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Beginner Runner Questions

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In love with my little man!!

Member since 8/10

1841 total posts


Beginner Runner Questions

I am very interested in getting back into running. I have a 6 month old and I was sick since day 1 of being prego - so it has been 15 months since I have worked out at all.
Realistically how long would it take me to get up to running a 5k and a 10k??
Can anyone guide me as to how to start out?

Also - do any BTDT mommies have the Joovy stroller? Is it a good recommendation for a jogging stroller? (I can't shell out the $$ for a BOB)

Posted 10/10/11 11:39 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Hello Kitty

Member since 1/08

7542 total posts


Re: Beginner Runner Questions

when I first started running I wld do a brisk walk for 5 min then jog for 1 min then walk 3 min then jog 2 min and increase my jogging gradually. With in a few weeks I was jogging most of the time and walking when I needed to catch breath.

Good Luck!

ps: do not jog with stroller.

Posted 10/10/11 11:53 AM

Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07

10116 total posts


Re: Beginner Runner Questions

I highly recommend doing the Couch to 5K running program to get back into exercise. It is a 9 week program that combines walking and running until the last week, when you run 30 minutes straight. Many of us completed this program and it is easy and fun. Plus, the commitment is only 3 days per week. I would probably wait until you are at your full fighting strength again before you run with a stroller though. Maybe go for a run while DH is watching the baby, and give yourself some "me" time. You deserve and need it!! Also, if you have a smartphone, there are many apps out there that allow you to use music from iTunes or other music applications and intergrate them into the running app. So, you can be running to your music and a voice will tell you when to walk, run and when you are done! So easy and helpful! Here is a link to the C25K program: Couch to 5K Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/11 8:11 PM

You give the best smiles!

Member since 1/09

2398 total posts


Re: Beginner Runner Questions

Posted by twinkletoes807

I highly recommend doing the Couch to 5K running program to get back into exercise. It is a 9 week program that combines walking and running until the last week, when you run 30 minutes straight. Many of us completed this program and it is easy and fun. Plus, the commitment is only 3 days per week. I would probably wait until you are at your full fighting strength again before you run with a stroller though. Maybe go for a run while DH is watching the baby, and give yourself some "me" time. You deserve and need it!! Also, if you have a smartphone, there are many apps out there that allow you to use music from iTunes or other music applications and intergrate them into the running app. So, you can be running to your music and a voice will tell you when to walk, run and when you are done! So easy and helpful! Here is a link to the C25K program: Couch to 5K Good luck! Chat Icon

ITA - c25k is a great program! I'm a graduate too - I went from not running at all to running almost 5 miles in a race last week in under an hour. I highly recommend c25k.

Posted 10/10/11 9:09 PM

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