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Member since 5/08 3566 total posts
Name: justask
Weird or just a different option?
DH always make fun/comments about the fact that I use butter in my sandwiches. For me this is the norm and all of my family and friends do it (I was not raised in the states). DH think its awful. Do you think twice if someone put butter in their sandwiches?
Message edited 1/24/2010 2:11:12 PM.
Posted 1/24/10 2:10 PM |
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Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Well, I don't think there's any sandwich I put butter on besides when I'm making grilled cheese and I put it on the outsides of the bread.
I don't think it's weird to use butter, I just never have. What kinds of sandwiches do you put it on, out of curiosity?
Posted 1/24/10 2:18 PM |
make a wish

Member since 5/08 3566 total posts
Name: justask
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Any type except from tuna salad sandwich. Anything that DH put mayo in we use butter.
Posted 1/24/10 4:29 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/09 1318 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Weird or just a different option?
it's a little weird...
Posted 1/24/10 5:14 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Not weird to me at all...
Especially considering you say you arent from the states...
I guess the norm for the US is mayo or mustard. But in other parts of the world it's butter...
A roast beef sandwich with butter is out of this world!!!!
Posted 1/24/10 6:05 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Weird or just a different option?
OMG Thats one of my things living here, everyone puts butter or "spread" (gross) on sandwiches. But there is nothing nicer than a gorgeous french crusty baguette with butter and ham on it. Yummy!!!
Posted 1/24/10 6:23 PM |
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Member since 5/05 13673 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Weird or just a different option?
My brother used to own a deli and according to him, butter on a sandwich is a pretty regular request!
Posted 1/24/10 6:48 PM |
2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05 15287 total posts
Re: Weird or just a different option?
I don't think it's weird - it's a matter of taste preference. I put a little butter on turkey sandwiches - I am not a mayo fan but they are a little dry plain.
Posted 1/24/10 8:29 PM |
make a wish

Member since 5/08 3566 total posts
Name: justask
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Another "weird" thing is that we eat Pizza with corn and ham as topping.. sooo yummyyy! A lot of time I found myself ordering a small pie with ham to take home and then add corn.
For me, it was weird that people here put ketchup in everything (including scramble eggs!!!!) at first I thought it was gross now is the only way I eat my bagel and eggs lol
Message edited 1/24/2010 9:18:55 PM.
Posted 1/24/10 9:16 PM |
make a wish

Member since 5/08 3566 total posts
Name: justask
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Posted by racheeeee
OMG Thats one of my things living here, everyone puts butter or "spread" (gross) on sandwiches. But there is nothing nicer than a gorgeous french crusty baguette with butter and ham on it. Yummy!!!
OMG my mouth just water, yummyyy
Posted 1/24/10 9:17 PM |
I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05 22334 total posts
Name: Professional Aunts No Kids
Re: Weird or just a different option?
I hate when someone says that something that someone eats is weird...i think its rude. I may not like butter on my sandwich but someone else may like it.
Where are you from? The reason I ask is because when we were in Aruba, that is a Dutch Island, a lot of the sandwiches there were served with butter on the bread. we tried a few and they weren't bad. I always like to try different foods in different countries. You never know what you might enjoy!
Posted 1/24/10 9:40 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/10 239 total posts
Name: Prince
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Butter vs mayonnaise...Mayo probably adds a bit more taste to sandwiches, but due to its composition, is more susceptible to spoiling and therefore, foodborne illness.
Butter will keep longer in a sandwich without refrigeration, but I think that due to its high levels of saturated fat, is not really very popular in sandwiches in the U.S.
Posted 1/24/10 9:47 PM |
Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05 9923 total posts
Re: Weird or just a different option?
First sandwich DH ever made me was roast beef on buttered italian bread
Posted 1/24/10 10:50 PM |
make a wish

