I tested AGAIN this morning BFN. I have been sooo crampy and when I wipe its dry but lil mucus sorry for the TMI. Again I thought I was waking up to AF and NOTHING. I cant take this anymore. I am 14DPO. I would of gotten a BFP by now. I dont understand. I just wanna lay in my bed and cry.
IMO I don't go by CM anymore because for me I still get alittle right before AF. I just wait it out until the wench shows and she did two days late this month.
Don't give up!!! Remember Bubbs didn't get her BFP until she was 4 days late!!!!
It's not over till AF makes her arrival or your get a BFP!!!! I certainly was 4 days late before I got a BFP. You never know what your cycle will bring. I was consistently getting AF on the same day for 4 months...and then one month she was off...and that was the month we conceived.