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Woman dies after drinking too much water

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Woman dies after drinking too much water

SACRAMENTO – A Sacramento area radio station fired 10 employees Tuesday, including three morning disc jockeys, after a mother of three died following an on-air water-drinking contest last week at the station's studios.
The hosts of KDND-FM's “Morning Rave” – who go by the on-air names Trish, Maney and Lukas – were fired a day after the station announced it was suspending the show and investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Jennifer Lea Strange.

AdvertisementStrange, 28, died after participating in a water-drinking contest on the program.
She was one of about 18 contestants who tried to win a Nintendo Wii gaming console early Friday by seeing how much water they could drink without going to the bathroom. The show's DJs called the contest “Hold your Wee for a Wii.”

John Geary, vice president and general manager of KDND parent company, Entercom/Sacramento, made the announcement Tuesday in an e-mail to reporters.

“Effective immediately, the 'Morning Rave' program is canceled and ten employees are no longer with the station.”

A company spokesman, Charles Sipkins, confirmed the three DJs, as well as two other on-air personalities, “Carter” and “Fester,” were among those fired. Five other employees who worked on the “Morning Rave” also were let go. All 10 were fired, the spokesman said, for violating terms of their employee agreements.

The “Morning Rave” had been on the air for about five years and was one of the capital's top-ranked morning drive programs.

During the contest, participants were given two minutes to drink an 8-ounce bottle of water and then given another bottle to drink after a 10-minute break.

Fellow contestant James Ybarra said he quit drinking after imbibing eight bottles, but Strange, who placed second, and others kept going even after they were handed even larger containers.

In all, according to witness reports, Strange may have drunk nearly two gallons. Afterward, she appeared ill when she went on the air, one contestant said.

Following the contest, Strange called in sick to work. About five hours later she was found dead at her home.

The Sacramento County coroner said preliminary autopsy findings indicated she died of water intoxication.

Drinking large quantities of water rapidly can throw off the body's balance of electrolytes, causing brain swelling and leading to seizures, coma, or even death.

In February 2005, a Chico State University student died after drinking too much water in a hazing incident at a fraternity. Matthew Carrington was forced to repeatedly drink from a 5-gallon jug and then do calisthenics.

In that case, one fraternity member pleaded guilty to felony involuntary manslaughter and two others pleaded guilty to being accessories to manslaughter, among other charges.

Sgt. Tim Curran, spokesman for the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department, which would have jurisdiction over the KDND incident, said officers are not investigating Strange's death.

“It was a contest and people are saying there was no coercion. On its face, it appears it was all done voluntarily, and no criminal activity was involved,” Curran said.

In the studio, Ybarra said Strange showed fellow contestants photographs of her two sons and daughter, for whom she was hoping to win the Nintendo Wii. The game console retails for about $250.

Posted 1/18/07 7:52 AM
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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

Yeah I heard about that...anything in excess can be dangerousChat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 7:54 AM


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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

I heard about that. So sad

Posted 1/18/07 7:56 AM

It's a Good Life

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

Just watching it on Good Morning America.

I have heard about "drowing" from drinking too much water.

Very interesting.

Posted 1/18/07 8:03 AM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

Water Intoxication:

I'm more amazed that humans exist at all. Too much water = death. Too little water = death. Too much heat = death. Too little heat = death. Too much salt = death. Too much salt = death. etc, etc. We live on a very fine line...

I heard that they fired 10 people from the station. Anyone who had any involvement at all with the stunt was fired.

This sucks all around. Mom just wanted to get a game system for her kids and she winds up dying. Radio program did what seemed to be a (relatively) innocent game, and now they have someone's death hanging over them for the rest of their lives.

Posted 1/18/07 8:10 AM


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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

Such a sad story Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 8:29 AM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

I hate this story. The poor children who will grow up without a mom. The poor workers who will feel responsible for her death for the rest of thier lives. All around, just a bad story.
My heart breaks for those kids and I will pray for them.

Posted 1/18/07 8:32 AM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

Hopefully this will make people more aware.

You can't just do whatever you want to your body.

It's so sad. Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 9:22 AM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

the really sad thing is people were calling in saying that you can die from this

4 people in Ca were convicted of killing someone by water intoxification - they were hazing a frat

so they should have been well aware of the dangers- I listened to all the audio on 92.3 yesterday

they has no medical personal standing by- and no one even suggested she should go see a doctor

all she would have needed was gatorade or salt and she would still be alive

Posted 1/18/07 9:33 AM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

Posted by Beth1210

the really sad thing is people were calling in saying that you can die from this

4 people in Ca were convicted of killing someone by water intoxification - they were hazing a frat

so they should have been well aware of the dangers- I listened to all the audio on 92.3 yesterday

they has no medical personal standing by- and no one even suggested she should go see a doctor

all she would have needed was gatorade or salt and she would still be alive

I was listening on my way home too and while I missed the beginning, I did hear that they were talking about the guy who died during the hazing incident on the air while the contest was going on. What a bunch of idiots - I am glad they got fired.

I am ususally the last person to say someone should sue, but I would probably look into a civil suit if I were a family member of this woman.

Posted 1/18/07 11:59 AM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

OMG. I thought this was a joke that someone posted about the other day. I had no idea it really happened.

Such a complete waste. I knew you could die of alcohol intoxication but water? I thought that would get excreted out no matter how much you tried to hold it.Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 12:08 PM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

Posted by nrthshgrl

OMG. I thought this was a joke that someone posted about the other day. I had no idea it really happened.

Such a complete waste. I knew you could die of alcohol intoxication but water? I thought that would get excreted out no matter how much you tried to hold it.Chat Icon

it happens when you drink it too quickly- your body doesn't have time to absorb and dispose of it

it happened to a runner after the marathon

Posted 1/18/07 12:15 PM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

Chat Icon OMG that is so horrible

Posted 1/18/07 12:15 PM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

I heard about this this morning. They played a piece of it on (i think z100). They were kind of making fun of the girl saying she looked sick...she said she had a headache. She was trying to win the Wii for her kids.... SOOOOOOOOO sadChat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 12:21 PM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

I heard about this yesterday... such a sad story all around. Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 12:22 PM


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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

I heard about it earlier this week. It's a shame bc all she was doing was trying to win a Playstation WII for her family.

Posted 1/18/07 12:25 PM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

very sad Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 12:33 PM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

On the news, I heard that a nurse called in prior to the contest to Warn them about water intox. I guess they ignored her.

Posted 1/18/07 1:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

DH told me about this story a few days ago when they posted it on one of his gaming sites. How sad. Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 1:51 PM

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Message edited 2/12/2007 2:36:51 PM.

Posted 1/18/07 1:54 PM

Feel better my little guy!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

What a shame. I'm not surprised drinking a certain quantity of water in a certain time period can cause problems though.

Posted 1/18/07 2:01 PM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

I heard about this yesterday from a co-worker, My heart breaks for the family and i will pray for them too, its so sad at 28 years old she is gone from water intoxication.Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 2:46 PM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

Dont participants sign waivers ?

Doesnt management approve contests?

Why should they be fired? Maybe I'm missing something.

Posted 1/18/07 5:43 PM

designer mutt

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

Posted by JPC1125

Why should they be fired? Maybe I'm missing something.

IMO, they should not only be fired, but imprisoned because their idiocy caused a death.

I think the waiver in this cause would be about as legally binding as a waiver to play Russian Roulette.

Posted 1/18/07 5:59 PM

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Re: Woman dies after drinking too much water

That is just so sad....

Posted 1/18/07 6:03 PM
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