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Who else is on maternity leave...and bored?!

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Member since 11/05

9202 total posts


Who else is on maternity leave...and bored?!

I'm trying to keep busy with freelance work, but being home, sans baby or anything to really do, is driving me nuts. I mostly spend time cleaning the house for the millionth time, RE folding baby clothes, and talking to Finley, the pup! So bored! LOL! And of course all my friends are at work...I've visited with my mom, my mother in law...I'm ready for this little bambino.

Posted 12/16/10 6:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

7155 total posts


Re: Who else is on maternity leave...and bored?!

LOL I haven't worked since I moved out of NY last August...

Going to the gym and being a housewife became my full-time job. So when DH left for work every morning, I went to the gym. It kept me busy and happy and I made lots of friends and felt great about it. (Well, other than the guilt of not working.)

I finally got my license to work in my new state 15 months after I applied, but I was already 6 months pregnant by then, so instead of trying to find a job, I just stayed home.

I can imagine how just being at home for the first time now could be frustrating and make you feel restless!

Lately I've had a harder time getting to the gym (between hip pain and exhaustion, although I still go 3 days a week or so) so I'm just home... I do laundry... I clean... I organize things (the baby bags are even packed lol). I bake stuff. I sit on my butt and watch tv a lot with my laptop on my lap writing on LIF. LOL as if that last part wasn't obvious!! Chat Icon

I know it kinda feels like you'll be crawling up the walls if you don't find something to do, but try to just relax and take it hour by hour right now. Today I've been talking to the baby all day and laughing because I'm giddy (it's so weird!) -- I keep imagining what life will be like once she's here and I'm so excited to show her everything and talk to her about everything when she's in my arms! Day dreaming is highly recommended at this point in pregnancy. Chat Icon At least that's my completely unprofessional suggestion. Chat Icon

Have fun & your little girl will be here in no time!!!

Posted 12/16/10 6:44 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Who else is on maternity leave...and bored?!

Don't worry - you'll be reminiscing about these days with fondness in a few weeks.Chat Icon

Posted 12/16/10 7:01 PM

Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

6115 total posts


Re: Who else is on maternity leave...and bored?!


I have been off for the past 2 weeks. I am going crazy over here, so bored!!!

I am running some kind of errand everyday to keep busy...tons of wash, I keep repacking my hospital bag about a dozen times Chat Icon .

I walk the dog...and yeah that's about it. Repeat that just about every day

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Tonight I figured I mines well sterilize by bottles and breast pump accesories

I am ready for her arrival.

I kinda feel like having off is delaying things, do you??

I wonder if I was still working....walking around more and on my feet would of helped my progression. Here I am 4 days away and nothing really going on.

Message edited 12/16/2010 7:22:13 PM.

Posted 12/16/10 7:21 PM

Big sister to be!

Member since 11/05

2174 total posts


Re: Who else is on maternity leave...and bored?!

This is my second week off and I am definitely getting bored! BUT, this is my second time around, so I know how crazy it is once the baby is home, so I am trying to make myself rest, watch tv and veg...knowing what is coming!!!

Posted 12/16/10 9:17 PM


Member since 11/05

9202 total posts


Re: Who else is on maternity leave...and bored?!

Walking is supposed to help; I walk the dog and still try and do yoga twice a week. I really miss my old teaching schedule, though! Problem is, when I go out I have to pee every 10 minutes!

Posted 12/17/10 7:44 AM

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