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He's coming soon!
Member since 4/10 4260 total posts
The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
So DH, DS, and I live with my preggo sister and her fiance. It really, really stinks having to share a home with another family but it is what it is right now. There are many things that I can't stand that they do but this one, well I could care less but DH is SOOOOO mad about... they don't flush the toilet when they go pee in the middle of the night and my sister being preggo goes pee A LOT. I don't see the big deal. I am neurotic and like the toilet seat lid down at all times when not in use after reading an article that microscopic fecal matter is flung from the toilet onto your toothbrush and other things when you flush with the lid up so since then it must be down at all times and even though it took some getting used to on their part they have agreed to cater to my craziness and close it (well slam it down at 2am and wake me up but you can't have everything) They were willing to compromise on the lid down thing but refuse to flush in the middle of the night. They claim it's because they don't want to wake us being as the toilet is next to our room but DH said it wouldn't bother him, that it bothers him more that it's not flushed. They will pee several times without flushing making a massive bowl of pee and DH refuses to pee unless it's flushed because he thinks it will splash back at him lol. Every time he wakes up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I hear "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" and I know that it means a big bowl of pee.
So what is your take.... are you ok with "if it's yellow let it mellow" or are you a "flush it down right away" person. I could care less either way but would like different takes on the matter to share with my DH.
Posted 11/16/10 6:51 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
It has to be flushed.... I have a strong sense of smell, and my gag reflex kicks in if pee has been sitting there for a while. Definitely not the feeling I want if I have to use the toilet in the middle of the night...
If they can follow your "seat down" rule, why can't they follow DH's "flush it down" rule? Doesn't seem any different to me.
Also, you can get a soft-close seat pretty cheap from HD. You can't slam them down at all. I got one for DC's bathroom.
Posted 11/16/10 7:10 AM |
He's coming soon!
Member since 4/10 4260 total posts
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
Posted by GoldenRod
Also, you can get a soft-close seat pretty cheap from HD. You can't slam them down at all. I got one for DC's bathroom.
GREAT IDEA!! We need a new one anyway because they cracked the seat from slamming it down!!!
Posted 11/16/10 7:15 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 1245 total posts
Name: Ilana
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
If DH and I have to use the bathroom around the same time we will always tell the other one that we'll 'pee on your pee'...that's the only time we let it mellow though haha.
Posted 11/16/10 7:59 AM |

Member since 2/07 17374 total posts
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
i know that it saves on water usage... BUT...
no one should be exposed to another's waste material... unless your changing your child's diaper.
i agree with shawn, if they can put the seat down, they can flush the toilet
Posted 11/16/10 8:05 AM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
Put the seat down AND flush.
Posted 11/16/10 8:11 AM |
best buds!

Member since 5/09 11524 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
My ILs do this, and its for cesspool purposes, but it makes me gag. Thank god DH doesnt do it here.
Posted 11/16/10 8:11 AM |
Im obsessed w my lil man!

Member since 3/09 2528 total posts
Name: K
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
Grossss I am with you! Flush it people!!
Posted 11/16/10 8:14 AM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
FLUSH!!!!! I am sorry but the last thing I want to see when I wake up is pee from someone else from the night before. Even "fresh" pee. Really that's just gross!!!!!
Posted 11/16/10 8:22 AM |
Baby Girl
Member since 6/09 3882 total posts
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
Flush it ASAP. If it wakes someone up, it's momentary ... it's not as if the flush is so loud it would jar you out of sleep and keep you up the rest of the night.
Posted 11/16/10 8:33 AM |
* Lovin my baby girl!!! *

Member since 2/09 6243 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
eww... I flush at ALL times and think its really gross when I go to use the bathroom only to find a nice bowl of yellow piss water staring me in the face... not to mention the smell it sometimes carries... ugh... i am repulsed by it... And yes I 1000% agree with your hubby on the whole "splash effect"... just nasty...
Posted 11/16/10 8:36 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/09 5981 total posts
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
I was thinking they probably don't want to wake you up since she probably would have to flush 10 times a night. my FIL does this, everytime I use the bathroom in their house there is yellow piss , so disgusting!!!!
Message edited 11/16/2010 9:13:35 AM.
Posted 11/16/10 9:12 AM |

Member since 1/10 21015 total posts
Name: Ang
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
every once in a while i will forget to flush... i never ever let it sit there on purpose...
Posted 11/16/10 9:14 AM |
Member since 8/05 25463 total posts
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
Posted 11/16/10 9:19 AM |
missing my baby

Member since 1/10 1359 total posts
Name: Brittany
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
that's pretty digusting! like ilana, we only don't flush if one of us is peeing right after the other....
if i was living in another person's home i would never leave my pee in the toilet!!!!! i would tell them that they need to respect your dh's wishes and flush the toilet after they pee!
Posted 11/16/10 9:20 AM |
Cocktail Time!

Member since 10/08 4978 total posts
Name: American mouth
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
We always flush, but we have to leave the lid up bc our kitties drink straight from the bowl, no matter how many times I try to get them to use a water bowl
Posted 11/16/10 9:21 AM |

Member since 11/08 3783 total posts
Name: :)
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
9 months pregnant.. I pee every 5 minutes and I flush everytime. I think its so gross not to
I do know people who do this... and to each their own.. but it wouldn't fly in my house.
Posted 11/16/10 9:23 AM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
you must flush.
This should not be debated.
people do this in my office!!!!!
Posted 11/16/10 9:40 AM |
Happily Ever After

Member since 9/08 2534 total posts
Name: N
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
It's disgusting not to flush. I would rather be woken up a million times by flushin sounds then to wake up to a bowl full of mixed pee. It's gross and not hygenic!
Posted 11/16/10 9:40 AM |

Member since 5/05 13736 total posts
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
I have never understood why anyone would NOT flush after going to the bathroom.
Posted 11/16/10 9:44 AM |
Two girls!

Member since 12/09 2971 total posts
Name: Cari
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
OMG People FLUSH THE TOILET, my gawd. That is so gross
Posted 11/16/10 9:53 AM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
If they already compromised on the lid recently, I'd consider if this is a battle you want to fight right now. You are their guests and it is their home, so although you should find ways to coexist peacefully, I think it's a delicate situation when you ask your hosts to change their ways for you. Perhaps you could find something else to compromise for them, to help the situation when you bring it up.
Posted 11/16/10 10:01 AM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
Secondly, I would just get used to flushing before I sit.
Posted 11/16/10 10:05 AM |
It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07 6453 total posts
Name: Jeannine
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
The ONLY time I follow the "mellow yellow" rule is when we are up at camp. The camp has a small septic tank and uses a well, so conservation is important.
I do know that conservation is ALWAYS important but I hate pee being left in the bowl, the thought the smell I am also like your DH I will flush before I go if there is pee in the bowl (for the same reason! )
ugh, i hate mellow yellow
Posted 11/16/10 10:30 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/06 686 total posts
Name: Fran
Re: The "if it's yellow let it mellow" debate
I have a weird issue with peeing on top of other peoples pee. I know its irrational but I feel like there will be some wacked out chemical reaction - like bleach and ammonia! When my in laws visit, they do the same thing. Dont flush in the middle of the night to not be noisy. I dont mind the noise, I mind the PEEEEEEE!!!!!! I would have to flush first
Posted 11/16/10 10:45 AM |
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