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WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

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Member since 8/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I worked, so I would shower at nigth for a bit.

HOwever, some mornings, I stuck them in their exersaucer in front of the TV and they just stayed in there.

Whatever works!

Posted 6/25/08 9:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Children

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

When DS was that age, I would put him in the pack n play, put it right by the bathroom door and leave the TV on for him so he could watch it while I was showering.

Posted 6/25/08 10:18 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I get up early and shower first when DH is home and he watches DD if she is awake and he plays with her or gives her breakfast while I take a quick shower. Otherwise I don't get one - she won't stay in her pack n play or crib for 10-15 if I'm not around to watch and she has learned to stack toys and stand on them so I'm afraid she might try to climb out if I'm not around to watch - I do put her in the pack n play when I get dressed etc b.c I'm in the room with her so if she tries to climb out I'm there to grab her.

Posted 6/25/08 10:26 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

My DD is 18 months old and when my DH isn't home what I do is just take her in the shower w/ me. She loves it. It makes the whole thing a little annoying - but whatever- better than having her loose in the house.

When we get out- I dry off first (since it's hot out anyway)- and let her play in the tub for a while (even though it doesn't have water in it) and then I take her out, dry her, lotion her, dress her ,etc.

Then I let her watch a show in my room while I finish getting dressed.

Posted 6/25/08 10:41 AM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

DD likes to do a lot of outdoor activities in the morning so I don't shower until her first nap. In the morning, she has me out for a bike ride & a walk & playing in the yard. At that point, I am better unshowered. As soon as I put DD down for a nap, I shower & then sometimes I catch a few Zzzz's after that.

Posted 6/25/08 11:30 AM


Member since 9/06

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

My DS is almost 11 months old...I put him in his walker and let him wander in my room and bathroom(they are connected). I can see him from our shower since it has glass doors, and I can see my bedroom if he wanders there because of the mirrors. If DH is home, I will let him watch him while I shower.

Posted 6/25/08 12:33 PM


Member since 2/06

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

in terms of childcare I am still completely co-dependent on my husband. I can't do anything when he isn't there. It's totally paralyzing and I need to work on it.

Anyway, in terms of showering on weekdays, DH and I take turns. I shower at 6am while he gives DS his morning bottle. He gets in the shower at 6:30 while I dress DS and finish getting myself ready. He sits on our bed and plays with toys. He does not like to be left alone AT ALL. I can't even deal with the hyperventilating that ensues when we attempt to do it.

On weekends we take turns as well but usually we don't shower until after 9am.

I made the mistake of never having DS play alone in his crib. Not sure if that can be recitified now. He will stay in there for 5 minutes max IF i am in the room with him. I usually do that when I am folding his laundry and stuff.

If ever I was alone and needed to shower I would have to wait until he naps, whenever that might be. Also, because he isn't mobile yet I guess I could have him sit on the bathroom floor but I know that's not an option for you since he is all over the place.

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Posted 6/25/08 12:39 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Don't know if he will do this but what about taking him in the shower with you with some toys and those crayons fro teh tub. My friend has been doing this since about 1 with her twins and they love the shower now

Posted 6/25/08 12:40 PM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Whenever I'm home with DD and DH is gone, I force myself to shower before she gets up.

I've done the showering during naptime thing but it would irritate me enough that we didn't get our day going until late that I force myself to get up early and shower then.

Posted 6/25/08 12:54 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I put him in what I now call the "pack n scream." mommy needs to shower before work, plain and simple. Usually he calms down and plays with his toys or watches TV.

Posted 6/25/08 12:55 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Put him in his high chair with some books or toys or put him in his crib! That's what I do!

Posted 6/25/08 12:55 PM

Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

In the mornings during the week, I get up with DS around 7AM, give him his bottle and then usually jump in the shower. By the time I'm out, he's usually finishing up his bottle so I check on him and give him a toy to play with. Then I get dressed, blast my hair with the dryer and get him ready for daycare and me for work.

