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Breastfeeding help

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Gio's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 7/09

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Breastfeeding help

Hi everyone! I haven;t had a chance to introduce DS yet as we just came home today but as soon as I have some more time I will. Right now I was just hoping I could get some tips on getting Ds to latch. He is small, only 5lbs4oz and will only latch and nurse sometimes. Any tips on getting him to do so consistently? TIA!

Posted 3/12/12 7:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

979 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding help

Have you tried nursing him in different positions? I always found laying down with ds to be the most comfortable.

Posted 3/12/12 8:03 PM


Member since 1/08

8363 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding help

Posted by MrsDeVito

Hi everyone! I haven;t had a chance to introduce DS yet as we just came home today but as soon as I have some more time I will. Right now I was just hoping I could get some tips on getting Ds to latch. He is small, only 5lbs4oz and will only latch and nurse sometimes. Any tips on getting him to do so consistently? TIA!

here is a link to BF support thread, maybe you'll find it helpful


Posted 3/12/12 8:13 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding help

I always use football hold. DS was little too, and it helped that I knew how to breast feed already from DD.

I would basically shove my nipple in his mouth to get him to latch. A lactation consultant at the hospital taught me a trick to rub/massage right under his chin/neck to essentially support him sucking since it's a lot of work for them. This seemed to help.

Just keep at it-- you both need to practice! You will get there. Perhaps for the time being, try to get him to nurse, and after 20 mins or so, top him off with a bottle til he doesn't need it anymore.

Posted 3/12/12 8:22 PM

Missing our peanut :(

Member since 11/09

1678 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding help

My DD did best with the football hold as well. Also, wait until he has his mouth open enough before trying to give him your nipple. Otherwise, he'll get frustrated because he's not getting anything because of having a poor latch and then you'll get frustrated. Stick with it - you can do it!

Posted 3/12/12 8:43 PM

Twins times TWO!

Member since 1/11

1197 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding help

I had a twin brestfriend pillow I used even though I only nursed one at a time when they were that small. The stiffness of the pillow helps you hold them better I think. The ped also suggested using your thumb to pull their chin down, wait for the tongue to go down then put them on yourself. It worked sometimes. Good luck!

Posted 3/12/12 9:29 PM

Jovani Edward is HERE!!!

Member since 10/10

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Re: Breastfeeding help

I had the same issues. I worked with a fabolous lactation consultant. Shes amazing, I love her! Her name is Michelle Turner and her company is called Simply Motherhood. 516-522-0337. If you do call and she asks how you got her name, tell her Jenna from Huntigton. Chat Icon

Good luck!

Posted 3/12/12 10:29 PM

Love my baby girl!!!

Member since 3/09

3405 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding help

Nurse laying down. Great position. comfy for mom and baby.

Just keep doing it and he will get it soon was my lifesaver!!!!

Posted 3/12/12 10:40 PM

Mommy of 2!

Member since 12/08

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Re: Breastfeeding help

Do as much skin to skin as possible, it will encourage latching! Keep putting him to the breast! Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/12 11:19 PM


Member since 5/07

9579 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding help

Awww congrats! My son was 5lb5oz so I feel ya and I was a 40G when my milk came in. My 1 boob was bigger then his headChat Icon Anyway I found flicking my nipple against his mouth encouraged the rooting reflux and made my nipple more erectChat Icon I then shoved it into his mouth and had a small cloth diaper rolled under my breast to take the pressure off of him having to suck downward due to his small size. It helped a lot. I also bf whenever he was rooting which was often lol. Lots of skin on skin and keep trying. The 1st few days were not always great and he prefered the lt smaller breast for about a month. I noticed the preference was also because I had a hard letdown on the right as well. Give it some time and he'll latch great!

Posted 3/12/12 11:28 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/08

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Re: Breastfeeding help

I had a lot of trouble in the beginning getting my dd to latch. No one was able to help. Then the last lactation consultant I talked to before leave the hospital gave me a nipple shield, because dd would not latch on (and I do not have inverted nipples) it worked wonders. I used it for the first week or so then transitioned out of using it. Now she latches with no problem. I just say don't give up and find a lactation consultant they you feel comfortable with. Some will even come to your house to help.

Posted 3/12/12 11:41 PM

it's only forever

Member since 11/10

1598 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding help

one great tip my ped gave me was to take the nipple and run it down from the tip of your baby's nose to his mouth. sort of drag it and he will find it. worked for me. good luck!!!! it is very hard at first for EVERYONE, but it definitely gets A LOT easier.

Posted 3/15/12 10:30 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

2421 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding help

Posted by marriedandttc

I had a lot of trouble in the beginning getting my dd to latch. No one was able to help. Then the last lactation consultant I talked to before leave the hospital gave me a nipple shield, because dd would not latch on (and I do not have inverted nipples) it worked wonders. I used it for the first week or so then transitioned out of using it. Now she latches with no problem. I just say don't give up and find a lactation consultant they you feel comfortable with. Some will even come to your house to help.

Nipple shield helped me tremendously!!

Posted 3/15/12 10:36 AM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

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Re: Breastfeeding help

my DD was 4-10 when she came home from the NICU. my boob was bigger than her body!!
if you are having issues and really want to BF then def either go to your hospital or find an outside lactation consultant. they can really show you what positions work best and give you tips. then at home its just a lot of trial and error!!

congrats and good luck!Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/12 10:48 AM

Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

14432 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding help

Football hold works best in the beginning for me too.
As they got better & bigger switched to other positions.

I know you'll feel like your suffocating them, but the LC really showed me to just quickly shove it into their mouth.

Try not to let them latch wrong (I know easier said than done, cause even dd2 was latching wrong).

If you EVEN START to feel pain...get the cooling gel pads!!!! I kept them in the fridge for as soon as was done!!!

Posted 3/15/12 11:03 AM

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