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Is my 2-month-old the only one who still wakes every 2 hours to eat?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06

749 total posts


Is my 2-month-old the only one who still wakes every 2 hours to eat?

From eveyrone's posts it seems that the most everyone's 2 month old wakes is once during the night for a feeding.

My DS goes to be around 8:30, will go 3 hours if I am lucky then wants to eat, then proceeds to wake every 2-3 hours throughout the night. Can I change this? Is it because he is BF?

Posted 11/13/07 5:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
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<3 my family

Member since 1/06

7465 total posts


Re: Is my 2-month-old the only one who still wakes every 2 hours to eat?

I BF and my DD sleeps from 10 or 11 pm till 5 am before she wakes for a feeding. She is 1 month old.

Posted 11/13/07 5:18 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06

749 total posts


Re: Is my 2-month-old the only one who still wakes every 2 hours to eat?

Posted by ABCiverson

I BF and my DD sleeps from 10 or 11 pm till 5 am before she wakes for a feeding. She is 1 month old.

Does she eat every 2 hours during the day?

Posted 11/13/07 5:24 PM


Member since 8/06

1730 total posts


Re: Is my 2-month-old the only one who still wakes every 2 hours to eat?

DS is 2 months. I'm EBF & his feeding times vary. During the day he usually wants to eat every 2-3 hours.

At night, he will sleep for 5 hrs some nights. Sometimes he wakes up once for the night & other times it can be more. Also, sometimes he will fall asleep after only feeding from one side & that causes him to wake up sooner than usual for his next feeding.

As long as he seems content, it should be fine. Not all babies adapt to schedules early on

Posted 11/13/07 6:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

75 total posts


Re: Is my 2-month-old the only one who still wakes every 2 hours to eat?

My son is now 17 months, but I remember going through the constant feedings. He was nursed and also woke every 2 hours. Hang in there- you will one day get to sleep through the night. I just kept telling myself "this too shall pass."

Posted 11/13/07 6:07 PM

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