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Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Best remedy for a diaper rash?
DD never really had a diaper rash in the first 18 months of her life but now it suddenly seems like she is getting a doozey. Her butt and genital area is super red and irritated looking and she screams so bad when I change her.
So what's best?
I use aquafor at every diaper change regardless and today after noticing the redness I started using Butt Paste with the Aquafor over it.
Anything else that works better?
Posted 1/21/12 7:01 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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He's coming soon!
Member since 4/10 4260 total posts
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
DS had bad diaper rash when he was a few weeks old. Turns out he was having a reaction to the sensitive wipes and when I switched to regular wipes it went away instantly. He also gets bad rashes if he has anything with dairy in it. It could also be a yeast infection, DS had one and I had no clue until we went to the dr because it looked just like a diaper rash. The dr gave us a prescription.
Did she have tomato sauce at all? Sometimes people make their sauce sort of acidic and that gives diaper rashes too.
Posted 1/21/12 7:20 PM |
My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09 7395 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
What I've found to work the absolute best on bad rashes is actually the Target brand diaper cream. It has a much higher zinc oxide percentage than the other brands. We always keep that on hand for the really bad ones!
Posted 1/21/12 7:20 PM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 11/11 41 total posts
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
The purple desitin has the highest amount of zinc oxide. I have the CVS version. Also give her as much air time as possible. Even if you put something to protect the surface and have her nap or playtime diaper free. They say to prevent a rash to give them 5 minutes a day free and to treat one 10 minutes an hour. I don't exactly know how that is possible so just as much time as you can I guess.
Good luck!
Posted 1/21/12 7:24 PM |
My little angel is here <3

Member since 7/09 2851 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
Triple paste. Works like a dream!
Posted 1/21/12 7:28 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10 805 total posts
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
definitely triple paste
Posted 1/21/12 7:37 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/10 4657 total posts
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
Triple paste was a waste of $ for us. Didn't do anything
Put the ointment on first then put the cream over it I have also been putting baby powder with cornstarch at night for her diapers. It keeps the wetness away overnight. Seems to be working.
Posted 1/21/12 7:52 PM |
Baby no. 3 coming soon!

Member since 6/09 5738 total posts
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
DD just got her first real diaper rash. She slept in a dirty diaper (never woke up) all night and we had no idea! I used the maximum strength desitin (purple) and it cleared up within a couple of days.
Posted 1/21/12 8:15 PM |
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
aquaphor with triple paste...
Posted 1/21/12 8:59 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/09 2157 total posts
Name: Shari
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
a & d ointment
Posted 1/21/12 9:06 PM |
It's all about Sophia

Member since 9/07 1731 total posts
Name: Laurie
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
at the pediactric dept I work in we make a mixture of A&D creamy with zinc oxide and Malloxx the malloxx helps dry the rash and takes out the sting I have even put straight malloxx on her butt and by the morning what a difference
Posted 1/21/12 10:07 PM |
Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06 7390 total posts
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
triple paste.......
its like a white thick texture.
Posted 1/21/12 10:09 PM |
My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
DD just had one (it was bad one, she's barely even 2 months yet!) We used target brand diaper cream and it worked AWESOME!
Posted 1/21/12 10:18 PM |
Mommy of an angel

