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WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

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Member since 5/05

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WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

It is getting so hard. I hate it.

I tried so hard getting up earlier then Noah to do it 1st thing in the morning and it just cannot happen, too tired.

When he naps is always an option, but sometimes I need to get done before 1st nap.

He DESTROYS my bathroom. There are some drawers not babyproofable..and the cat foods and litter is in there.

Should I let him play in his crib? Even if he cries?

Right now, my mom is home with us during the day and I have been using her, but when shes not here, Im getting worried I will live in PJS?

Posted 6/25/08 7:50 AM
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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

When DD was in the stage where she would get into everything I just put her in her crib. Or when she napped (which wasnt always when I needed one Chat Icon ) I showered then.

Its tough.. I did bring her in the bathroom a few times but that didnt last long. Sorry Im not much help but everything you did is pretty much what I did lol.

Posted 6/25/08 7:53 AM

My green-eyed boy

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Donna lately if I don't shower when she naps, I put her in her crib with some of her toys.

Posted 6/25/08 7:54 AM

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I shower during his 1st nap in the morning.

I usually don't go out before his 1st nap or it's unshowered.

If I have to do it before his nap, I just put DS in his crib or PNP and do what I have to do. Cries or no cries!!!!

Posted 6/25/08 7:56 AM


Member since 6/06

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Crib and let him play. I mean, even if he freaks, how long are you going to shower for? 20 minutes? He will be fine in there!

Posted 6/25/08 7:56 AM

I am Batman!

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

DS sits in the PNP in the morning while DH and I get dressed. I have a bunch of toys int here and it's in front of the TV and he'll play and watch a show. I get him dressed first, then I give him his sippy cup and put him in the PNP. WHen I first started this routine, I was giving him the sippy so he wouldn't cry as soon as I put him down, now he's so used to it as his routine, he doesn't need the sippy to sit in there quietly.

If you don't want to do that, how about some crib toys to keep him occupied. We have the FP Aquarium and the piano with the brid that says peek a boo and DS will play in there a good 20min in his own in the morning before he starts yelling.

Posted 6/25/08 7:58 AM


Member since 10/06

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Posted by KateDevine

Crib and let him play. I mean, even if he freaks, how long are you going to shower for? 20 minutes? He will be fine in there!

i agree. i sometimes have to do this. i put DD in the pnp and well, she screams her head off. she's pizzed b/c she's confined. however, i take probably 15-20 min tops and once she is out she's fine. it sux but it doesn't kill her!

Posted 6/25/08 8:01 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

You can start showering at night - that is what I did for a little while - didn't like it, but that is what I had to do.

Or put him in the PNP with a movie on.
Or like you said, in the crib.

Or the other thing was, I started getting up really early, exercise and shower

Good Luck!

Posted 6/25/08 8:04 AM

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Posted by smdl

I shower during his 1st nap in the morning.

I usually don't go out before his 1st nap or it's unshowered.

Me too!
If I know I need to be out earlier, I will shower and dress before I get him in the morning.

Posted 6/25/08 8:05 AM

Happy Days!

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Childproof your bathroom!

Posted 6/25/08 8:08 AM

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I either shower at night after he's asleep, shower when he naps, or I put him in the PNP with toys and the Backyardigans on.

Posted 6/25/08 8:09 AM


Member since 5/06

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I shower when DH is home in teh morning. He watches her. Thats the only way I can see getting a shower in.

Posted 6/25/08 8:11 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I used to put her in the PNP or the highchair (my house is a ranch so I would wheel the highchair into my bedroom) and watch her favorite show...if she cried, she cried

Posted 6/25/08 8:15 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Can you put the high chair or PNP in front of the bathroom door? I put DS in his jumparoo or high chair and play peek a boo while I shower.

Posted 6/25/08 8:17 AM

Beyond Compare

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

On the weekends I usually get up early if DH is not going to be around and shower before Lucas wakes up. In the beginning it was hard but I can't really play that card...I have to be up at 5am during the week anyway so it wasn't a huge adjustment. Then he started sleeping later in the AM and that helped my mornings tremendously.

Otherwise I do depend on having DH around or I put Lucas in the PNP and put Nickelodeon on...not Noggin but Nick - he loves it Chat Icon I usually find him standing and staring when I get back to him.

Posted 6/25/08 8:20 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

let him cry in his crib if you have to. I always shower when dd naps (she takes a 2 hour nap starting at like 10am)

Posted 6/25/08 8:28 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I put Ryan in the PNP with toys and TV on.

Posted 6/25/08 8:28 AM

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

My daughter is shy of 10 months. I put her in her exersaucer and bring it in the bathroom with me. I DO in fact tie my shower fancy curtain back and have a clear shower cutrain so i can see her... i also push my curtain a little over. I put a towel on the floor so the water does not pile up... anyway, i do that or jump in when she naps OR if im desperate, I put her in the pnp.

Posted 6/25/08 8:31 AM

My Loves!

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Posted by missrock

I shower when DH is home in teh morning. He watches her. Thats the only way I can see getting a shower in.

Same here. I get up and by the time I am out of the shower DS is usually either waking or I'll see him in our bed watching TV with DH.

Posted 6/25/08 8:31 AM

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I put Logan back in the crib with a couple toys.

He cries for a couple minutes, but then he plays until I get him.

Posted 6/25/08 8:58 AM

Little Brother Christopher

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

During the work week, I get up at 5:30 a.m. and shower before Thomas wakes up at around 6 a.m. On weekends, I shower while DH watches him. On Fridays, I work from home, and I either shower during his nap, or I don't shower! Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/08 9:16 AM

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Posted by HillaryW2Be

When DD was in the stage where she would get into everything I just put her in her crib. Or when she napped (which wasnt always when I needed one Chat Icon ) I showered then.

Same here. I put her in her crib with a few toys. She would cry for a minute then she would be fine. I brought the monitor into the bathroom while I showered.

Posted 6/25/08 9:18 AM

Love my sailor

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I know you don't like the option, but I get up a wee bit earlier that DD and shower. I can dress with her in my room. I put her in her crib, after she eats and has a sippy, back in her crib for about 15 minutes with some books and toys while I dry my hair and throw on a few swipes of make-up. We have a routine and that has really helped.

Posted 6/25/08 9:20 AM


Member since 3/06

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Posted by KateDevine

Crib and let him play. I mean, even if he freaks, how long are you going to shower for? 20 minutes? He will be fine in there!


Posted 6/25/08 9:35 AM

party of five

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

i shower at night, but DS is getting into everything now so even getting dressed/make-up is hard...i will have to put him in the crib and allow him to cry i guess

Posted 6/25/08 9:47 AM
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