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5 month old, wont take bottle!!!

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LIF Zygote

Member since 10/08

46 total posts


5 month old, wont take bottle!!!

DS is 5 months old..right from the start I BF him and gave him a bottle when i was out and he was hungry...on average 1 to 3 bottles per week. DS started going longer in between feedings so i needed to supplement with bottles less and less so i guess it was a 2 week period that he went with no bottle and was strictly BF. Well about a month ago i went to give him a bottle and he gave me a really hard time..but still took it a few days later my mom tried to give him one had an even harder time but still got him to take most of it..a couple days later the same thing..then a few days after that DH tried and DS completely refused..COMPLETELY!! and a few days after that my mom tried again and DS wouldnt take a single sip! since then ive tried myself for 3 days and have had no luck at on my 3rd kind of bottle..weve been through dr. browns, breastflow, and i think natures choice?? anyway i am trying to get back into work and have had to leave DS home w/o me more lately than normal so i really have to get him to take his bottle!!! im an hopeful that someone out there will have some insight..please tell me what to do!!! im soo frustrated!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/11/10 9:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: 5 month old, wont take bottle!!!

Both of my kids did that around 5 mos (and they were always bottle fed) due to teething. It eventually passed. You can also try going up to a higher flow nipple.

Posted 11/11/10 9:14 PM


Member since 7/09

9209 total posts


Re: 5 month old, wont take bottle!!!

Could he be teething? I know this is like the usual suspect but DS will reject bottles when he's teething really bad. He will either act like he's starving grab it from me and then take very little, like an ounce and push it away, or he'll flat out not be interested. A few days of this and we see a tooth.

Can he sit up yet? If he can you may want to try to introduce a sippy. DS prefers sippy cups when he's teething, because he can nibble on the spout. He still can't handle actually drinking a lot in them, but I can get a few ounces in him that way, I feel at least he's hydrated.

Posted 11/11/10 9:15 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 10/08

46 total posts


Re: 5 month old, wont take bottle!!!

the thing is that i give him cereal and my mom has even spoon fed him his bottle..but when hes tired he needs to suck otherwise he just screams! so if im not there its a real problem...hes def teething...but idk if thats really the reason he wont take to bottle..if i give him the boob after giving up with the bottle he latches on and wont let go!! Thanks for the responses!! Chat Icon

Posted 11/11/10 9:24 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 10/08

46 total posts


Re: 5 month old, wont take bottle!!!

anyone else out there have advice?? Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/10 11:57 AM


Member since 7/09

9209 total posts


Re: 5 month old, wont take bottle!!!

Posted by christeen320

anyone else out there have advice?? Chat Icon

I wish I knew what else to tell you we deal with this at least a few times at random times, before a tooth breaks.

At my very desperate moments, I spoon fed him very runny cereal to get something in him.

If you are worried about hydration, you can give him ice cubes in a mesh feeder, this worked really well for us, and now that DS is on solids, I'll give him his dinner this way when tooth breaks, it soothes him enough to last for bedtime bottle. I am always nervous wreck when he doesn't finish his last bottle of the day.

Posted 11/12/10 7:49 PM

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