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Please help me!! 5 1/2 month old DS will NOT take a bottle and I'm going to lose my mind!!

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Member since 6/08

5573 total posts


Please help me!! 5 1/2 month old DS will NOT take a bottle and I'm going to lose my mind!!

So 5 month old DS has only been offered a pumped bottle literally less than 10 times since he's been born. He refuses every time. I've never really had the *need* for him to really take it since I'm a SAHM, DH works long hours so I'm with him all the time anyway, so I was never really that worried about it. When I do occassionally leave him which is only once a week for an hour (2 yr old DS's library group), I make sure to BF before I go so he's fine while my MIL watches him.

But, my relationship with DH is really strained because we have not been able to even go out to dinner alone since he's been born because the baby won't take a bottle. And I'm growing increasingly agitated and resentful that DH cannot feed him (yes I know it's my fault). So I decided to make it my mission this week to get him to take one. My mother and MIL have been helping me by giving it to him while I leave the room or even the house. Every time he has an absolute fit. He looks at them like "what the eff is this thing?" They're very patient with him but he just pushes it out and cries. We've tried different nipples and bottles. No luck.

I'm at my wit's end. He's literally attached to me at the hip. I can't even go get my hair cut and colored because I can't leave him for that long. My hair is a disaster! Chat Icon Could he possibly NEVER take a bottle? Am I doomed? Anyone else have success in situations like this, any tips? I'll take anything!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 7/7/2011 8:25:33 AM.

Posted 7/7/11 8:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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you rang?

Member since 6/08

5573 total posts


Re: Please help me!! 5 1/2 month old DS will NOT take a bottle and I'm going to lose my mind!!

BUMP for the afternoon crew

or am I doomed?Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/11 1:59 PM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

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Re: Please help me!! 5 1/2 month old DS will NOT take a bottle and I'm going to lose my mind!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Sorry I dont know what advice to give you- I feel like if he is hungry enough he will go for the bottle but I know that might be hard to see Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/11 2:14 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/09

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Re: Please help me!! 5 1/2 month old DS will NOT take a bottle and I'm going to lose my mind!!

I was having this problem with my 4 month old until yesterday. One of the doctor's at my pediatrician's office has a magical technique so I went in yesterday to give it a try and it worked like a charn. All she did was rock her while she was feeding her and only let her get two sips and then rock her up so she couldn't drink, then dip her back down for two more sips, etc. As long as I didn't talk and she didn't see me, it was fne. Last night at home and just a few minutes ago, my husband was successfully and easily able to give her a bottle!

Hope it helps!

Posted 7/7/11 5:50 PM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

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Mama mama mama....

Re: Please help me!! 5 1/2 month old DS will NOT take a bottle and I'm going to lose my mind!!

I had this problem with DD. I tried four or five different types, and she just wasn't interested.

The good news is that at 6 months, we started sippy cups. She likes those. A sippy with pumped BM and her dinner (have you started solids) have worked well when I leave her with my parents.

Posted 7/7/11 7:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1247 total posts


Re: Please help me!! 5 1/2 month old DS will NOT take a bottle and I'm going to lose my mind!!

DS 1 hated the bottle, was never breast fed. I dont know why, he just did. I used to feed him with my knees propped up on an ottoman, and him facing me. I used to dangle various toys over his head, cell phone, anything to distract him. You could use a boppy too.

DS 2 was breast fed, but I wanted him to take a bottle too. Magically, the only place he would drink it was the high chair. I dont know why, but that is what worked for us.

Posted 7/7/11 8:24 PM

you rang?

Member since 6/08

5573 total posts


Re: Please help me!! 5 1/2 month old DS will NOT take a bottle and I'm going to lose my mind!!

Posted by TheDivineMrsM

I had this problem with DD. I tried four or five different types, and she just wasn't interested.

The good news is that at 6 months, we started sippy cups. She likes those. A sippy with pumped BM and her dinner (have you started solids) have worked well when I leave her with my parents.

hmmm, i never thought to just go straight to a sippy. I'll have to try this.

Thanks everyone! Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/11 8:35 PM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: Please help me!! 5 1/2 month old DS will NOT take a bottle and I'm going to lose my mind!!

Try a small cup with a sip or two at a time. DD#2 never took a bottle. It was very upsetting. We tried every bottle out there, and a feeding specialist who said she would probably never take one.

One day around 5.5 months she picked up DD#1's cup of water and took a sip. So I just went with it.

If your DS won't take a bottle - put just a sip of pumped milk in at a time. Then whoever needs to feed him can give it to him a little bit at a time. It isn't ideal BUT it will give you some time to get out for dinner. I would BF DD right before going and then leave a small cup and pumped milk. It would work if we were gone for more than 2-3 hours. Just tell whoever is watching him not to wait until he is starving.

Posted 7/7/11 8:49 PM


Member since 5/11

1368 total posts


Re: Please help me!! 5 1/2 month old DS will NOT take a bottle and I'm going to lose my mind!!

Ohhhh, so there's someone else like me out there!!! My Mom said I refused a bottle/BF; She fed me from a cup!!! Unbelievable!!!! Mary

Posted 7/7/11 8:54 PM

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