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Weight gain vent

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09

795 total posts


Weight gain vent

Yesterday I had a little breakdown over my weight gain. I'm almost 24 weeks, and have gained over 20 lbs already. When I first got pg, I vowed to myself that I would not go over 25 - 30 lbs, and I definitely think I am on track to be way over that. I have been very good with eating, besides this past weekend (it was our anniversary so I decided to let myself have what I wanted, and not worry about the weight for once.)

So we stopped by my parents house quickly yesterday, and when my mom walked in the door she says "Oh my God! You're so big!"...and I burst into tears. It was the LAST thing I wanted to hear. She saw me a week ago - how much bigger could I possibly be??? I know that she didn't mean anything hurtful by it, and she was so happy when she said it, but I was so upset. People keep saying how good I look, but it's so hard to really believe that when I don't feel it.

I feel horrible that I have these feelings...I am beyond grateful to be pg, and so excited about having a baby. But sometimes I just get so upset by what is happening to my body. I know it's all natural, and that this all shouldn't be a big shock to me, but for so many years of my life I had struggled with being happy with my weight...I had finally gotten there...And unfortunately, I'm one of those people who the number on the scale affects more than it should...I just keep telling myself that in a couple months it will all go away.

Sorry for the long vent - I just needed to get this out, and thought this was the best place to do it.

Thanks so much for reading!!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/09 11:44 AM
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Re: Weight gain vent

At my 24 wk visit I had already gained 22lbs. I too only wanted to gain 25 for the whole pregnancy.
Im trying to be better but im just so hungry all the time. So now im just making better decisions.

Dont be down.Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/09 11:49 AM

My two miracles!

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Re: Weight gain vent

I know it is difficult to see the numbers creep up but honestly you can't beat yourself up over it. I wanted to gain no more then 25lbs with this pregnancy & I have gained 35lbs but have been stable for the past 4 weeks.

I know that I did not overindulge on eating but I did not deprive myself either. My OB never commented to me & told me that my body will gain what it needs to...

So know that you can't truly control your gain now & that you will just have to work hard once the baby is here to get it off Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/09 11:54 AM


Member since 5/09

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Re: Weight gain vent

Don't be so down on yourself. All you can do is make healthier food choices, maybe try walking for 30 minutes per day.

All that matters is that you and your baby are healthy, forget about the number.

It's not easy seeing your body change this way. Sometimes I feel so frumpy. I worry about getting stretch marks, about losing the baby weight, about not gaining too mcuh weight, etc.

As long as you are taking good care of yourself, ignore what everyone else says.

Posted 8/11/09 11:55 AM

2 girls <3

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Re: Weight gain vent

im 39 weeks today and im up 39 lbs Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon its all in the belly & a little in my hips and arse i wanted to gain 35 lbs - and i was up 30lbs until like 8 days ago - i have no idea what happened but everything just tastes soooo good. LOL
I guess there isnt much we can do.

Posted 8/11/09 12:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/07

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Re: Weight gain vent

With DS#1 I said I would not gain over 25lbs the MOST 30lbs and I went over that Chat Icon Unfortunately our body has different plans for us. I think you're doing great and like a pp said may be just make better choices. But I wouldn't worry too much. After you have the baby you'll be so much in love that the you won't be too upset about your weight (at least I was that way).

Posted 8/11/09 12:07 PM

Waste not, want not

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Re: Weight gain vent

I assumed all along I would gain between 35-40 lbs with this pregnancy. It's on target for what the women in my family gain. And that's where I'm at right now.

At 37 weeks, my baby was measuring 8 lbs. I'm going to have a big healthy baby, and I'm thrilled about that.

I do not, have not, and will not add 40 lbs to my starting weight in my head. I'd get sad and upset if I did.

I don't really complain about my weight gain, because I know I'd get tired real fast of people telling me 'it's all for a good cause...the end result is worth it.'

I look at it this way. Supermodels gain 25 lbs with their pregnancies. I'm not a supermodel. I sit at a desk all day staring at a computer. They can have their 25 lb. weight gain, and I'll have my iced decaf coffee and a donut, thank you very much!

Posted 8/11/09 12:42 PM

love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08

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Re: Weight gain vent

Posted by StayForever

I assumed all along I would gain between 35-40 lbs with this pregnancy. It's on target for what the women in my family gain. And that's where I'm at right now.

At 37 weeks, my baby was measuring 8 lbs. I'm going to have a big healthy baby, and I'm thrilled about that.

I do not, have not, and will not add 40 lbs to my starting weight in my head. I'd get sad and upset if I did.

I don't really complain about my weight gain, because I know I'd get tired real fast of people telling me 'it's all for a good cause...the end result is worth it.'

I look at it this way. Supermodels gain 25 lbs with their pregnancies. I'm not a supermodel. I sit at a desk all day staring at a computer. They can have their 25 lb. weight gain, and I'll have my iced decaf coffee and a donut, thank you very much!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Amen Sista!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/09 12:49 PM

I love my girls

Member since 11/08

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Re: Weight gain vent

Girl you are not alone! Please keep in mind your weight fluctuates so much in just 1 day.... for ex. last night I weighed myself and it was 5 lbs higher than what I was this morning - that's 5 lbs!!!!! and that makes a huge difference. I personally don't care what the doctors scale says... I go by what MY scale says - b/c I know that I will weigh myself @ the same time and have a much better gauge of what's my "real" weight.

