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All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
tight cervix?---UPDATE
UPDATED at bottom::
Anyone ever hear of this?? I just went to the gyno for my Annual and I told him that DH and I are starting to TTC#2 so while doing the exam he says to me {did u have any issues getting prego with ur 1st child - I had used a different practice for my 1st, No I say then he asked do you experience a lot of pain when you get your period I again say no nothing that bothers me, He then said Your cervix is very tight and that he wants to "open" it to increase my chances of conceiving.. I don't know what he did but I know it hurt lol... It all went so fast I really didn't get a chance to ask him what this means or what he did but now that im home I keep thinking about it;.. Has anyone ever heard of this?????
Message edited 8/18/2013 9:50:03 AM.
Posted 8/5/13 8:15 PM |
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Re: tight cervix?
uhhh no
Posted 8/5/13 8:22 PM |
All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
Re: tight cervix?
Posted by petvet
uhhh no
I know me either.. its very odd.. im not to sure what he did to me but he apparently opened my cervix alittle more I guess we shall see if it helps.. I personally think I did not need it but he had a student training with him and I think he used this as a lessons for the student... I don't really know though I could be wrong...
Posted 8/5/13 8:30 PM |
Got my miracle
Member since 9/11 1465 total posts
Name: K
tight cervix?
I have worked for a gyno for over ten years and have never heard of this!! I will have to ask because I am very curious now.
Posted 8/6/13 8:56 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 1245 total posts
Name: Ilana
tight cervix?
That's very strange. Isn't it meant to be closed until it opens itself??
Posted 8/6/13 9:01 AM |
All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
Re: tight cervix?
Posted by MikesBride
That's very strange. Isn't it meant to be closed until it opens itself??
ugh I feel so confused about what happen ... Would it be weird if I called the office to ask what exactly he did to me?? lol
Posted 8/6/13 9:21 AM |
All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
Re: tight cervix?
Posted by KaKa2323
I have worked for a gyno for over ten years and have never heard of this!! I will have to ask because I am very curious now.
yes please do. I am almost positive he said my cervix is very tight and that by opening it will help increase my chances of getting prego. he asked if I have ever had cervix surgery or painful menstrual cycles to witch I answered no lol.. im not to sure on what he did he did not explain it all that well the whole thing happen so fast so maybe im getting it wrong please ask at ur office what he could of done :) Thanks so much
Posted 8/6/13 9:23 AM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: tight cervix?
Your cervix changes throughout your cycle- opens and closes by itself lol he cannot manually open it. This is making me nervous.
Posted 8/6/13 2:14 PM |
All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
Re: tight cervix?
I just called the office and the nurse didn't know what I was talking about either lol . Shes going to pull my chart and see what was done and call me back. Maybe I just miss-understood him..
Posted 8/6/13 2:28 PM |
All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
Re: tight cervix?
So they called me back and said that the dr dilated my cervix alittle. that the opening was on the small side and since this week I should be ovulating that sometimes dilating ur cervix and help with conceiving... She said that there was no harm in trying it and that it would only increases not decrees my chances of conceiving.. I guess we will see in a couple of weeks lol...
Posted 8/6/13 3:17 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Re: tight cervix?
Well at least you got an explanation...Still seems a bit odd to me but if it increases your changes I guess why not?
Posted 8/6/13 3:47 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/13 6040 total posts
tight cervix?
I am glad you got an answer. I would make it a point to ask for a thorough explanation in the future if you're ever unsure - don't just let the doctor do something unless you're comfortable with it.
And maybe find a new practice, too!
Posted 8/6/13 6:22 PM |

Member since 1/09 4429 total posts
Name: A
Re: tight cervix?
first reading this I like whaaa!! But then I saw that you called and got an explanation. Good for you.
Never heard of the cervix thing though.
Posted 8/6/13 8:47 PM |
All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
Re: tight cervix?
Posted by Kitten1929
I am glad you got an answer. I would make it a point to ask for a thorough explanation in the future if you're ever unsure - don't just let the doctor do something unless you're comfortable with it.
And maybe find a new practice, too!
this is a new practice for me but came highly recommended by a couple of people.. I lerned my lesson and will deff ask more questions next time I go in!
Posted 8/6/13 9:29 PM |
Love her!
Member since 2/08 3673 total posts
tight cervix?
This whole thing makes me very uncomfortable and unhappy for you. May I ask who your OBGYN is? The fact that he had a student training with him and used you as his guinea pig bothers me too. Sorry, I'm just a bit disturbed by this altogether!
Posted 8/6/13 9:29 PM |
My family is complete
Member since 1/12 2338 total posts
Re: tight cervix?
Posted by BabyLove08
This whole thing makes me very uncomfortable and unhappy for you. May I ask who your OBGYN is? The fact that he had a student training with him and used you as his guinea pig bothers me too. Sorry, I'm just a bit disturbed by this altogether!
I agree!!
Posted 8/7/13 12:29 AM |
All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
Re: tight cervix?
Just wanted to update everyone..
Yesterday morning I got my BFP!
Posted 8/18/13 9:11 AM |
He is my world!

Member since 6/12 3009 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: tight cervix?---UPDATE
Posted 8/18/13 10:06 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/12 997 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: tight cervix?---UPDATE
I was reading the whole thread thinking omg I never heard of that and how I would be a little upset. Then I saw your update. Congrats! Guess he knew what he was doing lol
Posted 8/18/13 10:29 AM |
All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
Re: tight cervix?---UPDATE
Posted by edfilippi
I was reading the whole thread thinking omg I never heard of that and how I would be a little upset. Then I saw your update. Congrats! Guess he knew what he was doing lol
I know it seems so strange and NOONE I talked to has ever heard of this happening expect for women who are going threw IVF or about to I believe but it may be coincidence or could be from the procedure I guess ill never know but ill take it.. lol
Thanks everyone! :)
Posted 8/18/13 10:55 AM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: tight cervix?---UPDATE
Congrats!!! Wow, I guess he is an innovative Dr! I wish my OB/GYN would get off his a$$ and think outside the box sometimes.
Posted 8/18/13 12:43 PM |
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Member since 8/11 6338 total posts
Name: Theresa
tight cervix?---UPDATE
Posted 8/18/13 1:45 PM |
My little pumpkin is here!!!!

Member since 10/08 3369 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: tight cervix?---UPDATE
Posted 8/18/13 6:30 PM |
In love with my baby girl <3
Member since 2/11 1417 total posts
Name: Booshka
tight cervix?---UPDATE
Amazing!! Congrats!!
Posted 8/18/13 7:44 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/13 1058 total posts
Re: tight cervix?---UPDATE
Don't think its coincidence...that's amazing!! congrats!!!
Posted 8/18/13 9:13 PM |
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