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Kids cursing at other children...

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Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Kids cursing at other children...

I have to have a tough conversation with a parent I dont particularly care for. Her 8 year old called my 11 year old a B multiple times while they were being driven to thier after school sitter. She proceeded to ask my DD not to tell on her but she did because she felt it was inappropriate and disrespectful to her(glad she knows this language is).

How would you approach this? Should I let it go and leave it until something happens again?

Posted 5/24/12 9:41 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

1179 total posts


Re: Kids cursing at other children...

hmmmm, tricky...

who witnessed this?

i would probably tell my daughter that if it happens again for her to tell the other kid that's not nice and to stop. who is the adult present in the situation? i would think they would need to address it on the spot as well.

if it continued i would figure out what to do. i don't think i would be confronting the parent (especially if it was someone who i didn't care for) right away...

Posted 5/24/12 9:48 AM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Re: Kids cursing at other children...

Posted by doublestroller

hmmmm, tricky...

who witnessed this?

i would probably tell my daughter that if it happens again for her to tell the other kid that's not nice and to stop. who is the adult present in the situation? i would think they would need to address it on the spot as well.

if it continued i would figure out what to do. i don't think i would be confronting the parent (especially if it was someone who i didn't care for) right away...

Another kid in the car confirmed she said it and it was multiple times. The adult driving speaks mostly spanish and its a mini van so she doesnt hear everything.

I told DD to tell her its not a nice thing to say and if she does it again I'll be calling her mom. DH feels I should nip it in the bud. Easy for him since hes not the one having the convo.

Posted 5/24/12 9:58 AM


Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: Kids cursing at other children...

I think that since you didn't hear it, you should probably keep it tight on this one.

I guarantee that the other mom KNOWS that her daughter swears. You can't NOT know something like that. Chances are she's working on it but if you approach her about it, she will likely be embarrassed and we all know that embarrassment can lead to defensive and irrational responses.

I'd let my own kid know that talking to you about it was 100% the right thing to do and that you are proud of her. I'd let it slide this time and keep my ears wide open for a first hand experience with the foul language. If your daughter comes to you again and lets you know that she was verbally abused in any way by this child, THEN you should go right to the mother and say "You know, I really feel awkward bringing this up but this is the second time the situation has come up and I am hoping for your help in dealing with it..." You know.. trying to be as far from an accusatory tone as possible. I'd make it less about the CURSING and focus more on the fact that no kid should be called ANY names - it really doesn't matter if she was called "B*tch" or "Jerk" or "Dum-Dum".. KWIM?

Posted 5/24/12 1:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: Kids cursing at other children...

In this case you may have to teach your daughter how to handle it on her own. Chances are this 8 yo is learning these words at home, so calling the parents doesn't always work.

Posted 5/24/12 1:35 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Kids cursing at other children...

Posted by stinger

In this case you may have to teach your daughter how to handle it on her own. Chances are this 8 yo is learning these words at home, so calling the parents doesn't always work.

I agree that I'd guide my dd on how to handle it.

Also my kid learned it back when Howard Stern was on the air.Chat Icon

Posted 5/24/12 3:34 PM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Re: Kids cursing at other children...

Thanks. I'll fall back as I planned to do.

DD starts 7th grade and she'll need to handle certain things on her own somewhat. But if it happens again I'm definitely calling/speaking to mom..not in a confrontational way as we have to coexist for the kids sake...

Posted 5/24/12 4:06 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Kids cursing at other children...

This is totally a case of "the apple doesnt fall far from the tree". I cant even imagine what mom is going to say when you say her kid cursed. Sounds to me like your probably going to have to teach your dd that this behavior is wrong and let it be. Does the driver of your dd have to be someone that doesnt know whats going on around them? Thats something that is more concerning IMO.

Posted 5/27/12 9:05 AM

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