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Luckiest Mom of 2 girls!
Member since 8/07 1606 total posts
tips for long car ride...4 month old
we're going to vermont for a long weekend. any tips for travelling with a 4 month old?
Posted 9/8/08 12:47 PM |
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Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: tips for long car ride...4 month old
DD was so easy on long car rides back then. Other than having a mirror with "things" on it (I had the Rainforst mirror) we didn't really *do* anything.
I made sure she ate right before we left so she'd sleep. If she woke up and started to fuss, we'd stop to feed and change her.
Posted 9/8/08 12:57 PM |
Luckiest Mom of 2 girls!
Member since 8/07 1606 total posts
Re: tips for long car ride...4 month old
Posted 9/8/08 1:03 PM |
Love him!
Member since 10/07 3189 total posts
Re: tips for long car ride...4 month old
We went to Maine with Logan when he was 9 weeks old.........we dreaded the trip to tell the truth
Surprisingly..........he did wonderful!! We left at 7 AM ( I knew he would sleep for a bit after he his 6am feeding) and he slept until 10AM!!! Our first rest stop was in New Hampshire!!
I always had a bottle ready with some room temp water and a scoop of formula ready to mix in to hold him off in his seat if we couldn't stop IMMEDIATELY!!
Otherwise, I just planning on warming the bottle under warm water in the sink at the restroom.
I didn't need much more then that in the car for him.......i sat in the back with him & had some rattles & toys to hold up for him to see.
I also made sure to have a blanket to cover the side of his car seat where the sun was shining especially when he slept.
Posted 9/8/08 1:05 PM |
Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06 7392 total posts
Name: Holly
Re: tips for long car ride...4 month old
we just took a trip to vermont on Labor Day weekend.
i was dreading the trip to the point where we almost didn't go.
Well, DS (4 1/2 mos old) did wonderfully.
we left at 7PM (that's his bedtime) and he slept the whole way. we transferred him from his carseat to PNP without so much as a peep from him.
Then we fed him at 11AM, left at noon. he slept till 3:30. We stopped, fed him again. he was awake and fine for about 30 minutes before he dropped off to snooze again and woke up about 15 minutes from home.
I actually sat in the back seat with him bc I was so nervous but I totally didn't need to. he was fine both ways.
Posted 9/8/08 1:13 PM |
How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07 8257 total posts
Name: Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena
Re: tips for long car ride...4 month old
Kristina has been on a 4 hour trip to our upstate house a couple of times since we've been back home.
I bring her toys with me that I know she loves, and this last time... in lieu of bringing her formula prepared already, I filled up the bottles w/6oz of water, and packed a baggie w/3 scoops of formula for each bottle that I had w/water.
You may want to sit in the back with him if he starts to get fussy, but I would def recommend a mirror.... I have the rainforest one as well!
Posted 9/8/08 1:37 PM |
Where Does The Time Go?

Member since 11/07 4619 total posts
Re: tips for long car ride...4 month old
DH and I have driven with DS to Boston a couple times. I gave DS some BM for his first feed of the day. As soon as he was done, we left for our trip. He slept through almost half of the ride, and when he woke up he was happily looking out the window. The rest of the time he was watching the Fisher Price Auto Mirror that we have installed (Laugh and Learn version). The music from the mirror drove DH and I nuts, but it kept him preoccupied during the ride. I gave DS a new bottle of RTF during the drive so that we didn't have to heat up the bottle. The only time we stopped was for DH and I to eat and to do a quick diaper change.
Posted 9/8/08 1:49 PM |