I spoke with his vascular surgeon today. He is going to clean out the dead muscle tomorrow. He may have to do more surgery to clean it out more afterwards but he said that that has been draining his kidney functions and could help his kidneys recover even partially which would be great. he also said it is creating a septic condition in his body which could explain why he is so sick and having multi system failure. Now this is just an opinion from him but it made me more hopeful that Fred may actually recover and I mean recover as Fred and not just a shell of himself. I know he has a long way to go but I am cautiously optimistic after speaking to the doc. The best part is that the leg will probably recover at about 80% which could mean that if all goes right (please pray) with the rest of the organs and his brain, that he may not end up disabled at all. I can hope that it goes that way, but I always say, we plan and God laughs.
HEY GOD! Are you listening? I'm not laughing!!!!
They will continue to keep him sedated since he get's agitated with the intubation and the fact that he has pain from the surgery.