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Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today! Update page 2

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/12

523 total posts


Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

I would tell them that you have spoken to the nys higher education office and have a copy of your consumer bill of rights, and also know you can place a formal complaint for professional misconduct if you need to.

Professional misconduct is defined in Education Law and in the Rules of the Board of Regents. Professional misconduct includes the following:

Engaging in acts of gross incompetence or gross negligence on a single occasion, or negligence or incompetence on more than one occasion
Permitting or aiding an unlicensed person to perform activities requiring a license
Refusing a client or patient service because of race, creed, color, or national origin
Practicing beyond the scope of the profession
Releasing confidential information without authorization
Being convicted of a crime
Failing to return or provide copies of records on request
Being sexually or physically abusive
Abandoning or neglecting a patient in need of immediate care
Performing unnecessary work or unauthorized services
Practicing under the influence of alcohol or other drugs

Even if your insurances company has paid for X-rays they can still charge you for a copy, but it must be a reasonable amount .... From the state website

What records does my dentist maintain? Can anyone else get them?

Your patient record typically contains your case history, dental examination findings, x-ray films, lab findings, reports from other treatment professionals, and other treatment records. Your dentist must keep client records for six years or until the client turns 22, whichever is longer. Generally, your records are confidential unless you approve their release. Ask your professional about exceptions to this. If you want a copy of your records, provide your dentist with a written request. You may be charged a reasonable fee to offset the cost of providing copies.

Good luck today

Posted 8/7/12 6:58 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 4/07

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Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

I would do all i could to ruin this practice. I have no tolerance for this nonesense.

Posted 8/7/12 7:45 AM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

I've said it before, and I will say it again:

I don't understand how ppl like this remain employed, especially in today's economy.

Makes me sick to my stomach!

Good luck getting this resolved.

Posted 8/7/12 7:50 AM

insert creative comment here

Member since 2/12

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Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Posted by TuttsyLow

I would do all i could to ruin this practice. I have no tolerance for this nonesense.

see, this is what i don't get. yes, the receptionist was totally and completely out of line and nutso. but if i were in the OP's shoes, would i spend my time doing "all i could to ruin" them? not at all. i am assuming that the OP has enough other, wonderful things going on in her life to not want to spend extra time and energy on them, beyond getting what she needs from them. but maybe that's just me.

to the OP - i don't know why, but dentists, moreso than other medical professionals ALWAYS seem shady. my family uses one in merrick, and has for 20 years at least, and they have always been on the up and up. if you want the info let me know.

Posted 8/7/12 8:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1338 total posts


Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Do they take your insurance as in network? if so call the ins co to find out how much they r paying on that claim and your responsibility if any. thats all they should be getting in terms of payment. i work for a dentist and we dont charge. you can also go to another dentist and have that dentist call for your records they will just have u sign a release.

Posted 8/7/12 8:34 AM

carseat nerd

Member since 11/09

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Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Posted by fdnywife

I switched a couple different dentists because of insurance changes and none of them seemed happy about it. None of them made it easy to get the X rays. I never understood why! I had to switch. Then the X-ray they gave me was a JOKE. It was a teeny tiny piece of nothing. I knew there was more and they claimed there wasnt. I have also not understood how I would go to one dentist and get a decent report on my teeth and then I go to another and they tell me all my fillings need to be redone etc. I never ever know who to trust! It sucks all around. Good luck with everything! :)

Well, tell them you want it in writing there is only the single xray.

Then show them the insurance EOB's which would show they billed for more and ask if they'd like to hand over the rest or be reported for insurance fraud.

Posted 8/7/12 9:26 AM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

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Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

I would just go for the second opinion and let the new dentist call the old one for your records.

I would not spend one more second on this than I have to.

But I would send a letter to the medical board or dental board..and cc the dentist.

Also has ways of giving feedback.

And I give you props..I would have gone bat shit crazy on this chick so badly she would go crying and rocking in a corner and would have gladly given me my records for free just to get rid of me.

