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My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
We stopped eating out as much for dinner and I am going to tell DH to start bringing lunch to work a couple days a week. I am also making sure we eat our leftovers instead of just throwing them away (it can get you an extra meal).
I am also making sure when I go food shopping to buy things on sale. There are some things I will only buy a certain brand, but others I have learned generic is just as good.
Posted 10/24/07 3:08 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Sisters :)

Member since 7/06 15112 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
No HBO or movie channels We bring lunch to work Cook dinner on the weeknights
Posted 10/24/07 3:09 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/06 1752 total posts
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
No housecleaner or gym membership. That's all I got so far.
Posted 10/24/07 3:12 PM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
This has been the popular topic of conversation in our home.
- Reduced the amount of eating out that we do. Now I cook more often (especially on the weekend) and we bring lunch.
- I am going to start making baby food for DS in a few more weeks.
- We have aoutomatic deductions taken from our checking and deposited into our money market account.
- Set up a monthly budget and we review how we are doing each month. (I look at it almost every day )
- Set up a tight budget for the holidays this year.
Posted 10/24/07 3:16 PM |
My Peanut

Member since 2/07 5199 total posts
Name: Ryan 3 boys EDD 11/6!
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
Wee are trying to eat out less. We aren't home a lot so when we do buy food it gets wasted then when we're hungry, there is no food.We are trying to be more concious of this.
Posted 10/24/07 3:18 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
Starbucks. I'm making coffee in my office. Yuck. But I am saving money!
Posted 10/24/07 3:51 PM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
Stop using credit cards, i bring lunch to work, i try to make dinner, i dont buy every item of clothes i love
Posted 10/24/07 4:31 PM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
going out to eat!
Posted 10/24/07 4:37 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
- bring lunch at work - bring soda cans/water bottles at work - avoid at all cost the vendor machines - bring my own cereals at work - stay away from stores and malls - Find "free" weekend activities with DH and DS (walking in town villages like Port Jefferson, etc...) - Cook at home - Shop with coupons and sales at supermarket - Budget our home improvements - Pay our CC on time/balance every month - Buy mix/match clothing
Posted 10/24/07 4:46 PM |
I ♥ cheesiness.

Member since 1/07 1429 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
I'm trying to save to buy a house, so I've been - buying generic stuff - paying in cash (so I can see it go) - not buying clothes too often
...and we hope to leave NYC-metro soon to save on housing.
Posted 10/24/07 4:59 PM |
Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06 8703 total posts
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
Posted by GoldenRod
Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin
Posted by GoldenRod
Can I cut back on taxes? If I could just eliminate that, I'd be set!
Declare yourself a sovereign nation and that should do it.
Hmmm...... that's not a bad idea...
Or you could make your fortune in an online game like Second Life. The government has not figured out how to tax it yet.
Posted 10/24/07 5:37 PM |
Time flies!

Member since 1/06 5698 total posts
Name: Aimee
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
Cooking more often & making DH lunch for work everyday. Also, trying to get DH to stop buying whatever he wants - he's a total impulse buyer and doesn't think before he spends. We should stop using our credit card - but I'm sure we won't - I just try to limit what we spend.
I haven't bought myself anything since the baby was born in August, although I've ended up spending that money on her I don't think I saved there.
Posted 10/24/07 6:35 PM |
New Year!

Member since 5/05 13729 total posts
Name: Me
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
Not getting my hair colored/cut as often also not getting my nails done as often
Posted 10/24/07 7:45 PM |
My little loves!
Member since 1/06 8093 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
Posted 10/24/07 7:49 PM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
*i go to the nail place once a month instead of every other week ( it is my one luxury )
*i get regular coffee from DD instead of a latte etc.
*make my lunch every day and bring healthy snacks in bulk
*we only go out to eat to "celebrate"
*cut down on gifts, make the dinner the gift (for each other )
*i get paid twice a month. the first paycheck, i take out $100 for the week and then pay all the bills. the second paycheck i take out $100 and then put the rest into my ING account to save
*we are actually going to live rent free in my parent's attic for a few years to save for my house ( this is the best, but of course not everyone has this option )
*******transferred all of my cc's into cc with 0 interest. . . i went from $10K to less than $1K in cc debt in about a year!!!!!!!!!!! stopped using all credit cards while paying this off!!!!!!!!!
Posted 10/24/07 7:54 PM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
I am looking to save $$ and to save TIME - I wont do anything to save money that would take longer
we don't order in as much - at 1 point we were spending almost $1K a month on this- now maybe we order in once a week- maybe $150 a month
I buy gas in NJ when ever I go there saves about $15 to $20 on a full tank for me
I didn't do this to save money- but it's a nice bonus- got a new job in NYC and take the express bus- so I am using 1/4 the gas I used too and no $10 a day in tolls
No more cleaning lady- but I do send the laundry out for .45 a lb- so laundry that used to cost me $10 plus degrent- is now costing me $8 and it gets picked up and delivered- and I save 3 hours
Found a company that delivers pet food- for cheaper then I can get it at the place that I was buying it from - saving time and money on gas (the store was on LI)
I order fresh direct- which allows me to see how much I am spending and then I can stay with in my food budget - plus I save time
I use coupons at the dry cleaner-
I try to only get a mani/pedi Mon- Wed when it's $13.99
Bring Tea and Breakfast to work- buy lunch- but not a drink (drink water from the water cooler) I got a bunch of great fall clothes at Cent 21 for dirt cheap - instead of going to bloomies and regular price stores
There is more we could cut back on- but I have to draw the line some where
I do have a budget - as well as an ebay business for extra cash- which I am using to pay down my debt- I should be debt free in another year
Posted 10/24/07 8:17 PM |
Drama Momma

Member since 9/06 9947 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
*Making more coffee instead of 7-11 *Smarter food shopping and more cooking No movie rentals (Blockbuster) Hair/Nails No more clothes shopping, only once in a while
Posted 10/24/07 8:44 PM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
Posted by Beth1210 I do have a budget - as well as an ebay business for extra cash- which I am using to pay down my debt- I should be debt free in another year
i have a few months left - it is such an amazing feeling!
Posted 10/24/07 8:46 PM |
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
Cutting back on:
Food (eating out and in) clothing Any type of extraneous grooming - except for special occasions - nails, waxing any hair on my face haircuts every 3 mts - at supercuts Dying my hair less often - myself, out of the bottle And absolutely no entertainment whatsoever. Which works out because we have a baby, so who is going anywhere anyway!
Posted 10/24/07 8:48 PM |
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
Posted by curliegirl
DH bought a faggy scooter
Posted 10/24/07 8:50 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
having Bella was a huge money-saver for DH and I. We used to go out every, single weekend...usually both nights and that was a couple of hundred bucks a weekend just on drinking and fun...
Now, we just have a 12 pack of beer and a bottle of wine on Fridays
Posted 10/24/07 8:52 PM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
We recycle bottles and cans of soda Clip coupons I no longer walk around the malls - I usually end up finding "something" that is needed when it really isn't Do my own eyebrows and pedicures for now Cook at home - DH brings his lunch to work I bought DH his DD coffee in bulk to make at home since he is addicted to it
Posted 10/24/07 8:55 PM |
Member since 8/06 4376 total posts
Re: What are you cutting back on to save money,
do my own nails instead of a manicure
make coffee in the house (this is the first week DH and I did this b/c we just bought a machine...saved us $25 for the week!!!)
I am trying to bring lunch more, but not doing a very good job unfortunately this week.
cooking at home more - we went from ordering in/going out 3 times a week to 2, sometimes 1.
Posted 10/25/07 5:52 PM |
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