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Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

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Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

I know that I am good at writing resumes, and I have a lot of experience in job searching, interviewing, etc. I feel like I can take my experiences--- and parlay that into a little side business.

I see so many people on here looking for a job-- that I thought that maybe if I advertised on here, and like on craig's list or something that I'll be able to build up enough awareness.

Thought I would charge like $50/resume plus a phone consultation to start.

Do you think that there is a strong need for this?? I see services all the time- but they seem so impersonal.

Posted 9/23/06 10:38 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

6794 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

maybe a market for those new to the industry (college grads) but not for those w/ expereince. maybe i am wrong but how can one not know how to create a resume?

Posted 9/23/06 10:40 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

I think that's a GREAT idea!

Posted 9/23/06 10:40 AM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Posted by skew

maybe a market for those new to the industry (college grads) but not for those w/ expereince. maybe i am wrong but how can one not know how to create a resume?

Yeah-- I think A LOT of young people have problems-- but I have seen people my age with terrible resumes.

Posted 9/23/06 10:41 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Posted by skew

maybe a market for those new to the industry (college grads) but not for those w/ expereince. maybe i am wrong but how can one not know how to create a resume?

age & experience has nothing to do with it. some people need help

Posted 9/23/06 10:41 AM

designer mutt

Member since 5/05

4239 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

I'll let you use mine as your guinea pig Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/06 10:44 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Posted by suvenR

I'll let you use mine as your guinea pig Chat Icon Chat Icon

not so fast missy! I was first in line Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/06 10:45 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

I think it is a great idea. Writing a resume I think is tricky. You want to make sure that you are gearing it towards the particular job you are appling for and not everyone knows how to do it, I certainly don't.

Posted 9/23/06 10:46 AM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Posted by suvenR

I'll let you use mine as your guinea pig Chat Icon Chat Icon

well-- I can do yours and you can submit a testimonial!

Posted 9/23/06 10:46 AM

Unconditional Love

Member since 4/06

6005 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Would you be advising or would you actually have jobs to recm'd to your clients?

I only ask b/c I used to work for a staffing firm, and we revised/wrote resumes, advised on careers/goals, and then actually sent candidates on interviews.

Since there are many recruiting/staffing firms out there that provide the services you're looking to offer in addition to the repoire they have with the companies may have a bit of a big competition ahead of you.

Please don't take this as me shooting down your dreams or anything. I'm just giving my honest feedback having worked in the business.

You could possibly apply for a position with a staffing firm that's already established on a part-time basis, rather than doing it on your own.

Posted 9/23/06 10:47 AM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

OK girls-- I am going to do it!

At least I can start small and advertise here (pending prices) and on Craig's List.

I can also use you guys to spread the word for me!!

Posted 9/23/06 10:48 AM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

do it randi - you are eloquent in your writing and i think youd be a great resume writer

good luck!

Posted 9/23/06 10:49 AM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Posted by ChrissynRicky

Would you be advising or would you actually have jobs to recm'd to your clients?

I only ask b/c I used to work for a staffing firm, and we revised/wrote resumes, advised on careers/goals, and then actually sent candidates on interviews.

Since there are many recruiting/staffing firms out there that provide the services you're looking to offer in addition to the repoire they have with the companies may have a bit of a big competition ahead of you.

Please don't take this as me shooting down your dreams or anything. I'm just giving my honest feedback having worked in the business.

You could possibly apply for a position with a staffing firm that's already established on a part-time basis, rather than doing it on your own.

I have met with many staffing firms-- and maybe because my resume didn't need tweaking-- no one ever made any comments-- it may depend on your industry.

I really am thinking about doing this on the side-- I already work a 50+ hour work week. It can bring in some extra money and I like helping people.

Posted 9/23/06 10:50 AM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

I don't know about demand, but I remember when I was at Dowling, there was a woman charging $200-250 per resume and she was very popular.

I think $50 is way too low, IMO.

Posted 9/23/06 10:52 AM


Member since 8/06

2759 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

i think its a great Idea..I tried to write my own resume many many times and I either ended up with too much info ..or too little info..Chat Icon Chat Icon so when I did need a resume (when I was thinking of leaving current job) I tried to find someone and couldnt find anyone who did resumes ,so give it a try..good luck!!!

Posted 9/23/06 10:56 AM

designer mutt

Member since 5/05

4239 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Posted by randella

Posted by suvenR

I'll let you use mine as your guinea pig Chat Icon Chat Icon

well-- I can do yours and you can submit a testimonial!


Posted 9/23/06 10:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

6794 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

Posted by skew

maybe a market for those new to the industry (college grads) but not for those w/ expereince. maybe i am wrong but how can one not know how to create a resume?

age & experience has nothing to do with it. some people need help

i suppose you are right. i just can't imagine someone being in the industry for sometime and not having resume writing skills.

Posted 9/23/06 10:56 AM

27 dresses.?.ha..TY everyone

Member since 8/06

1527 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Totally do it. At my job this week, the HR dept. passed around some resumes they received for positions this week. Some people....whoa. Some guy said he had experience at a magazine, yet wrote "Summery of Experrence"...yikes....we all got a kick out of these. Some people have no idea how to proofread!!

Posted 9/23/06 11:07 AM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

thanks girls-- I totally appreciate the support.

Maybe I can have different levels of pricing.

Like $50 for a proof and minor tweaks

$100 for a revision of an existing resume

And $175 for a new resume from scratch based on info provided.

Think that's fair?? I need to do more research. I really started thinking about it last night-- and now I am trying to cook, research and I gotta get in the shower to head to my parents..

Posted 9/23/06 11:26 AM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

you would be surprised at some of the resumes I have seen over the years

80% of them are really bad-

Posted 9/23/06 12:14 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Posted by MrsPorkChop

do it randi - you are eloquent in your writing and i think youd be a great resume writer

good luck!

i agree!! good luck with it! Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/06 12:23 PM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

24460 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

Go for it, good luck Randi !!!!

Posted 9/23/06 1:15 PM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

GREAT idea! A few years ago I would have definitely paid for this (I don't need it now) but I had been looking for someone to do this!

The only thing I would suggest is see if there is a course or something you could take to put on your adverstisements that makes you have more experience. If I saw you were certified in communications or some type of certification having to do with this field I'd be more willing to pay for your services (just a suggestion).

Oh and you could post fliers at the local colleges and libraries too - I sometimes see things like this.

Good luck!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/06 3:08 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

I think its a great idea. People jsut dont know what to write, years ago when I was hiring for a mental helath counselor someone actually wrote that they would be good because they suffered from "chronic candida". yeah your yeast infections really make you empathetic.

recently I was reviewing an MDs resume. he was and MD in another country and now looking for a job here. His resume said he was #1 on his swimming team in 197o something and he had 1 line about being an internist for many years.

Please help these people Chat Icon

Posted 9/23/06 5:24 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Thinking of starting a resume writing business..

thank you all so much for the votes of confidence and encouragement.

I am going to work to get a web site up and talk to my accountant and get up and running- I have already contacted LIF about advertising opportunities!!!

Posted 9/23/06 7:16 PM
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