Posted 8/7/12 9:27 AM

Mrs. O'Connor

Member since 6/10

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Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

I'm a receptionist and I have to say most of them are so rude. I'm lucky that the other receptionists in my location are really nice and polite, but even in our other offices, they are down right nasty. I also find that receptionists in doctor's offices are the worst- but my dentist's receptionist is so nice! Crazy!

Posted 8/7/12 9:29 AM

carseat nerd

Member since 11/09

3669 total posts


Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

OP, I wouldn't let the lack of the records stop you from getting the other opinion. I am really bad about transferring dental records, I've never even had a dentist ask me for prior records. The new dentist can try to request them for you as well. Sometimes Drs/Dentists make that process smoother for professional reasons................

Posted 8/7/12 9:31 AM


Member since 4/07

2665 total posts


Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Posted by sameinitials

Posted by TuttsyLow

I would do all i could to ruin this practice. I have no tolerance for this nonesense.

see, this is what i don't get. yes, the receptionist was totally and completely out of line and nutso. but if i were in the OP's shoes, would i spend my time doing "all i could to ruin" them? not at all. i am assuming that the OP has enough other, wonderful things going on in her life to not want to spend extra time and energy on them, beyond getting what she needs from them. but maybe that's just me.

to the OP - i don't know why, but dentists, moreso than other medical professionals ALWAYS seem shady. my family uses one in merrick, and has for 20 years at least, and they have always been on the up and up. if you want the info let me know.

I guess I sounded more sinister than what I meant. I would go ahead and write to the medical board, spread negative word through family and friends and post negative reviews on physician review sites. If enough of his customers do this, I think it could impact his business enough for change. Nothing else comes to mind. I appreciate feedback like this, especially about healthcare services. It's so hard to find reliable providers.

Posted 8/7/12 9:37 AM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Posted by sfp0701

I would ask to speak to the office manager and she is that person, write a letter to the dentist! I can't even believe that!

Plus, I am sure that they can't charge your for the xrays because the insurance didn't pay them yet, right? Maybe even call the insurance company and tell them!


I'd foced that $0.75 law in her face and tell her to do HER job and submit the claim. That's her job. She can NOT make you pay for unreimbursed charges. What's to stop her from filing then getting the money from the insurance company too? Tell her to call your insurance company.

NO WAY should you pay that money.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

I ticked FOR YOU!

Posted 8/7/12 9:53 AM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Thank you so much everyone. I just got off the phone with my insurance company. They wanted the entire situation in writing, so I just sent them a very detailed email. I spoke to the head of dentist issues, I know he had a more official name Chat Icon Anyway... I'm going within the next few hours to pick up my records.

I'll update later with how it all went down Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: oh and for those who recommended my new dentist calling for the records..... this receptionist was just SO crazy that I'd rather just deal with them myself than get my new place involved. My insurance company said if I do pay the $140 I WILL get reimbursed. I have the head of something or other who said that to me and his name..

Message edited 8/7/2012 11:31:39 AM.

Posted 8/7/12 11:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

3534 total posts


Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Posted by Xelindrya

Posted by sfp0701

I would ask to speak to the office manager and she is that person, write a letter to the dentist! I can't even believe that!

Plus, I am sure that they can't charge your for the xrays because the insurance didn't pay them yet, right? Maybe even call the insurance company and tell them!


I'd foced that $0.75 law in her face and tell her to do HER job and submit the claim. That's her job. She can NOT make you pay for unreimbursed charges. What's to stop her from filing then getting the money from the insurance company too? Tell her to call your insurance company.

NO WAY should you pay that money.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

I ticked FOR YOU!

.75 is for paper records

Diagnostic films are more

Posted 8/7/12 11:50 AM

My compass when I'm lost

Member since 5/11

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My anchor when I get tossed

Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

That is terrible! I'm glad you're going to get it resolved. I cannot believe how she acted! I once called a dermatologist for my husband and when I said I wanted to make an appt. for him, the receptionist said, "What? He can't talk? He can't speak for himself and make the appt?" I was FURIOUS and the office manager even stood up for the bitchh!

