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LIF Adult

Member since 7/09

5614 total posts



Taking my first class tomorrow...and I legit can't touch my toes and I'm terrified. Any tips?

Posted 2/4/11 4:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Bikram

Where r u taking the class?

Don't be scared!

I've been going for a year now, and there's still lots of poses I can't do well.

Many days my knees hardly lock.

The hardest part is just getting yourself to class and learning to get over your initial anxiety about not being good at it.

Posted 2/4/11 5:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/09

5614 total posts


Re: Bikram

At that place in RVC. I think there are only a few places on li that do it and that's my closest one.

I'm really scared I'm gonna pass out. Have you seen good results?

Posted 2/4/11 8:13 PM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Bikram

Absolutely. I go to the studio in Massapequa. I think some of the instructors from RVC teach at both.

Posted 2/4/11 8:53 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: Bikram

Posted by KittyGags

At that place in RVC. I think there are only a few places on li that do it and that's my closest one.

I'm really scared I'm gonna pass out. Have you seen good results?

Everyone is scared that they are going to pass out but in all the classes I have taken, I have never seen anyone pass out---not even 1 person. They should tell you that nausea is normal and just lay down until it passes. Whenever I felt overwhelmed, I would lay down, close my eyes and pretend I was sunning myself on the beach for a few minutes. It helped! Good luck!!

Posted 2/4/11 9:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/09

5614 total posts


Re: Bikram

Thanks ladies! Ill update you tomorrow how it went! That is, if I'm not in the ER hahaha

Posted 2/4/11 10:03 PM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Bikram

Posted by Lucky

Posted by KittyGags

At that place in RVC. I think there are only a few places on li that do it and that's my closest one.

I'm really scared I'm gonna pass out. Have you seen good results?

Everyone is scared that they are going to pass out but in all the classes I have taken, I have never seen anyone pass out---not even 1 person. They should tell you that nausea is normal and just lay down until it passes. Whenever I felt overwhelmed, I would lay down, close my eyes and pretend I was sunning myself on the beach for a few minutes. It helped! Good luck!!

Me either. FWIW I had a great class in the beginning last night, but then had to lie down for most of floor series. The teacher said I probably wasn't hydrated enough (I felt like I was going to have a panic attack at one point).

So even after going a can still have a "bad" day.

Posted 2/5/11 7:47 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 6/10

495 total posts


Re: Bikram

for your first few classes, the main goal is to just stay in the room and get used to the heat. don't worry about not being able to touch your toes!

i've been practicing for about 3 years now and still have some rough days. my class yesterday, i think i did about 5 poses and had to lay down the rest of the time!

just relax and enjoy!

Posted 2/5/11 7:48 AM


Member since 8/06

4376 total posts


Re: Bikram

Posted by KittyGags

At that place in RVC. I think there are only a few places on li that do it and that's my closest one.

I'm really scared I'm gonna pass out. Have you seen good results?

I go to RVC! Try to take a class with Yolanda, she's amazing. FM me if you want - I can also make suggestions on teachers to avoid. There's one or two that I really don't care for.

I'll be there tomorrow! I hope you decide to go back.

Posted 2/5/11 2:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/09

5614 total posts


Re: Bikram

Girls I'm still alive! I was with Suzanne today...

I think I'm gonna go back tomorrow!Chat Icon I actually surprised myself, there were only 1 or two poses I really had problems with...

The only thing is thats its 90 mins...I might have issues with that after a nice long work day, hahah

Posted 2/5/11 2:39 PM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Bikram

Suzanne...........tall skinny girl that usually puts her hair back in a bun or braid, wears barely there yoga shorts and top and leads the class with lots of energy and jokes?

I think she's the same one who teaches at my studio on Wednesday, and is a good teacher.

Glad you had a nice class.

Definitely try to take advantage of the 10 class special if they offer it.

Yeah, the 90 minutes can be a PITA sometimes, especially if you factor in the drive there and back.

There's also a teacher at my studio, Gina, who tends to really make us stay in the poses longer and then takes the time to show how to do everything the right way. I took her 6PM last night and didn't get out of class until about 10 to 8.

In the past I have asked about doing a 60 minute class and the owner said he'd consider it, but haven't seen one yet!

Message edited 2/5/2011 2:56:21 PM.

Posted 2/5/11 2:53 PM


Member since 8/06

4376 total posts


Re: Bikram

Posted by KittyGags

Girls I'm still alive! I was with Suzanne today...

I think I'm gonna go back tomorrow!Chat Icon I actually surprised myself, there were only 1 or two poses I really had problems with...

The only thing is thats its 90 mins...I might have issues with that after a nice long work day, hahah

Yay! So glad you had a good class.

They are advertising $39 for one month unlimited in an e-blast. I'm kinda annoyed b/c they blasted that promo out to everyone but not everyone is eligible for it. Only new students. You should go for it! It's usually 180.

Posted 2/6/11 8:22 AM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Bikram

Just throwing this out there too........I know it may not apply to the OP because of location, however, another studio may be cheaper for monthly unlimited.

I know where I go, HYM, it's $145.00 for monthly unlimited.

I'm planning to go to the 12:30 class today. Chat Icon

Posted 2/6/11 8:27 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/09

5614 total posts


Re: Bikram

Posted by mzsocialworker1

Suzanne...........tall skinny girl that usually puts her hair back in a bun or braid, wears barely there yoga shorts and top and leads the class with lots of energy and jokes?

I think she's the same one who teaches at my studio on Wednesday, and is a good teacher.

Glad you had a nice class.

Definitely try to take advantage of the 10 class special if they offer it.

Yeah, the 90 minutes can be a PITA sometimes, especially if you factor in the drive there and back.

There's also a teacher at my studio, Gina, who tends to really make us stay in the poses longer and then takes the time to show how to do everything the right way. I took her 6PM last night and didn't get out of class until about 10 to 8.

In the past I have asked about doing a 60 minute class and the owner said he'd consider it, but haven't seen one yet!

Yep her hair is curly? She was good! :)

Posted 2/9/11 12:35 PM

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