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Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Warning...a morbid post
This is not morbid, it's selfless...while many people would waddle in their diagnosis, choose to ne amazingly level-headed for your little one and DH...
So many great ideas for you to eventually show your son later on in life and explain why you did it...
Posted 5/31/06 1:15 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 5/05 6265 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Deb...I am just so very sorry that you even have to go through this. I wish I had some good ideas to offer you...but, some very good ones have already been mentioned.
IMO you're not being morbid at you said, you're being real and you're a very strong brave woman.
I wish you much luck...
Posted 5/31/06 2:33 PM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Warning...a morbid post
ok I am crying at my desk- I would have loved it if my Mom left something like a letter to me after she was gone
like something to open on my wedding day etc
I can't write anymore- sorry-
Posted 5/31/06 2:41 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Posted by CaidensMommy
How about some pictures of you being PG with your mini-muffin!
I agree...and sono pics
Posted 5/31/06 2:46 PM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Warning...a morbid post
I think everyone gave you great ideas. I admire your planning in case somthing happen, but I pray and hope that you won't have to use them.
Posted 5/31/06 3:26 PM |
Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05 18602 total posts
Name: The cure IS worse!
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Posted by Beth1210
ok I am crying at my desk- I would have loved it if my Mom left something like a letter to me after she was gone
like something to open on my wedding day etc
I can't write anymore- sorry-
aww Beth, I am so sorry. I hope I didn't upset you too much.
Posted 5/31/06 3:29 PM |
To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05 21840 total posts
Name: To a brand new year to a healthier me
Re: Warning...a morbid post
you can make a scrapbook of your pregnancy and like everyone else said a video/dvd of yourself and you can make one video for when he is born than another video for when he is going to school than another for his sweet sixteen, and one for his wedding day. But i know you will be fine and see this little person grow!
Posted 5/31/06 3:31 PM |
boys will be boys =)
Member since 9/05 7205 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Warning...a morbid post
This is not a morbid post at all. Its more like a touching, heartfelt and inspirational post.
I admire your strength, your ideas, and all that you have done and are doing for your family, being so strong at a time like this.
Youre an amazing woman. They are so lucky to have you in their lives, and I know they will have you in their lives for much much longer
Posted 5/31/06 3:32 PM |
My Love!

Member since 5/05 2375 total posts
Name: Shandra
Re: Warning...a morbid post
no other ideas, just wanted to say I am praying for the best
Posted 5/31/06 3:33 PM |
Little Angel

Member since 10/05 1745 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: Warning...a morbid post
I don't have any other suggestions then what's already been posted, but I want to tell you that you are so brave and my heart goes out to you. I can't imagine being in your situation and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
Posted 5/31/06 3:46 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Deb, First let me say how truly, truly amazing you are! I agree with the photos and a video. You will be fine! The prior responses are all great ideas!
Posted 5/31/06 3:58 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Posted by sarahsmommy
I saw on Oprah a few years back a woman who had terminal cancer had made a bunch of videos for her daughter. Advice she'd wanted to pass along at different stages of life. About playing nice, etc when she was young, progressing up to dating advice and then something for her wedding with a special piece of jewelry she requested the daughter wear.
That took her many months, since your timeframe is shorter, what about letters for different big events, just in case? Like the first day of kindergarten, graduating high school, college, wedding, etc.
I saw this too and this is a wonderful idea.
I think the tape is the most important. I lost my mother when I was eight. She was from Scotland and spoke with a thick accent but I don't remember her voice, her posture, any faces she made, her smile. That is so much of what makes up a persons' personality.
And, if all goes well, you can still show them to him later and say, "Look, Mommy was sick when I was pregnant with you and I was thinking about what I really wanted to remember to teach you so I made these tapes. Want to see what I was like back then."
Posted 5/31/06 3:59 PM |
My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05 11122 total posts
Name: D
Re: Warning...a morbid post
I just wanted to send many of these your way!!! Hang in there!! I think everything everyone is saying is perfect!!!
Posted 5/31/06 3:59 PM |
Life is good!

