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Town of Islip building permits

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Town of Islip building permits

Anyone live in Islip and have to get building permits?? I have been told you need a permit to redo your kitchen or move a wall??

Posted 4/6/09 4:32 PM
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Re: Town of Islip building permits

I had to get a permit, but I also doubled the size of my house, so it's a little hard to do that without someone noticing.... Chat Icon Chat Icon

According to their website, you basically need a permit for ANYTHING structural you do to the house...

The requirements for construction documents on interior alterations involving non load bearing systems within a one-family dwelling (i.e. garage conversion), the construction of decking less than 30 inches high, a detached accessory structure no larger than 300 square feet and no taller than 10 feet, containing no finish, including plumbing or heat are as follows:

You need a permit for altering a non load bearing wall, or making a small deck. This kind of permit is much easier to get than one for a big project.

Posted 4/7/09 7:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Re: Town of Islip building permits

Thanks, it seems so annoying! I am not changing the size of my house, just going to be redoing the kitchen!!!

Posted 4/7/09 10:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

1908 total posts


Re: Town of Islip building permits

If you're just replacing cabinets, flooring, etc. then you don't need a permit. Their concern is moving walls and making sure it's done correctly. Be aware though - once you get a permit for anything they will be doing field inspections and nail you for anything else that is not on your current CO and in compliance.

We just added a dormer and they made us pay a fine and make updates to the finished basement that the previous owners put in because it wasn't on the CO. When we pointed out that we had proof it was there before we purchased and the town had issued a new CO at that time - without noting the basement, their response was "tough - take it up with your lawyer". They also tried to question the fireplace that was there when the house was built, because they neglected to list it back in 1965. Fortunately they decided it was orgininal and added it to the CO we just received. I really hate dealing with TOI - I can see why people do things without permits after the way we were treated.

Posted 4/7/09 7:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Re: Town of Islip building permits

Posted by KLSbear

If you're just replacing cabinets, flooring, etc. then you don't need a permit. Their concern is moving walls and making sure it's done correctly. Be aware though - once you get a permit for anything they will be doing field inspections and nail you for anything else that is not on your current CO and in compliance.

We just added a dormer and they made us pay a fine and make updates to the finished basement that the previous owners put in because it wasn't on the CO. When we pointed out that we had proof it was there before we purchased and the town had issued a new CO at that time - without noting the basement, their response was "tough - take it up with your lawyer". They also tried to question the fireplace that was there when the house was built, because they neglected to list it back in 1965. Fortunately they decided it was orgininal and added it to the CO we just received. I really hate dealing with TOI - I can see why people do things without permits after the way we were treated.

Ughhh sorry to hear you had such atough time. We are going to be moving a wall. We are going to have an architect draw complete plans and use a reputable builder. I think we are going to skip the permits.... hopefully we wont have any issues!

Posted 4/8/09 9:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

1908 total posts


Re: Town of Islip building permits

I think as long as you stay inside you probably won't have a problem. The issue may come up if you ever do something that does require them to come and do on-site inspections and they question the interior walls.

Posted 4/8/09 6:54 PM

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