Transition to one nap/not wanting to sleep EVER!?
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big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Transition to one nap/not wanting to sleep EVER!?
DS is 15 months, and recently started fighting his morning nap, or, if he took his morning nap, wouldn't take an afternoon nap. So we're transitioning him to one nap, hopefully around noon.
At the same time, even at that time, when he is EXHAUSTED!, he cries hysterically as soon as we start carrying him down the hall to his room. He claws the walls, tries to push back with his feet so that I drop him, etc. He's also been hysterical going down at night.
Is this part of the transition to one nap? Any advice?
And a somewhat related question; when do you shower if you are home alone with DC and they take one nap mid-day (showering before they wake as a last resort)?
Posted 10/7/10 12:04 PM |
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love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08 10923 total posts
Name: Linda
Re: Transition to one nap/not wanting to sleep EVER!?
DS is 10 months and is transitioning himself to one nap during the week. Still naps a few times a day on weekends though.
But daycare puts him down after lunch around 12:00 and then he refused to go down for his usual 5:00 nap. I'd say get rid of the morning nap...he will be overtired at 12:00 for a while but will get used to the transition.. you kind of have to just force that nap. I sometimes revert back to bouncing DS like a newborn. DC will get the hang of the new nap schedule.
Maybe start trying to put DC down around 11:30.. he may not be overtired yet. KWIM?
Not sure about the shower thing.. not a SAHM.. good luck!!
Posted 10/7/10 12:08 PM |
big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Transition to one nap/not wanting to sleep EVER!?
Posted by Linda1003
DS is 10 months and is transitioning himself to one nap during the week. Still naps a few times a day on weekends though.
But daycare puts him down after lunch around 12:00 and then he refused to go down for his usual 5:00 nap. I'd say get rid of the morning nap...he will be overtired at 12:00 for a while but will get used to the transition.. you kind of have to just force that nap. I sometimes revert back to bouncing DS like a newborn. DC will get the hang of the new nap schedule.
Maybe start trying to put DC down around 11:30.. he may not be overtired yet. KWIM?
Not sure about the shower thing.. not a SAHM.. good luck!!
Thanks for the reply! I'm not a SAHM either; just planning ahead for weekends when DH is golfing and I'm either left unshowered or dealing with figuring this one out.
Posted 10/7/10 12:10 PM |
love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08 10923 total posts
Name: Linda
Re: Transition to one nap/not wanting to sleep EVER!?
Posted by nov04libride
Posted by Linda1003
DS is 10 months and is transitioning himself to one nap during the week. Still naps a few times a day on weekends though.
But daycare puts him down after lunch around 12:00 and then he refused to go down for his usual 5:00 nap. I'd say get rid of the morning nap...he will be overtired at 12:00 for a while but will get used to the transition.. you kind of have to just force that nap. I sometimes revert back to bouncing DS like a newborn. DC will get the hang of the new nap schedule.
Maybe start trying to put DC down around 11:30.. he may not be overtired yet. KWIM?
Not sure about the shower thing.. not a SAHM.. good luck!!
Thanks for the reply! I'm not a SAHM either; just planning ahead for weekends when DH is golfing and I'm either left unshowered or dealing with figuring this one out.
Just dont' shower!!
Posted 10/7/10 12:13 PM |
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