Member since 10/09 5911 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
Posted by MrsF
The purple desitin has the highest amount of zinc oxide. I have the CVS version. Also give her as much air time as possible. Even if you put something to protect the surface and have her nap or playtime diaper free. They say to prevent a rash to give them 5 minutes a day free and to treat one 10 minutes an hour. I don't exactly know how that is possible so just as much time as you can I guess.
Good luck!
My ped said the same thing about the purple Desitin. She recommended slathering it on and covering it with a layer of Aquaphor. Whenever you change DC's diaper, don't wipe off all the cream, just whatever you need to. Then reapply mixture. It clears up DS's worst rashes within a day or two.
Posted 1/21/12 10:27 PM |
2 under 2...whew!!
Member since 2/07 9876 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
Greer's Goo is a lifesaver, especially for girls. It's a prescription formulation of Nystatin (for yeast) and some other things as well. Does the trick.
For the REALLY bad ones where there's open skin, you HAVE to get Calmoseptine. This is over-the-counter, you just have to ask for it at the pharmacy, sometimes they have it behind the desk and sometimes it's out on the floor.
Posted 1/22/12 12:08 AM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
DS didn't start getting diaper rashes until about that age also. I find arbonne diaper rash ointment works the best for us.
Posted 1/22/12 7:12 AM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 1/11 413 total posts
Name: Vanessa
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
Put a few tablespoons of baking soda in a bath. Works better than any diaper cream for myDD.
Posted 1/22/12 8:17 AM |
Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06 14432 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
My DD is 16mo & I'm finding her skin is super sensitive when she poops now.
When it starts getting extra red I use butt paste. And with any diaper change crisco (yes the cooking stuff)! I live in NC, but my pediatrician swears by it & it's edible, so I feel better with less product use on a daily.
2 DD and never a really blown out rash!
Posted 1/22/12 9:00 AM |
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
When DS would get a bad diaper rash I would make this mixture of Triple Paste, the purple Desitin and A & D ointment and it worked fast every time.
Posted 1/22/12 9:19 AM |
OMG! My boys are 2!

Member since 11/10 1451 total posts
Name: M
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
Our pediatric dermatologist told us not to use baby wipes at all unless they have a soiled diaper. Baby wipes (according to him) no matter how good, can lead to a diaper rash (if they don't have one) or even a worst diaper rash. He also told me that if they already have a diaper rash, don't use a baby wipe for the last swipe (if a soiled diaper), but use a cotton ball with mineral oil in it. One of our boys had a mean diaper rash from a bad reaction to oatmeal cereal ( got diarrhea 4 to five times a day....poor baby ) and we took him to my daughter's pediatric dermatologist who we love! He gave us a compound ointment, that I kid you not....worked in a day. Amazing!! I did not want our boy to suffer, so I went right ahead with seeing the dermatologist, even though their pediatrician recommended other remedies. I wanted it gone ASAP! I had tried Desitin (purple), triple paste, A & D, and other stuff and nothing worked...ahhhh!
By the way.....I a now saving tons of money on baby wipes....YAY!
Posted 1/22/12 9:53 AM |
Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08 8423 total posts
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
im glad you posted this because DD woke up yesterday with a BAD case of it, her first real "diaper rash." i guess now that we are eating a bunch of different solids she has been pooping almost every diaper. today and yesterday it is very red and irritated and she screams when i wipe her i use A&D every time. i dont have anything else on hand right now but i might have to run out and get something with zinc..poor !!
Posted 1/22/12 11:30 AM |
Lovin my Little guy :)

Member since 5/06 2280 total posts
Name: Marissa
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
My had a bad case a couple of weeks after he were born. The best thing for us was alternating between Targets brand of Desitin ( the one in the pink tube with the higher concentration zinc oxide ) and Bodreaux Buttpaste....some thing like this...not sure of the spelling....these have worked like a charm for us and we continue to use this method even without a rash. We also throw some A & D as well. Hope your lil one feels better
Posted 1/22/12 11:43 AM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
My coworker was a nurse for a pediatrician's office for years. This is the "protocol" she gave me to heal a wicked diaper rash and it's helped every time.
Soaking in baking soda is helpful. Wash with gentle soap after every bowel movement. For just pee, wipe down with plain water and paper towel.. Dry COMPLETELY- this is very important.
Thick layer of Aquafor. It moisturizes and heals raw skin.
Then a layer of barrier cream like Desitin. I use Calmoseptine and SWEAR by it. It's found at Walgreens in the convelescance aisle and behind the counter at some pharmacies.
Organic/chlorine free diapers. Regular disposables are irritating to rashy tushies.
This has always worked for us- and I've got three healthy happy hineys to prove it.
Posted 1/22/12 11:46 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/11 328 total posts
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
Our pediatrician told us to use cotton and water to clean, dry completley, and then put baking soda on for two days. Worked like a charm.
Posted 1/22/12 11:59 AM |
My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08 9702 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Best remedy for a diaper rash?
Posted by MrsC614
Triple paste. Works like a dream!
Posted 1/22/12 1:52 PM |
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