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Things our kids will never know....

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LIF Adult

Member since 9/12

901 total posts


Things our kids will never know....

Reading this stuff has made me realize how completely lazy we've become and how easy our kids will have it!!

Posted 1/30/14 10:02 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Love being a Mom

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Re: Things our kids will never know....

Posted by WannaBeAMom11

Cassette tapes unraveling and having to use a pen to fix it.

Blowing on a Nintendo game to get it to work

Brings back memories!!!! Blowing into the nintendo game is classic!

Posted 1/30/14 10:32 AM

Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

Posted by Eunified

OMG I remember recording stuff on a tape on the VCR. One time my brother recorded over my Saved By The Bell recorded episodes and I flipped my sh*t. lmao.

LOL!!! recording over shows on the tape!

I love this thread

Posted 1/30/14 10:34 AM

Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12

14481 total posts


Things our kids will never know....

Autocorrect. So our kids will never need to know how to spell. Awesome.

Posted 1/30/14 10:49 AM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Things our kids will never know....

Speaking of No security at the airport, remember being able to go all the way to the gate to say goodbye to someone. And watching their plane take off. We were talking about that the other day.

Playing Vinyl Records. Antennas on TVS and the Dial to change the channel before remotes.

Playing Carmen San Diego at school computers and being super excited.

Typewriters, and having to put the white tape and aligning it back to erase a letter or word.

Script/cursive writing

Message edited 1/30/2014 11:11:45 AM.

Posted 1/30/14 11:10 AM

Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07

8806 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

Posted by ANewDayHasCome

This is a good one....when I needed to be picked up after school from practice I would call my mom collect and the part where you say your name I would say very quickly. It',

Ha! I used to do that too!! Chat Icon

Typewriters. The first typing class I had in HS was on a typewriter. And if you made a mistake you had to use that white correction film paper.

Recording songs from the radio and getting so mad if the DJ spoke over it or cut it short Chat Icon

How about pencil cases? Are those things still around??

External Image

Posted 1/30/14 11:17 AM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Things our kids will never know....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
At the DJ talking. You get so mad because it took you forever to wait for that song to come on and record it in time and then it was ruined with the DJ's big mouth.Chat Icon

I used to do the collect call thing. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/30/14 11:23 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/07

806 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

Losing touch w people. Social media makes it so that you can stay in touch w people you formerly had in your life forever, should you choose to.

Waiting until they get home to check their email. That used to feel like a fun treat at the end of my day. Now I check all day long on my phone.

Not being able to share every thought or action instantly with anyone or everyone. Remember having to wait until you got home to talk to your family or call your friends?

Our grandkids are gonna laugh w their frirnd's about us. The old "When I as your age..." will go from having walked to school uphill in the snow w no shoes on, to not having the Internet. And they won't even be able to fully comprehend what that means!

Posted 1/30/14 11:25 AM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

Posted by Sash

Playing Carmen San Diego at school computers and being super excited.

Or the Oregon Trail! Chat Icon

Posted 1/30/14 11:51 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

Posted by Sash

Playing Vinyl Records.

Script/cursive writing

And taping pennies to the needle arm so it wouldn't skip

Posted 1/30/14 12:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1193 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

Posted by LIRascal

ooooooo pay phones. yes! Those 40 cents calls to Queens.

Beepers! I am adding beepers to the list!

and the beeper codes!

07734 Hello
123 I miss you
143 I love you

Posted 1/30/14 12:27 PM

Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07

8806 total posts


Things our kids will never know....

Slamming down a telephone Chat Icon

If they get really mad, they'll just swipe the screen and hit the "end call' button hard! lol

Message edited 1/30/2014 12:33:23 PM.

Posted 1/30/14 12:32 PM


Member since 1/09

18021 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

Travel agents
Yellow Pages/White Pages
Video rental stores - Especially Mom & Pop ones with the vinyl accordion doors leading to the 18 & over section Chat Icon

Posted 1/30/14 12:36 PM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

what it's like to not have a microwave.

having to learn how to insert film into a camera

what it's like to ride in the back of a stationwagon lol

to use carbon paper (ugh.. I had 1 match teacher that made us do our hw with this).

what it's like to memorize people's phone numbers.

to have to read through a cd booklet to know the lyrics of a song.

Message edited 1/30/2014 4:50:27 PM.

Posted 1/30/14 4:49 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

Posted by Ayne11

Travel agents

This makes me so sad... I was a travel agent for 11 years Chat Icon

I also miss walking to school or riding bikes all over town without supervision. I remember being 10 and my mom sent me to Foodtown to get bread or eggs and I'd put them in my basket.

Dh's mom used to send him to the corner store for cigarettes Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/30/14 4:49 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


Things our kids will never know....

And whomever mentioned the autocorrect or spell-check feature, you're right on the money. I already find myself hating it on my android phone. My children will learn how to spell, and write their spelling words in cursive with a pen and paper!

Wow I sound old. Chat Icon

Posted 1/30/14 4:51 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

How to fold up a note and fling it across the classroom so it reaches the right person. Or the feeling you get when it doesn't. Chat Icon

Posted 1/30/14 5:32 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Things our kids will never know....

Only using your cell phone on nights and weekends or in your calling circle.
Getting records for Christmas and thinking it's a huge deal.
Watching the same movie over and over again on your VCR because it was too expensive to buy more.
Music on MTV
Waiting to use the phone because your sister is on it.
Listening to a song over and over again to write down the lyrics and always getting them wrong.
Having to tape Days of our Lives because you were at school and then for some reason it didn't tape and you were out of luck seeing that episode.

Posted 1/30/14 6:14 PM


Member since 10/08

1838 total posts


Things our kids will never know....

Hand writing letters to people and having pen pals.

Actually having to sit through commercials (pre-dvr) and not being able to pause or rewind. I remember getting mad when something/someone made me miss the last few minutes of a show or movie.

Message edited 1/30/2014 6:26:04 PM.

Posted 1/30/14 6:21 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

Posted by alli3131

I'm old so I still had 8 track tapes!!!!! My favorite one was Blondie!!!!!

I didn't even have a VCR or even a tv remote for most of my youth!!!!

Or even cable tv!!!!

I was thinking that.. HEY *I* had 8 Tracks Barry Manilow baby! Chat Icon

Atari 2600 and the lack of a button.. because that's all you had ... a stick and a button.. Pac Man was so different on the screen vs arcade.

Guns on TV

Smoking on TV

Getting up to change the channel

Posted 1/30/14 6:26 PM

Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12

14481 total posts


Re: Things our kids will never know....

Posted by LIRascal

And whomever mentioned the autocorrect or spell-check feature, you're right on the money. I already find myself hating it on my android phone. My children will learn how to spell, and write their spelling words in cursive with a pen and paper!

Wow I sound old. Chat Icon

Haha. That was me.

Posted 1/30/14 7:28 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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