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those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

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Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

Mine were all impacted and two of them had cists on them. I had two at a time and it took about 3 days to fully feel OK. the first time, I had anesthesia and ended up with a puss sack, which was really painful. The second time I only had Novicain and it was better in two days and in three days I was totaly fine.

Posted 5/31/06 9:23 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

i had one top one pulled - regular novicane- pulled at 7pm, felt fine at 10pm--- had no stitches easy pull----

now dh had 2 pulled in the morning, had a stich done- and was put out for it- only soft foods for the rest of the day---

my coworker had all 4 pulled, came into work 2 days later and looked like a chipmunk with the cheeks....

Posted 5/31/06 9:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

How do they tell whether to put you under or to just use novacaine??? I mean I need four done but they are not impacted?? I guess Ill ask my dr but i was hoping some of you would know. I never was under anesthesia and am a little nervous...

Posted 5/31/06 10:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I really don't remember but the first time when I was under it I woke up hysterical crying and didn't stop for like 10 minutes. But I was also laughing at the same time saying "I don't know why I'm crying." Is someone driving you home? You definitely won't be able to drive after. I hope it goes ok and you feel fine afterwards!!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/06 10:13 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I really did not have a bad experience at all-- I hardly remember them coming out really.. I remember being in pain and it being very hard to eat for the first day or two BUT I did not get very swollen and I felt pretty ok the next day if I remember correctly. I do remember that I expected it to be terrible, and it really wasn't that bad. I lived alone at the time and was able to take care of myself just fine.

Posted 5/31/06 10:19 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I had 2 that were impacted. It took several days to 1 week for me to feel good again. Several years later, I had the other 2 pulled. I was fine the next day. I was surprised how much better that experience was than the impacted teeth. I only had novocaine with the pulled teeth, and I don't think I had anesthesia with my impacted teeth.

Posted 6/1/06 10:36 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I had one that was infected and that was a doozy. But then I got the other 3 out at the same time (they were impacted) and it was fine. I was OK in like 2 days.

Posted 6/1/06 10:38 AM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

Posted by kdelace

How do they tell whether to put you under or to just use novacaine??? I mean I need four done but they are not impacted?? I guess Ill ask my dr but i was hoping some of you would know. I never was under anesthesia and am a little nervous...

They let me choose. I was hesitant because I also had never gone under and it makes many people sick, and the last thing you want is to be throwing up while your mouth is all bloody. I also heard they are more gentle when you are awake for it.

My insurance covered novocaine but not anesthesia, but that's not why I chose it.

Posted 6/1/06 10:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

mine were impacted and i had all four taken out at the same time. it wasnt bad for me. just a litle pain and swelling. i went back in a week to have my stitches taken out (the ones that didn't dissolve) i actually stayed out from work the whole week (didnt feel like going back) but really i could've went back to work in 3 days. it wasnt that bad for me anyways but like you said everyone is different w/pain

Posted 6/1/06 11:01 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I did not have all of mine done at once but I was fine within a day or 2.

Posted 6/1/06 11:03 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I got them all out at once and it was not that bad. I took off that day & the next day b/c I was on Vicodin & I could not drive. The pain was not bad at all, and I was just sore for a day or 2. The best thing (other than the Vix) was the cold packs on my face every 20 minutes. It really helped the swelling and the soreness.

Posted 6/1/06 11:04 AM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

get them all out at once

it took me about 2 or 3 days-

Posted 6/1/06 11:59 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

Impacted too - 2 out - it took about 3-4 days for the puffiness to go away. The stiches, for me, were the worst part. Yuck!

No reaction to the anesthesia at all.

Posted 6/1/06 11:59 AM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I had 3 out at once, all impacted I think i was out of commission for about 2 days, the day I got it done and the following day.

I wouldnt worry about the anestesia. I was terrified. It was a pediatric IV so you barely noticed and I woke up hysterical laughing!!!

To me it was more pain when one started to come in than getting them out was!

ETA: I didnt have any puffiness either.

Message edited 6/1/2006 12:57:26 PM.

Posted 6/1/06 12:57 PM

C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I had all four taken out last summer and recovery for me was a bit longer! I think it took 2 weeks to really go back to "normal" I took good care of the holes in my mouth! The surgeon was suprised! I lost a bit of weight as well.

I would never do two at a time and expereince this again! Good Luck!

Posted 6/1/06 1:16 PM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I've had two taken out, on two different occasions, but by the same oral surgeon, both lower, both impacted.
The first one I just did novacane, the took was hooked, so I had to listen to them break it and then take the pieces out, I decided for the second to get knocked out.
So, the second one, I went under, they took the tooth, and removed a cyst they found, and everything was fine, until I developed dry socket, and OMG was that awful!

Posted 6/1/06 1:25 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I got 2 out at once and the pain lasted for about 4 hours and the stiches were taken out after 10 days.

Posted 6/1/06 1:30 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I had all 4 pulled at once. The first 24 were tough but after that, other than swelling, I was okay pain wise. The swelling lasted a few days, good luckChat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 1:33 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

Posted by nov04libride

They let me choose. I was hesitant because I also had never gone under and it makes many people sick, and the last thing you want is to be throwing up while your mouth is all bloody.

This happened to me and it was the pits.

I had an impacted tooth done under novacaine, with sweet air. It wasn't bad.

Posted 6/1/06 1:52 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: those who have had wisdom teeth pulled...

I had two done together via oral surgery (not pulled) on a Friday afternoon and went to work on Monday. I really didn't have much pain at all just a little swelling and slightly swollen still on Monday but nothing too noticable if you didn't know me well. I was told you couldn't eat and stuff and I was eating normally the next day with nothing more than some advil here and there.

Posted 6/1/06 1:52 PM
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