Posted 8/7/12 1:03 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

...any updates if you went there today?

Posted 8/8/12 12:29 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Unfortunately they can charge you whatever they want for those images. However, if they were digital then they could email or print them out for you. We do not charge our patients for a copy of their previous X-rays. I would definitely find the dentist's personal email and complain to him. Most Drs have it listed in their card or website.

Posted 8/8/12 7:26 AM

Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

13481 total posts


Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Posted by PennyCat

BTW .. for those who asked.. His name is Dr.Joel Heller, located in Rockville Center.

OMG - DH had a crazy experience with them a few years ago. He had to cancel in the morning for an evening appointment and the receptionist got HOSTILE with him and told him that he was no longer allowed to make appointments in advance and that if he wanted to see the dentist, he'd have to call the day of to see if there were any cancellations.

They are CRAZY in that office.

Posted 8/8/12 9:37 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/12

234 total posts


Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

I'm dying to hear how things went when you went to the office....update us1

Posted 8/8/12 7:23 PM

Hudson's Momma

Member since 10/10

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Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

OMG !!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I know Dr. Heller! He was at my WEDDING!!! Him and his wife are very good friends with my ILs, or former ILs. Well since I'm getting a divorce it doesn't matter...this is crazy and I can't blame you for a second!

I never saw Dr. Heller but my STBX still sees him. Since he is a family friend, I'm not sure he charged him a lot.


Posted 8/8/12 9:04 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Wow! Crazy! For the record, my dentist (who does not take UFT but she has been my dentist for 30 years!) has encouraged me to get second opinions. That receptionist is nuts.

Posted 8/8/12 10:15 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

any updates?

Posted 8/9/12 11:59 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today!

Posted by cncforever

any updates?

YES!!! Ahhh I just realized I never updated!!!

I called my insurance company in the morning and told them about the situation. They told me to send them a letter in writing about what went down. So .. I emailed them a VERY detailed letter and by the time I went with my parents to pick up the records, the dentist said he had JUST gotten off with my insurance company. I was impressed by how fast they got on top of this!

Anyway .. I'll try to condense this story Chat Icon We did NOT end up paying to get my records. When we went though, the dentist was a major dickk. He defended his receptionist and didn't apologize for her AT ALL. Midway through the conversation, she walks in and gives me the dirtiest look imaginable Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon. While he was defending her, (which I thought was INSANE, btw... ) I told him that it's not WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it .. and that's something I even taught my middle schoolers!

By the end of this whole thing, which probably lasted about 15 mins total, my mom requested her records and said that she could not in good consciousness return to their practice and wanted her records too. On our way out, the dentist made it out like he was so concerned for my dh and said that dental health impacts overall health and as his wife, I should be taking care of his health. My parting words were, "Thanks, I'll take care of my DH's health, and I think someone around here needs to take care of their emotional health." .. And out I went....

By the way.. my new dentist couldn't even READ the X-rays he gave us because they were virtually useless. She had to take a whole new set. Clearly, that first dentist was looking out for my DH's health so much that he gave us crappy X-ray pics, forcing us to need new ones. Chat Icon Assshole.

Well .. that's it .. we're done with them. Sorry this got so long!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/12 12:54 AM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: Wow CRAZY experience with a receptionist today! Update page 2

Posted by scarletbegonia

Posted by PennyCat

BTW .. for those who asked.. His name is Dr.Joel Heller, located in Rockville Center.

OMG - DH had a crazy experience with them a few years ago. He had to cancel in the morning for an evening appointment and the receptionist got HOSTILE with him and told him that he was no longer allowed to make appointments in advance and that if he wanted to see the dentist, he'd have to call the day of to see if there were any cancellations.

They are CRAZY in that office.

WHOA!! I seriously feel like I would not be able to believe this story if I hadn't experienced that receptionist firsthand!! Chat Icon Chat Icon She's out of her freakin mind!!

Posted 8/10/12 1:06 AM
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