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Wood floor in kitchen?

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/09

125 total posts


Wood floor in kitchen?

Love it or hate it?
I think tile is much more practical.
But having wood throughout might make our space feel bigger. We live in a typical split.

Posted 2/20/14 7:38 AM
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Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

In our coop we had wood floor in our kitchen, we had a small leak and the wood by the sink by wonky so we tiled the kitchen based on this I wouldn't do wood in a kitchen again .

Posted 2/20/14 8:22 AM

Christine Braun - Signature Premier Properties
LIFamilies Business

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Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

I love the look of wood in a kitchen. However, I would fear it would get worn so quickly because the kitchen is a high-traffic area, and there is potential for a lot of water getting on the floor. But I know people who have it and love it.

I have a split - A side-by-side split - where the formal living room and dining wood are hardwood, but the tile in the entryway carries straight back through the kitchen. I kind of like the contrast between the wood and tile (because I have distinct rooms, not a totally open layout).

My friend has a front to back split, and her living room/dining room/kitchen is really one big open space (with a kitchen island dividing the kitchen from other rooms). She just renovated and has hardwood throughout, and I like the one type of flooring there. It just looks more cohesive given it's totally open.

So I think, for my preferences, it also depends on the style of split and whether it's a totally open layout.

Posted 2/20/14 8:31 AM

I think I got this

Member since 11/10

1523 total posts


Wood floor in kitchen?

A possible solution is either vinyl or ceramic that looks like wood.
Personally I love wood in the kitchen but when I redo my kitchen I am most likely doing luxury sheet vinyl for durability and comfort.

Posted 2/20/14 8:50 AM

Baby Boy is Here!

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Momma <3

Wood floor in kitchen?

We have an open floor plan with wood floors in the kitchen (our floor plan would look ridiculous with tile in the kitchen). I have no complaints about the wood floor - I like the look.

Posted 2/20/14 9:12 AM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Wood floor in kitchen?

I hate wood in a kitchen

Posted 2/20/14 9:32 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

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Wood floor in kitchen?

I don't like the idea of wood in the kitchen for many reasons. That said, if you want the LOOk of wood, there are wood-styled tiles these days that are VERY good.

Posted 2/20/14 9:48 AM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


Wood floor in kitchen?

DH convinced me to put wood in our kitchen...i love the look because we have an open layout...but im not sure how well it will hold up

Posted 2/20/14 9:53 AM

10 years on LIF!

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Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

There's several threads on here about wood in the kitchen. I've posted several times about my stranded bamboo. I've left a sample of it outside in the sun, rain, snow, etc, for over a year. A little discolored, but a quick sanding and it would look brand new, so I'm not worried about a couple of small spills throughout the year. I have all the benefits of wood (warmth, easier on the feet, easier to clean), and non of the negatives (wear and tear, water, etc).
I would absolutely put bamboo in a kitchen before tile.

Posted 2/20/14 9:57 AM

Life is about choices.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

Posted by jessnbrian

I don't like the idea of wood in the kitchen for many reasons. That said, if you want the LOOk of wood, there are wood-styled tiles these days that are VERY good.

my parents got this and it is beautiful!!!

Posted 2/20/14 10:46 AM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

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Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

Posted by PitterPatter11

We have an open floor plan with wood floors in the kitchen (our floor plan would look ridiculous with tile in the kitchen). I have no complaints about the wood floor - I like the look.


Posted 2/20/14 10:49 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

Posted by Mrs213

I hate wood in a kitchen

Same here

Posted 2/20/14 10:56 AM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

hate it also!!!

Posted 2/20/14 11:05 AM

my little love

Member since 12/09

5054 total posts


Wood floor in kitchen?

I have cherry wood in my kitchen. Although I love the look, it's a softer wood and dents easily. I've dropped a can or two and it's left little dents in the wood

Posted 2/20/14 11:50 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/10

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Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

Posted by PitterPatter11

We have an open floor plan with wood floors in the kitchen (our floor plan would look ridiculous with tile in the kitchen). I have no complaints about the wood floor - I like the look.

I agree.

Posted 2/20/14 3:05 PM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

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Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

Posted by PitterPatter11

We have an open floor plan with wood floors in the kitchen (our floor plan would look ridiculous with tile in the kitchen). I have no complaints about the wood floor - I like the look.

I agree. I love our wood floors. They aren't anymore worn than any other place in the house. It holds up really well too. I seriously don't have one complaint!

Posted 2/20/14 7:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/13

2352 total posts


Wood floor in kitchen?

We have a split and the first level is an open floor plan -- living room, dining room, kitchen. We have wood floors throughout and I couldn't imagine it any other way. Since there is just one big open space, it would look odd to just stop the wood and start tile -- would disrupt the flow. I haven't had any problems with it in term of heavy traffic, dents, water damage. Holds up great. I think with one continuous floor, the space looks larger and warmer.

Posted 2/20/14 9:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/13

556 total posts


Wood floor in kitchen?

A friend of mine has wood in her kitchen and the fridge ice maker broke and flooded the room. Ruined the planks and though they tried to dry it right away with fans and a dehumidifier, it still warped. I'd choose ceramic.

Posted 2/20/14 9:27 PM

I'm cranky

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Mama Cranky

Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

I love wood throughout. We have had it for 7 years.

Posted 2/21/14 5:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Wood floor in kitchen?

I love wood floors in a kitchen. But I am not a fan of tile anywhere except the bathroom. I feel like its so cold and hard on your feet. I had a wood laminate floor in my coop that I loved and was very durable. We have A wood floor in our kitchen now - it's pretty old and I hate it but I hate everything about my kitchen and can't wait to redo it. But I will definitely do wood again.

Posted 2/22/14 2:13 PM

Almost there!

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Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

We have wood and I prefer it. We took out the old tile and replaced with wood to give the open floor plan continuity (the rest of the floor had wood already). It's taken a beating for five years and still looks great. It's not that hard for an experienced carpenter to tear up some boards and replace. We had new boards integrated seamlessly in the existing floor when we first moved in. With tile, that would be harder to do when one breaks unless you buy extra from the same dye lot.

I like the feel of wood underfoot too. My in laws had tile and I always felt fatigued on it.

Posted 2/22/14 5:21 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 12/09

8 total posts


Wood floor in kitchen?

I have a split and we redid our kitchen with wood floors and LOVE it.

Posted 2/24/14 3:36 PM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

12970 total posts


Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

i love it. but i also love the rustic look, so im ok that my floor looks a bit worn.

Posted 2/24/14 7:12 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: Wood floor in kitchen?

Posted by PitterPatter11

We have an open floor plan with wood floors in the kitchen (our floor plan would look ridiculous with tile in the kitchen). I have no complaints about the wood floor - I like the look.

me too!

Posted 2/24/14 8:10 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/11

804 total posts


Wood floor in kitchen?

We just bought Polcelain Tile that look and feel like wood. We are installing them tomorrow and i am so excited to see how they look. we have wood floor all over our house except Kitchen, Family Room and Hall. I love the look of wood in a kitchen but after everything my friend went through with leaks and having to replace the wood floor 3 times in 1 year it is not worth it imo.

Posted 2/25/14 8:26 AM
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