You mentioned that you ate what you wanted this weekend - and I am sure you ate or at least drank b4 you were weighed.... that plays a role....

But seriously you can't worry too much about the #'s on the scale - its scary - its all for good purpose. You are supplying your baby with nutrients and all the key things they need to develop properly. You will be so happy when they arrive here... chubby and healthy - and the pounds are gonna fall off of you quicker than you imagined.

Make your healthy choices - and give into your cravings - but do it smartly... It will all work out perfectly - and I am sure that you look fantastic, enjoy this time and don't sweat the small stuff... really... Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/09 12:58 PM

Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/08

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Re: Weight gain vent

As long as your healthy and taking care of yourself, try not to focus so much on it. I stopped looking at the scale two weeks ago. I know it isn't me and I know I will NEVER EVER see these numbers again. A lot of the weight is beyond our control. It is just temporary. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I am sorry you are so down about it.

Posted 8/11/09 1:42 PM

Mom of 3

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Re: Weight gain vent

Your body is going to gain what it needs to. You can eat healthy and exercise and still gain 50 lbs while someone else can indulge constantly and only gain 20 lbs. Everyone's body reacts differently to pregnancy. Also, since it's the summer, you're more likely to swell and put on water weight. Don't beat yourself up about it.

FWIW, I gained 45 lbs and lost it all by 8 weeks PP. Pregnancy and childbirth completely changed my body though.

Posted 8/11/09 1:54 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Weight gain vent

Unless your doctor has said something I wouldn't worry about it. That's really not a lot at all, I think I was up about 25-26 lbs at that point. Everyone carries differently- don't be so hard on yourself Chat Icon

PS - A women just asked if I was carrying twins, I said no she said but you are huge! At 33 wks I'm used to stupid comments.

Posted 8/11/09 2:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Weight gain vent

I understand too Chat Icon Chat Icon

I'm just about 28 weeks and gained 20 lbs and I didnt want to gain this much yet...( I'm over weight to begin with so I dont "need" to gain as much as the next person even though I'm having Twins too )....

My Dr said Oh getting up there in the scale and I feel apart and he meant it in a GOOD way, but I was trying hard to not gain more then needed...

I just keep telling myself healthy babies are all that matters, Weight CAN be lost.

And like someone else mentioned, It DOES go away.

With my son I gained 22 lbs but I was 30 lbs down within 10 days of having him...thats a lot of weight and so if theres a struggle to lose 5-10 lbs so what, we can do it. Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/09 2:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

1163 total posts


Re: Weight gain vent

this is a great thread to read. i'm 13 weeks and have gained 20lbs already and was getting pretty down about it since i was no skinnie-minnie before hand. but now, reading all your posts, i find comfort in the fact that i'm not alone and that yes, it does fluctuate dramatically, and that i'm creating a human being Chat Icon

i am making smarter decisions now that i am less nauseous. still hasn't completely gone away.

Posted 8/11/09 2:10 PM

Life is So Wonderful!

Member since 8/06

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Re: Weight gain vent

Its not easy.

I had only wanted to gain 30 my first pregnancy and i gained 60.

at my 24 week appointment i recall being up over 30lbs. It will come off :)
cheer up!

Posted 8/11/09 3:09 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09

795 total posts


Re: Weight gain vent

Thanks so much ladies!!! I know that's it's all for a good cause, but sometimes it's just tough to get used to!

But everything you have all said is so's not worth getting myself all upset over...Thanks again!!!!!

Posted 8/11/09 3:14 PM


Member since 11/07

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Re: Weight gain vent

I am 10 1/2 and gained close to 10 already Chat Icon While I know part of it is because I was on prednisone, I am still upset. But I am forcing myself to get exercise now. I was told-do your best but don't freak if you gain more than you want-it will mean I have to work harder post partum, but it is better than getting depressed.

Posted 8/11/09 5:13 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Weight gain vent

It's ok to gain weight, you're growing a whole new little person in there. Chat Icon But I do totally understand how you feel. With DS I had only gained about 3-4lbs at 18 weeks and still managed to pakc on a total of 48lbs. I made healthy choices (for the most part) and the weight did come off. This time around I'm up about 8lbs already and I'm only 12 weeks. Oh well, I can't make myself crazy over it- and neither should you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/09 5:29 PM

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Re: Weight gain vent

It's so interesting to read all these responses. I gained 11 lbs allegedly at my 20 week sono visit and the OB made me feel terrbible about it meanwhile it wasn't really 11 lbs b/c they made me come in on a full bladder so it was much higher at their office than at home and my weekly email said you should've gain about 10 lbs by now and now I'm reading all these responses about people putting on 20+ lbs. Just makes you realize how ridiculous all these rules and guidelines are. Everyone is different. I agree with all the AP as long as you are healthy and you're doing your best don't beat yourself up about it.

Posted 8/11/09 8:00 PM

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