Member since 2/06 1450 total posts
Name: S
Re: Warning...a morbid post
You are very inspirational. Your strength is amazing. I wish you the best and I am sure that it will all work out.
I think the letters would be great. You could have a seperate one for all the big moments your son will go through in his life.
Posted 5/31/06 4:01 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Posted by Beth1210
ok I am crying at my desk- I would have loved it if my Mom left something like a letter to me after she was gone
like something to open on my wedding day etc
I can't write anymore- sorry-
I agree 100%. I sooooo missed my mom on my wedding day. I would have loved to have known what she thought of the day, any martial advice she had for me...
Deb, I commend you on your spirit, your determination and your take charge attitude considering your situation. So many people might not be realistic (one way or another) and/or just crawl up into a ball and not know what to do. One day at a time.
Posted 5/31/06 4:02 PM |
Re: Warning...a morbid post
OK, well now that I'm bawling, I just want to say that I think the letters are a wonderful idea, and I'd also definately do a video.
It's one thing to read words, but for him to actually be able to see you and hear what you sound like, your mannerisms, etc would be a true gift.
You are in my prayers every day. You are a strong, brave woman who WILL pull through this
Posted 5/31/06 4:25 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Posted by leighla
I have no other advice than what these smart girls already gave you.
Just wanted to give you some
And tell you how much I admire how you are handling all of this.
I couldn't have said it better myself
Posted 5/31/06 4:51 PM |
I'm all grown up now

Member since 11/05 1108 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Warning...a morbid post
I just wanted to send some hugs
Posted 5/31/06 5:04 PM |
Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05 3612 total posts
Name: Jillian
Re: Warning...a morbid post
I think what you are doing is wonderful. I would def add some preggo pics of yourself. My mom passed away when Iwas 13 andwhat I would do to have a letter from her. I started writing my DD letters just in case something happens. I'm writing ones for graduation, wedding, baby, etc.
You are going to be okay, you are in my thoughts and prayers!!!!
Posted 5/31/06 5:10 PM |
You make me happy

Member since 5/05 2474 total posts
Name: cause you are gray.
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Along w/birthday cards for each year, maybe include your wish/hope for him for the year. It's such an important and loving thing you're doing
Posted 5/31/06 5:32 PM |
Best Friends

Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Posted by prncssrachel
I like the letters, I think that's great. What about cards for future birthdays and holidays?
I love this idea. I also think videos would be great. Maybe several, some just reading children's books so you can read to him as he grows up.
Posted 5/31/06 5:37 PM |
Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05 18602 total posts
Name: The cure IS worse!
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Posted by rose825
Posted by prncssrachel
I like the letters, I think that's great. What about cards for future birthdays and holidays?
I love this idea. I also think videos would be great. Maybe several, some just reading children's books so you can read to him as he grows up.
I love the cards idea too! I think hallmark is about to get a LOT of money from me
Posted 5/31/06 6:38 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06 768 total posts
Name: Nina
Re: Warning...a morbid post
Posted by Jessica
You're amazing!!!!
Posted 5/31/06 6:45 PM |
happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: Warning...a morbid post
i like the letter idea and.some pictures as well
and i don't think this is morbid at all.
Message edited 5/31/2006 6:49:09 PM.
Posted 5/31/06 6:48 PM |
Big Sister to Be!

Member since 5/05 3644 total posts
Name: Tracey
Re: Warning...a morbid post
I just wanted to add that I think you are an incredible person for being so "real" and for thinking of things to do for others. I also saw the Oprah episode and was extremely touched by the videos that woman made for her daughter so I agree with the ladies that videos would be great and the card idea is fabulous as well. You will be in my prayers
Edited for spelling
Message edited 5/31/2006 6:52:45 PM.
Posted 5/31/06 6:52 PM |
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