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Thyroid disease

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Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Thyroid disease

Any TTC'ers have it?

I was feeling like although I had high TSH and just started the snythroid, that it was still borderline and Ok...My last TSH showed over 6.
WELL...I just saw a thread on another TTC website where a lot of the ladies said abything over 5 is not optimal for TTC, ovulating or sustaing a pregnancy..

I cant seem to find definative answers anywhere.

One Women said her Dr refused to let her TTC untill her level was under 5....

This is starting to make me nervous Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/05 10:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: Thyroid disease

I just got some blood work results, and it shows my TSH # (1.38) and what is considered a "reference" range of 0.50 - 5.50

So I guess over 5.50 is outside the reference range, but that may or may not be something to worry about.

What did your doctor say about your results?

Message edited 9/1/2005 10:46:08 PM.

Posted 9/1/05 10:45 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Thyroid disease

See my range result ( paperowrk) said high was at 4.5
Thats what I mean about all the different results??

The Dr's said yes it can cause infertility and it can though be controlled, and it can cause M/c and stillborn and thought that might be half of my issues, I have had both. They felt they want me in the 2 at highest range, but for TTC would prefer 1-1.5 range.

I really dont understand it all...

im probably more then likely freaking our over nothing, I didnt see anything on line except this one site and thread that talked like these ladies did..and yes it put the fear into me! LOL

I know the meds have to be adjusted a lot to get into a good groove...and Im nervous about having IUI's done without being in the normal range and having a M/C...

Posted 9/1/05 10:54 PM

Should be working

Member since 5/05

2824 total posts


Re: Thyroid disease

I have hypothyroid and every time I go to my endocrinologist they ask if I am TTC b/c the TSH levels must be in normal range. (mine still aren't). I would suggest going to see a reproductive endocrinologist - they are experts in this very issue. Dr. Marie Gelato at Stony Brook is very good.

Posted 9/2/05 7:19 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Thyroid disease

Thyroid Forum

This is a helpful forum with very knowledgable people. Try posting your question here.

Posted 9/2/05 9:03 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Thyroid disease

Donna, I have tons of information on thyroid disease. I have graves disease which is hyperthyroidism. Ideally, when ttc, your tsh level should be .5-2.5. Some even say between a 1-2. Your t3 and t4 levels are also very important when determining what's going on with your thyroid. You may not be ovulating properly when it's higher or lower. Your follicules may be growing slower and not maturing. You will have a hard time fertilizing a small egg....or a mature egg. It gets confusing but once again. Please forum mail me, and I can try to send you some great websites with information. Although you already see an RE, you should in addition see an endocrinologist, who specializes in thyroid issues. I love my endo if you need a reference let me know.

Posted 9/2/05 9:18 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Thyroid disease

Thanks all and Michelle-

Bottom line is what can be done? Just the meds?

This cycle the follies were NOT growing well and that was my major concern- too immature eggs....

and I had 3 days of a lh surge which is weird...

Posted 9/2/05 6:51 PM

baby boy coming spring '11

Member since 5/05

3133 total posts


Re: Thyroid disease

I was diagnosed with hypothyroid disease in July. My TSH was 150!Chat Icon Needless to say, I haven't been ovulating maybe due to this. I started Levoxyl, and my TSH is now down to 40. My endocronologist does not want me to try until TSH is in the normal range. He said it can take a few months for this to happen.

Posted 9/2/05 7:15 PM

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