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What are you cutting back on to save money,

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Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05

1610 total posts


What are you cutting back on to save money,

since everything is getting so expensive? i.e. food, gas, elec, eating out, etc.

I was discussing this at work and thought I would post it here.

Eta: I forgot to put what I do (sorry)

I bring lunch everyday, instead of eating out 2-3x a week we go out 1 night and call it date night. We stopped using our credit cards and if it cant be paid by cash it doesnt get bought.

Message edited 10/24/2007 2:14:24 PM.

Posted 10/24/07 12:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Message edited 8/13/2009 11:40:57 AM.

Posted 10/24/07 1:02 PM

This is gonna be a good year!

Member since 2/06

9562 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Posted by cpanyc

Ordering in/eating out.

ditto. we used to get takeout once or twice a week but now i cook every night to avoid having to tip, pay for gas to go out, etc.

Posted 10/24/07 1:03 PM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Posted by alnem

Posted by cpanyc

Ordering in/eating out.

ditto. we used to get takeout once or twice a week but now i cook every night to avoid having to tip, pay for gas to go out, etc.

Same here!

Posted 10/24/07 1:04 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

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Jesss, duh.

Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

I'm trying to cut back on my addiction to Shopping!! Chat Icon

And I've decreased my weekly allowance.

I find slowly decreasing your weekly allowance is a great way to live/adjust to a stricter budget. I used to give myself $100 a week (that includes gas money for the week) for miscellaneous spending. Now I am at $75 a week and doing well so I will probably cut it back to $50 and see how that goes.

Posted 10/24/07 1:05 PM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

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Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

We are moving to NC which is a huge cutback.

Posted 10/24/07 1:06 PM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

13519 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

-bring lunch to work
-cooking more at home
-hanging out at home more often.

Posted 10/24/07 1:07 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Can I cut back on taxes? If I could just eliminate that, I'd be set! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 1:07 PM

This is gonna be a good year!

Member since 2/06

9562 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Posted by GoldenRod

Can I cut back on taxes? If I could just eliminate that, I'd be set! Chat Icon Chat Icon

oh put me down for one of those too!

Posted 10/24/07 1:10 PM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

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Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

StarbucksChat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 1:17 PM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

24460 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Posted by Emily

We are moving to NC which is a huge cutback.

how cool, Em!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 1:18 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

10128 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

DH bought a faggy scooter Chat Icon but it is hysterical to see him on it!!!!
I make fun of him all the time because he thinks it's going to sve sooooo much $$$$.
He also walks to the train station now.

I make lunch for him everyday, so essentially I am saving HIM money, but bceause I can't eat coldcuts everyday, I buy lunch!

Posted 10/24/07 1:18 PM


Member since 7/06

9149 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Trying to eat out less. Not only saves $$$ but better for my diet! Also while I'm losing weight still I am not buying clothes. I'm waiting until I stabilize. DH and I always bring lunch to work, but we have done this forever, so it's not saving us extra money.

Posted 10/24/07 1:21 PM


Member since 7/07

7639 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Message edited 11/13/2011 1:56:01 PM.

Posted 10/24/07 1:22 PM

Twins are here!

Member since 3/06

3597 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

I ride the subway to the bronx for work each day, about an 80 minute trip each way - instead of driving. Saves us a ton of money on gas/tolls.

We make our own baby food rather than buy the jars of it. I can't believe how little you actually have to spend to get weeks of nutritious food for my child.

We cook a lot more. I get food from costco and we cook up a lot of fish and veggies rather than eat out.

Since having a baby, most weekends are just the three of us going for walks and playing in the park - a wonderful time that costs nothing!

Posted 10/24/07 1:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

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Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

nothing Chat Icon its mostly DHs fault... he likes living "the life". he likes his $5 starbucks every day after dinner, and he bought a $500 espresso machine so he can make one in the morning, tooChat Icon he tells me that if he didn't care about having money to spend to do things, he would've just worked at walmart instead of going to school for engineering. it's tough getting him to see when hes wasting money.... but at least hes got a good amount in his retirement account.
BUT, we are starting to say no more when people ask us to go out for dinner, and we bought a house thats within 6 miles of both our jobs, so we are saving a lot of money on gas now. we also keep the heat low in the winter and use a down comforter on our bed and a blanket on the couch to keep us warm. we also just have window AC units, and keep them on the "Energy saver" setting all the time in teh summer, which saves money too... i 've also cut down on shopping for clothes and only go when i really need something...

Posted 10/24/07 1:27 PM


Member since 2/07

17374 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

FREE TIME!! Chat Icon

dh and i are both getting second jobs

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
things have gotten out of control.

Posted 10/24/07 1:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/07

1079 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

We try to be very preemptive with our budget. I take money out immediately when we get paid and put it towards savings and our investments and then we both spend out of our checking account. I don't care if that goes down to 0 between pay periods because we leave very little in there. I've got a lot of different savings accounts set up for us, that I put money in automatically like retirement, general savings, furniture / household, car expenses, household bills, IRA's, etc.

We don't use any credit cards, we only use cash or debit cards to pay for things so that we aren't in debt.

Posted 10/24/07 1:51 PM

We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06

14887 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

I bring my lunch everyday and also stopped going to get my hair highlighted. I color my own hair now and save on spending over $100 every 2-3 monthsChat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 1:52 PM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

I stopped using credit cards...I either save up for something or budget it in, or I don't buy more interest payments...

Posted 10/24/07 2:00 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Bring lunch to work, try to do my own nails (at one point, I was going once a week), cutting back on miscellaneous stuff I don't need (newest lotions, etc. -trying to use what's at home).

Posted 10/24/07 2:09 PM

Life is So Wonderful!

Member since 8/06

6663 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

going out to eat so much.

playing poker less often.

Posted 10/24/07 2:10 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1265 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

I am trying to cut down buying lunch to twice a week instead of everyday. We both stopped going to Starbucks everyday and we're cooking at home alot more.

Posted 10/24/07 2:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

997 total posts

Big Fat Baby with a Blackberry

Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Not enough Chat Icon

We're eating out less - we used to eat out every night and usually afternoon on the weekends, plus lunch once or twice a week. Now we're eating at home more and brown bagging it more.

The movie theater we like is expensive, so we've been going to less awesome, but less expensive theaters and going to the movies less in general.

We're also going to call our car insurance company and try to get a better rate, since we're driving less (which also saves $$). (ETA: I carpool to work, so instead of driving 40 minutes each way 5 days a week, I only drive 1-2 times a week.)

Thanks for posting this, I need more ideas!!


I'm on a shopping hiatus. I bought a bunch of new pieces and now I'm done until AT LEAST spring.

We use a cash back rewards credit card for everything, but keep track of what we spend and pay it off in full every month. We get rewards checks for every $25 we earn, which goes into our ING account.

Message edited 10/24/2007 2:38:41 PM.

Posted 10/24/07 2:26 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin

Posted by GoldenRod

Can I cut back on taxes? If I could just eliminate that, I'd be set! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Declare yourself a sovereign nation and that should do it.

Hmmm...... that's not a bad idea... Chat Icon
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

External Image

Posted 10/24/07 3:04 PM
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