DH gets up around 8AM so I'm usually leaving around the time he gets up. We put him in his pack n play while DH is getting ready and I leave for work.

Weekends are easier because one of us is with DS while the other is getting showered/dressed.

I think if you put him in his crib or pack n play, it should be fine. Ben has days where he cries no matter what we do but he stops after a minute or so and plays with one of his toys, books, etc.

Message edited 6/25/2008 1:10:06 PM.

Posted 6/25/08 1:09 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Put him in the crib with a few books and close the door. I think it's good for him to have a little time to entertain himself like that and you absolutely need some time to yourself to get showered and ready, it's a good routine for after breakfast. I'm with you, I cannot get up and shower right away, i need at least 2 cups of joe.

Posted 6/25/08 1:16 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I never had a problem. I would just put him in the playpen and take a shower.

When he outgrew the playpen I just leave him in our room and he watches TV or plays. I live the door open when I shower so I can hear him and see him.

Posted 6/25/08 1:17 PM

My Girls

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I try to get in the shower before DD wakes up. Sometimes I hear that she is awake in her crib and I will jump in real quick before I get her...she'll usulally play for a bit.

If I HAVE to get a shower and she's already up, i've put her in the exersaucer or pnp in front of the TV, preferrably with Elmo on, some puffs, a sippy cup and lots of extra toys...and Mommy takes a QUICK shower.

Posted 6/25/08 1:52 PM

Cold go away

Member since 10/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I put John who is 18 months in his crib with some toys and I shower. When he was younger I put him in his exersacuer but he outgrew it.

Posted 6/25/08 2:23 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Posted by 5ofClubs

I never had a problem. I would just put him in the playpen and take a shower.

When he outgrew the playpen I just leave him in our room and he watches TV or plays. I live the door open when I shower so I can hear him and see him.

exactly what I do.

She just chills on my bed and watches tv and I close door so she dont go far.
My bathroom is in my bedroom...door open.

Posted 6/25/08 2:27 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I shower before the kids get up. That way, if by chance, they do get up extra early DH is there to help. As of now, I have to get up between 5-5:30 just to have time to pump and get in the shower.

Posted 6/25/08 2:29 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Posted by Elbee

Can you put the high chair or PNP in front of the bathroom door? I put DS in his jumparoo or high chair and play peek a boo while I shower.

THIS is a good idea!! Noah can climb out of the P N P already but highchair is an idea! Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/08 4:32 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Posted by 5ofClubs

I never had a problem. I would just put him in the playpen and take a shower.

When he outgrew the playpen I just leave him in our room and he watches TV or plays. I live the door open when I shower so I can hear him and see him.

Well then that doesnt help me does it? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/08 4:33 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Posted by Diana1215

I either shower at night after he's asleep, shower when he naps, or I put him in the PNP with toys and the Backyardigans on.

I should say I do shower mostly at night, I more meant trying to get some make up on or brush my hair. Im tired of looking like crap Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/08 4:34 PM

Just the 4 of us

Member since 12/06

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

we have had the same basic schedule in the morning... i feed cadi breakfast, then put her in the pnp and i go take a shower to get ready and she watches a DVD of dora, jonny and the sprites, etc.... once i get out she pretty much always goes to the bathroom and that is when i dress her. I am not saying this is 100%always but it is pretty much a good amount of the time

Posted 6/25/08 4:37 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

I was lucky at that age, DD would sit in the bouncy in the shower with a cup of milk and I would just shower quickly...

Posted 6/25/08 4:39 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: WHEN do I shower...get dressed? (advice 1 yr old moms?)

Posted by Elbee

Can you put the high chair or PNP in front of the bathroom door? I put DS in his jumparoo or high chair and play peek a boo while I shower.

This is exactly what i do and it works really well...especially if I give her a teething ring to play with.....

Posted 6/25/08 4:51 PM
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