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My Girls!
Member since 5/05 2688 total posts
Name: Marybeth
Re: Toddler discipline...
Posted by Stefanie
I just started Jared on time outs about a month ago and that's when he started to understand them (21 months). I copied SuperNanny... If he's doing something wrong...I tell him if he does it again...he's going to get punished. If he does it again...I put him in a spot and tell him not to move. I keep him there for 2 minutes and then I hug and kiss him and tell him why I put him there. We go back to normal after that.
This is EXACTLY what I do.
Posted 4/24/07 7:32 AM |
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Member since 5/05 1134 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Toddler discipline...
Haven't you heard of thge 45 min rule??? I am very lucky to have a great resturant Kid.. A lesson I have learned from watching my sister and other people.. This is advice
I know they can get hungry and you want to "rush " out their food but when they are done you have to inhale your food and really not enjoy yourselves. I normally bring DD a bag of small noiseless toys to play with and we always order something that she can eat.. sometimes i even ask the waiter if you are eatring salad for some tomatos or cucmbers that shge can eat while we are waiting. Or even a piece of bread and butter works well also.
And if we go to a resturant that takes longer .. not a chain or pizza we take her for wealks to the bathroom between courses.
As for throwing food I am with everyone else.. take it away
ood luck!
Posted 4/24/07 8:00 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Toddler discipline...
Posted by Marybeth222
Posted by Stefanie
I just started Jared on time outs about a month ago and that's when he started to understand them (21 months). I copied SuperNanny... If he's doing something wrong...I tell him if he does it again...he's going to get punished. If he does it again...I put him in a spot and tell him not to move. I keep him there for 2 minutes and then I hug and kiss him and tell him why I put him there. We go back to normal after that.
This is EXACTLY what I do.
I do this also. I have some days where I have a headache from hearing myself tell Jack no all the time. I've also decided to start picking my battles a little better. I used to tell him to stop jumping on the couch and he just wont I let him do it now. It actually keeps him occupied and he makes forts with all the pillows. So as long as he is no danger I try not to be so obsessive about telling him no.
I'm scared about everyone saying that 3 is worse than 2. I seriously cannot imagine it getting worse....I will have to commit myself!
Posted 4/24/07 8:02 AM |
My Girls!
Member since 5/05 2688 total posts
Name: Marybeth
Re: Toddler discipline...
Oh boy 3....certainly is interesting.
Posted 4/24/07 8:03 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Toddler discipline...
Posted by mommy2bella
Sandra, what do you say or do when he throws food?? Bella does it when I am NOT looking...When I am she'll be an angel and say all done and give me all the food one by one, it's great (at least I taught her one thing right)
Oh you are certainly not alone!
When he does throw food, I look him straight in the eyes and say "We don't throw food!" I pick it up off the floor and put it back on the tray and make him hand it to me. I guess that's why he doesn't throw it if I'm not looking. Then I ask him if he wants to leave the table i.e. mealtime is over. He doesn't like that - especially if he's not done eating or wants dessert (fruit). If he asks for fruit after throwing food, I won't give it to him.
I can't say that this works 100% of the time, but things seem to be getting better. My problem is I have trouble following through with the consequences. They have to understand that their actions have consequences so if we give in, they don't learn that. That's the hardest part for me.
As for timeouts - Jake got his first time out last week - 1 minute. I set the kitchen timer and sat him down in a corner. I think he actually partially understood because he did not move, he actually just sat there throwing a tantrum. When it was over, I explain to him what was wrong and reassure him - that part I'm not so sure he understands yet.
Posted 4/24/07 9:49 AM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Toddler discipline...
I'm not at that point yet, but I can offer a little advice about the diaper changes. I sed to babysit a little girl who fussed and wiggled a lot during changes and I found that if I engaged her, she stayed pretty quiet. I would always put something in her hands and I would either sing (which I do with Luca when he tries to wiggle around) or I would ask her questions like, "how does the cow go? what noise does a lion make" etc...
Posted 4/24/07 10:07 AM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Toddler discipline...
Posted by nferrandi
I'm not at that point yet, but I can offer a little advice about the diaper changes. I sed to babysit a little girl who fussed and wiggled a lot during changes and I found that if I engaged her, she stayed pretty quiet. I would always put something in her hands and I would either sing (which I do with Luca when he tries to wiggle around) or I would ask her questions like, "how does the cow go? what noise does a lion make" etc...
yeah, we burned through that a month ago. For awhile late last week, when she really caught on to singing her ABC's we would sing them over and over again...
it would amaze people to see her spin move from laying down to standing up in less than two seconds... I guess bribery is the way to go, huh?
Posted 4/24/07 10:53 AM |
boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: Toddler discipline...
um Im having the exact same problem with Bryan
Posted 4/24/07 2:37 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Toddler discipline...
Posted by Moehick
I will be bookmarking this for future reference
Me too....
Posted 4/24/07 2:43 PM |
My love.

Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Toddler discipline...
No advice here - since we are also going through the same thing. It's almost like they change overnight. For me...I just take deeeep breaths and try to remain calm and unaffected by her behavior. It doesn't always work, but at least I don't have a break down too!
Hang in there!!!
Posted 4/24/07 2:51 PM |
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