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Vaginal births and pushing

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C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

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Vaginal births and pushing

If you had one, did you watch your baby being born? Did you see your DC coming out?
I didn't. Is it even possible? I'm sure it is depending on the position. I don't think I can lift and hold myself up and push at the same time.


Posted 6/19/09 10:34 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

they asked me if I wanted a mirror, I opted not to, but I def think you can see the baby coming out if you want!!!

Posted 6/19/09 10:35 AM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

I didn't watch. And from what my husband says, I don't think I'd want to!!Chat Icon

Posted 6/19/09 10:37 AM

My Life. My Everything.

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

Oh it totally would have been possible if I "wanted" to... I just didn't "want" to Chat Icon

Message edited 6/19/2009 10:40:14 AM.

Posted 6/19/09 10:37 AM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

They offered me a mirror and I DID NOT want to see... At that point I was in so much pain from pushing because she had her hand on her cheek and I could feel myself tearing that I had my eyes shut when I was pushing.....

Posted 6/19/09 10:38 AM

My Life. My Everything.

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

double post - soory Chat Icon

Message edited 6/19/2009 10:39:50 AM.

Posted 6/19/09 10:39 AM

My Loves

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

I suppose it was possible but it was the absolute LAST thing I wanted to see! Chat Icon I kept my eyes closed the whole time!

I saw everything I needed to see when I was 15 in that "Miracle of Life" video. Chat Icon Forgive me for my squeamishness but there's some things I just can't look at.

Posted 6/19/09 10:39 AM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

I had the mirror for my first DD and saw the baby's head crowning & coming out. The point where I couldn't see was when the doctor was up close to me trying to ease the rest of the baby out. It was a cool experience. I really was focused on the baby so I didn't "notice" anything else.

Posted 6/19/09 10:41 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

After 61 hours of labor I asked to look for 2 seconds and then screamed to DH to get the mirror out of there! LOL.....It is possible to watch but honestly for me it made me push less because you can really see it all!! (obviously!)....I will say that DH looked which he was not sure he would be able to do( weak stomach)...even now he says it was the most amazing hting he has EVER seen and he is NOTa mushy guy at all...

Posted 6/19/09 10:45 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

I actually watched my sis deliver yesterday. It was amazing!

I even did a mini video to show her. Erased it afterwards of course.

Posted 6/19/09 10:52 AM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

I did. Not with a mirror either, but I am short and my belly wasn't very big, I couldn't see the whole thing, but I saw him coming out

Posted 6/19/09 10:54 AM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

No, but he was out in 2 pushes so it didn't even occur to me to take a peak - it was happening so quickly. I'm not sure I could have concentrated on pushing and watching at the same time anyway Chat Icon

Posted 6/19/09 11:01 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

You can request a mirror. Personally I had no interest.

Posted 6/19/09 11:18 AM


Member since 4/07

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

I didn't get offered a mirror to look, and I don't think I could have seen past my belly anyway.

When I have a 2nd, I might ask to look quickly. During this birth, DH asked if 'that black stuff was normal' when he was looking. The nurse responded "That's your baby's hair." Chat Icon Chat Icon So I think it might be interesting to see for just a second.

Posted 6/19/09 11:22 AM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

Honestly, I was pushing so hard that I had my eyes closed. But, I did feel twice and I could see the top of his head. I wasn't even offered a mirror.

Posted 6/19/09 11:44 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

They put the mirror up for me to see. I wasn't thrilled with the visual & thought it was better to concentrate on the pushing.

Posted 6/19/09 11:44 AM

Life is So Wonderful!

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

yeah you can definitely see it. I opted NOT to. i was afraid i would pass out from seeing it.

Posted 6/19/09 11:49 AM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

They wanted to get me a mirror and I opted to just have the baby come right up on my chest without watching....

Posted 6/19/09 11:51 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

i didn't with either delivery and dh was NOT supposed to but called it peer pressure and looked both times Chat Icon - I am a very modest, private person so I had no desire to see mortified me to know all the people there were seeing it...Chat Icon

Posted 6/19/09 11:55 AM

Where Does The Time Go?

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

I watched DS being born. They had a really tall mirror and angled it so that I could see everything. Honestly, I was so delirious from pushing, I had no clue what I was seeing though it was all right there in front of me in the mirror!

Posted 6/19/09 2:44 PM

<3 my family

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

first baby- no

second baby- there was a mirror on the wall opposite of my bed. I saw her head coming out when the doctor moved, I freaked out and looked awayChat Icon I had no pain meds and I felt like seeing it made it hurt worse.

third baby- yes. I was totally numb, I was able to lean forward and watch her come out. It was amazing and I would do that labor all over again any dayChat Icon

Posted 6/19/09 3:03 PM

Party of 5 - 2015

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

i kept my eyes shut.... i was going to be too freaked out to see him all blood, white goop and blue colored...

dh cut the cord- and and saw him like that...I saw him all cleaned up

Posted 6/19/09 3:04 PM

Best friends!

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

No, didn't watch...but, I really didn't have the option since I was given Demerol and was passed out practically my entire labor and would only wake up to push, then passed out again, there's no way I would have been able to see anything Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 6/19/2009 3:15:41 PM.

Posted 6/19/09 3:15 PM

Love my 4 kiddos!

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

I could have had a mirror but i so didn't want to watch. Even when they said oh there's her head, i asked my DH if he could see it and he was like, uhhh, i guess that's her head if they say so.

Posted 6/19/09 3:33 PM

Here's to new beginnings

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Re: Vaginal births and pushing

I didn't watch, but I wouldn't have minded. I was planning to ask for a mirror, but I was too focused on pushing to remember it at the time. I did reach down & feel his head as he was crowning though & I did see his body slide out.

Posted 6/19/09 3:35 PM
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