitation to me.
If your doc will do it, jump at the opportunity. In the end, a little blood test is nothing compared to how you would feel if it all happened again- especially if you could have avoided it.
totally agree.
Posted 10/10/08 7:48 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/08 501 total posts
Re: testing
I did the testing after the 2nd m/c and we discovered that I had 2 blood clotting disorders. It was prob. just a coincidence as we know my 2nd m/c was chromosomal, but regardless I need to take precations this time around. I currently take folfard, baby aspirin, and lovenox. It's defintely worth finding out as soon as you can.
Posted 10/10/08 5:01 PM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: testing
After losing my last pg at 16 weeks, I have to admit - I am terrified of putting my body and my heart on the line again.
I did have lots of blood work done before I could even consider whether or not I wanted to TTC again. Thankfully I did because they did find an issue which I am now seeing other doctors for. Once I know where I am with my body, I can think clearer about my risks.
Posted 10/12/08 11:25 AM |