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Tips to work on organization and responsibility

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2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17795 total posts


Tips to work on organization and responsibility

So in 1st grade - DS got a low grade in adminsters self and personal belongings but got better as the year progressed.

Fast forward until now - 5 months of being home has made him worse than ever! He has no sense or urgency to get anywhere (and he's now at camp and playing baseball) and it's just a hot mess.

He's almost 11 - so I do assist but, in working full time from home, there's only so much that I can do! At least we got him out the door with everything he needed for camp this morning (for the first time all week).

Any tips how to get this back on track before he starts leaving the house for school 2 days a week? We bought him a phone since he will be starting middle school but he's driving us insane so we are withholding it for the time being...

Posted 8/19/20 11:27 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Tips to work on organization and responsibility

Repetitive use of organizational systems to make them second nature. To do lists placed so that he can see them and check them off daily. Going through everything the night before so that anything needed is taken care of then.

Posted 8/19/20 1:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/15

1068 total posts


Tips to work on organization and responsibility

Do you have an Alexa or similar device? My daughter leaves for school after we go to work, so she set reminders on Alexa. It says "get your backpack and get ready for the bus". Then a few minutes later, it says "get to the bus". It worked all last year (until covid) and she never missed the bus. Maybe you could set reminders of all the things he has to do?

Posted 8/21/20 2:56 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17795 total posts


Re: Tips to work on organization and responsibility

Posted by nycbuslady

Do you have an Alexa or similar device? My daughter leaves for school after we go to work, so she set reminders on Alexa. It says "get your backpack and get ready for the bus". Then a few minutes later, it says "get to the bus". It worked all last year (until covid) and she never missed the bus. Maybe you could set reminders of all the things he has to do?

That's a good idea! I will do that.

I also bought some supplies at Walmart to help us organize our school stuff better as it's going to be brought back and forth. For writing implements - I just got a second set of things at home for each kid (highlighters, pens, pencils - which I had anyway since I bought in bulk).

Posted 8/24/20 10:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

3393 total posts


Re: Tips to work on organization and responsibility

We have charts all over the house

Ex by the door “schoolbag, lunchbox, glasses, mask”

With homework “go through planner, check each finished assignment, put books back in bag, out bag by door”

Message edited 9/10/2020 6:26:53 PM.

Posted 9/10/20 6:08 PM

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