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What are you cutting back on to save money,

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My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

We stopped eating out as much for dinner and I am going to tell DH to start bringing lunch to work a couple days a week. I am also making sure we eat our leftovers instead of just throwing them away (it can get you an extra meal).

I am also making sure when I go food shopping to buy things on sale. There are some things I will only buy a certain brand, but others I have learned generic is just as good.

Posted 10/24/07 3:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Sisters :)

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Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

No HBO or movie channels
We bring lunch to work
Cook dinner on the weeknights

Posted 10/24/07 3:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/06

1752 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

No housecleaner or gym membership. That's all I got so far.

Posted 10/24/07 3:12 PM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

This has been the popular topic of conversation in our home.

- Reduced the amount of eating out that we do. Now I cook more often (especially on the weekend) and we bring lunch.

- I am going to start making baby food for DS in a few more weeks.

- We have aoutomatic deductions taken from our checking and deposited into our money market account.

- Set up a monthly budget and we review how we are doing each month. (I look at it almost every day Chat Icon )

- Set up a tight budget for the holidays this year.

Posted 10/24/07 3:16 PM

My Peanut

Member since 2/07

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Ryan 3 boys EDD 11/6!

Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Wee are trying to eat out less. We aren't home a lot so when we do buy food it gets wasted then when we're hungry, there is no food.We are trying to be more concious of this.

Posted 10/24/07 3:18 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Starbucks. I'm making coffee in my office. Yuck. But I am saving money!

Posted 10/24/07 3:51 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Stop using credit cards, i bring lunch to work, i try to make dinner, i dont buy every item of clothes i love

Posted 10/24/07 4:31 PM

Skinny jeans are in my future

Member since 6/06

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Baby Momma

Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

going out to eat!

Posted 10/24/07 4:37 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

- bring lunch at work
- bring soda cans/water bottles at work
- avoid at all cost the vendor machines
- bring my own cereals at work
- stay away from stores and malls
- Find "free" weekend activities with DH and DS (walking in town villages like Port Jefferson, etc...)
- Cook at home
- Shop with coupons and sales at supermarket
- Budget our home improvements
- Pay our CC on time/balance every month
- Buy mix/match clothing

Posted 10/24/07 4:46 PM

I ♥ cheesiness.

Member since 1/07

1429 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

I'm trying to save to buy a house, so I've been
- buying generic stuff
- paying in cash (so I can see it go)
- not buying clothes too often

...and we hope to leave NYC-metro soon to save on housing.

Posted 10/24/07 4:59 PM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

8703 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin

Posted by GoldenRod

Can I cut back on taxes? If I could just eliminate that, I'd be set! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Declare yourself a sovereign nation and that should do it.

Hmmm...... that's not a bad idea... Chat Icon
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon


Or you could make your fortune in an online game like Second Life. The government has not figured out how to tax it yet.

Posted 10/24/07 5:37 PM

Time flies!

Member since 1/06

5698 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Cooking more often & making DH lunch for work everyday. Also, trying to get DH to stop buying whatever he wants - he's a total impulse buyer and doesn't think before he spends. We should stop using our credit card - but I'm sure we won't - I just try to limit what we spend.

I haven't bought myself anything since the baby was born in August, although I've ended up spending that money on her I don't think I saved there.

Posted 10/24/07 6:35 PM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Not getting my hair colored/cut as often also not getting my nails done as often

Posted 10/24/07 7:45 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

8093 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,


Posted 10/24/07 7:49 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

*i go to the nail place once a month instead of every other week ( it is my one luxury )

*i get regular coffee from DD instead of a latte etc.

*make my lunch every day and bring healthy snacks in bulk

*we only go out to eat to "celebrate"

*cut down on gifts, make the dinner the gift (for each other )

*i get paid twice a month. the first paycheck, i take out $100 for the week and then pay all the bills. the second paycheck i take out $100 and then put the rest into my ING account to save

*we are actually going to live rent free in my parent's attic for a few years to save for my house ( this is the best, but of course not everyone has this option )

*******transferred all of my cc's into cc with 0 interest. . . i went from $10K to less than $1K in cc debt in about a year!!!!!!!!!!! stopped using all credit cards while paying this off!!!!!!!!!

Posted 10/24/07 7:54 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

24849 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

I am looking to save $$ and to save TIME - I wont do anything to save money that would take longer

we don't order in as much - at 1 point we were spending almost $1K a month on this- now maybe we order in once a week- maybe $150 a month

I buy gas in NJ when ever I go there
saves about $15 to $20 on a full tank for me

I didn't do this to save money- but it's a nice bonus- got a new job in NYC and take the express bus- so I am using 1/4 the gas I used too and no $10 a day in tolls

No more cleaning lady- but I do send the laundry out for .45 a lb- so laundry that used to cost me $10 plus degrent- is now costing me $8 and it gets picked up and delivered- and I save 3 hours

Found a company that delivers pet food- for cheaper then I can get it at the place that I was buying it from - saving time and money on gas (the store was on LI)

I order fresh direct- which allows me to see how much I am spending and then I can stay with in my food budget - plus I save time

I use coupons at the dry cleaner-

I try to only get a mani/pedi Mon- Wed when it's $13.99

Bring Tea and Breakfast to work- buy lunch- but not a drink (drink water from the water cooler)

I got a bunch of great fall clothes at Cent 21 for dirt cheap - instead of going to bloomies and regular price stores

There is more we could cut back on- but I have to draw the line some where

I do have a budget - as well as an ebay business for extra cash- which I am using to pay down my debt- I should be debt free in another year

Posted 10/24/07 8:17 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

*Making more coffee instead of 7-11
*Smarter food shopping and more cooking
No movie rentals (Blockbuster)
No more clothes shopping, only once in a while

Posted 10/24/07 8:44 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Posted by Beth1210
I do have a budget - as well as an ebay business for extra cash- which I am using to pay down my debt- I should be debt free in another year

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i have a few months left - it is such an amazing feeling!

Posted 10/24/07 8:46 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Cutting back on:

Food (eating out and in)
Any type of extraneous grooming - except for special occasions - nails, waxing any hair on my face
haircuts every 3 mts - at supercuts
Dying my hair less often - myself, out of the bottle
And absolutely no entertainment whatsoever. Which works out because we have a baby, so who is going anywhere anyway! Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 8:48 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

Posted by curliegirl

DH bought a faggy scooter Chat Icon

PIMP Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 8:50 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

having Bella was a huge money-saver for DH and I.
We used to go out every, single weekend...usually both nights and that was a couple of hundred bucks a weekend just on drinking and fun...

Now, we just have a 12 pack of beer and a bottle of wine on Fridays Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 8:52 PM

When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05

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Because 2 people fell in love

Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

We recycle bottles and cans of soda
Clip coupons
I no longer walk around the malls - I usually end up finding "something" that is needed when it really isn't
Do my own eyebrows and pedicures for now
Cook at home - DH brings his lunch to work
I bought DH his DD coffee in bulk to make at home since he is addicted to it

Posted 10/24/07 8:55 PM


Member since 8/06

4376 total posts


Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,

do my own nails instead of a manicure

make coffee in the house (this is the first week DH and I did this b/c we just bought a machine...saved us $25 for the week!!!)

I am trying to bring lunch more, but not doing a very good job unfortunately this week.

cooking at home more - we went from ordering in/going out 3 times a week to 2, sometimes 1.

Posted 10/25/07 5:52 PM
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