Member since 5/08 3566 total posts
Name: justask
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Posted by Lisa
I hate when someone says that something that someone eats is weird...i think its rude. I may not like butter on my sandwich but someone else may like it.
Where are you from? The reason I ask is because when we were in Aruba, that is a Dutch Island, a lot of the sandwiches there were served with butter on the bread. we tried a few and they weren't bad. I always like to try different foods in different countries. You never know what you might enjoy!
I am dominican
Posted 1/25/10 5:52 PM |
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Member since 4/06 3164 total posts
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Posted by racheeeee
OMG But there is nothing nicer than a gorgeous french crusty baguette with butter and ham on it. Yummy!!!
LOVE this!! YUM!
Posted 1/25/10 9:40 PM |

Member since 4/09 3287 total posts
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Australians and a lot of British butter their bread too, you are not alone!
I guess wierd just depends on what you are used to.
DH hates when I mix foods in certain combinations - he goes CRAZY if I drink a glass of milk with pasta. no idea why?!
I think the buttering the bread is part of your culture, be proud of it
PS I hate Mayo, maybe i should try to butter thing too
Posted 1/25/10 10:22 PM |
Team Pink!

Member since 12/06 5349 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Don't think it's weird! I lived in Europe for a while though and got used to this being the norm there. Enjoy!
Posted 1/25/10 10:51 PM |

Member since 5/08 9818 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Weird or just a different option?
My mom has butter on everything. Even egg sandwiches so I don't think it's weird.
Posted 1/26/10 10:03 AM |
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Member since 5/07 8274 total posts
Name: BunnyWife
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Posted by Jenn627
My mom has butter on everything. Even egg sandwiches so I don't think it's weird.
I always put butter on egg sandwiches. So yummy
Posted 1/26/10 10:17 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/10 239 total posts
Name: Prince
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Posted by queensgal
DH hates when I mix foods in certain combinations - he goes CRAZY if I drink a glass of milk with pasta. no idea why?!
Ugh, I totally agree w your DH. Even more heinous is if there's any kind of tomato sauce on the pasta. When I see "kids meals" at restaurants and they serve anything with tomato sauce and milk, I wanna hurl.
I guess my problem with it is that tomato sauce is rather acidic and milk is...well, it's milk! LOL It just doesn't seem right to put the two together.
But hey, to each his own...
Posted 1/26/10 11:57 AM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Weird or just a different option?
It is a very popular thing to do in the UK and Australia. I personally do not like it as it just adds extra fat and I try my best to cut little things like that out of my diet. My DH, who is not American, does not like butter on his sandwiches. However my Australian friends really like the butter and say it makes the sandwich less dry.
My DH thinks peanut butter and chocolate is the strangest combo in the world. To each their own.
Posted 1/26/10 1:54 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Posted by klingklang77 My DH thinks peanut butter and chocolate is the strangest combo in the world. To each their own.
Same, my husband thinks that reeses peanut butter cups taste like powder. Some supermarkets here in the UK have Reeses PBC and I have heard people actually say "peanut butter and chocolate, disgusting" more for me, I say!!!
I also love Ham and Pineapple on pizza!!! Delish!
Message edited 1/26/2010 3:05:30 PM.
Posted 1/26/10 3:04 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Posted by racheeeee "peanut butter and chocolate, disgusting" more for me, I say!!!
Exactly, more for me! Personally, I think it is the best combo ever!
Posted 1/26/10 4:43 PM |
I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05 22334 total posts
Name: Professional Aunts No Kids
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Posted by klingklang77
Posted by racheeeee "peanut butter and chocolate, disgusting" more for me, I say!!!
Exactly, more for me! Personally, I think it is the best combo ever!
same for me!!!
Posted 1/26/10 4:48 PM |
make a wish

Member since 5/08 3566 total posts
Name: justask
Re: Weird or just a different option?
Posted by Lisa
Posted by klingklang77
Posted by racheeeee "peanut butter and chocolate, disgusting" more for me, I say!!!
Exactly, more for me! Personally, I think it is the best combo ever!
same for me!!!
I dont like peanut butter and chocolate, I dont feel like both things go together
Posted 1/26/10 6:01 PM |
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