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LIF Infant
Member since 8/12 49 total posts
Name: Ally
any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
Just curious if they changed their rules about being able to send babies to nursery at night. A friend of mine said that all babies must stay with mom for the entire night. Nervous that I will be in too much pain and at least wanted the option.
Posted 3/28/13 8:13 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 3/11 1750 total posts
Name: Danielle
any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
I had my twins November 2011. One was in the Nicu but my other twin was in the nursery and they wanted her to stay with me for the whole time but I asked them to take her for 3 hours so I can sleep.
Posted 3/28/13 8:20 AM |
My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05 11122 total posts
Name: D
Re: any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
I didn't have a c section but I just delievered there last week. Yes they do encourage the baby stay with you they even do all the test right in your room were 3 years ago I delievered my first and she was able to go to the nursery if we wanted.
Posted 3/28/13 10:21 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/12 49 total posts
Name: Ally
Re: any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
Thanks...Specifically wanted to know about C sections cause I vividly remember not being able to sit up on my own. The first night was terrible...
Posted 3/28/13 11:44 AM |
Be happy always
Member since 1/07 1880 total posts
any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
Did not have my baby there but my friend will be in June. They told her they are following the new guidelines made by Bloomberg that they will be keeping baby in there room. Had a c section in Dec at St Charles, I could not imagine that at all. That first night is brutal.
Posted 3/28/13 12:18 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/12 49 total posts
Name: Ally
Re: any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
That's interesting that Bloomberg could have any say in what goes on here on LI. Thanks for the info though!
Posted 3/28/13 2:44 PM |

Member since 1/09 18021 total posts
any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
I delivered there almost 2 years ago. I wanted DS in the room with me, just one night the nurse took him to the nursery for a couple of hours so I could get some rest. They were pretty good with pain management, so I don't remember being in excruciating pain.
The sooner you get up & walk around the better you will feel. I know that sounds so crazy, but it's really true.
Posted 3/28/13 2:51 PM |
Be happy always
Member since 1/07 1880 total posts
Re: any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
Posted by happyface
That's interesting that Bloomberg could have any say in what goes on here on LI. Thanks for the info though! LOL I agree and said the same thing but this is what Stony Brook tells her.
Posted 3/28/13 3:07 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
My hospital encouraged rooming in and I was able to get DS to spend the night in the nursery after asking another nurse and almost bursting into tears. I didn't have a c-section but, I had been up almost 24 hrs and was looking forward to a night to sleep and recover.
Message edited 3/28/2013 3:19:40 PM.
Posted 3/28/13 3:19 PM |
Little Brother

Member since 5/05 3540 total posts
Name: C
Re: any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
are you serious?? If i knew this I would have switched drs to one that delivers at St Charles. I had DD there, then DS at Stony Brook and the last night I was there this nasty nurse got pissed at me because I told her I did not want DS to have a binkey. She told me if that is what I wanted then the baby had to spend the night in my room because they didn't want to deal with him crying. I was recovering from a tough c-section, where I had to go back into the OR a second time it was so hard for me to get out of bed each time to get him to nurse. I called DH hysterical crying and made him take me home a day early! I was hoping to have a better experience this time around....but if they are forcing even c-section babies to stay in the rooms with the moms and not giving us a choice that is crazy!
Posted 3/28/13 5:40 PM |
My boys :-)

Member since 3/09 6659 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
I had both Csections at Dtony brook. First in April 2010, second in October 2011. Both times I sent the baby to the nursery overnight and did not get any resistance. Once I was walking I would take the baby myself. The nurses were nice and accommodating about it. That being said since its been 18 months maybe their policy has changed?
Posted 3/28/13 6:19 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/12 49 total posts
Name: Ally
Re: any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
I spoke to my doctor and she told me that they do have new regulations at stony brook. For example, C section moms go into recovery immediately after surgery and the baby stays with you the entire time. This is nice for bonding and breast feeding. When I asked about the sleep situation, my doctor seemed to think that the baby could still go to the nursery, but I had a friend who had a vaginal birth who told me that the nurse basically insisted that they baby stay in her room. I'm assuming that if we can't sit up, we'll have to be able to get some sleep! Geeze!
Posted 3/29/13 5:04 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
I had DD there last April. They were starting the new initiative where they try to make it so the baby never leaves you. I had DD on a sunday night (vaginal birth though) and due to staffing they did have to take her to the nursery to do all the admissions testing. They took her around midnight and brought her back around 3am and I think they took her back again. I kept her in my room the second night but DH stayed so he was the one up doing diapers and such. There definitely were babies in the nursery at any given time.
Posted 3/29/13 5:13 PM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: any recent Stony Brook C Section moms?
Just so you know, patient satisfaction is being tied to reimbursement now. So if you're not satisfied with something, let them know...ask for the patient advocate. YOU are also there to be treated for a medical procedure, and your recovery is vital to your ability to care for the baby once you go home. I would NOT stand for that! I delivered both DD at St. Cat's and they tried bringing them to me during the night to feed, and I told them no...take them back and you feed them. I will take them at 7am. I didn't care how much they cursed me or said what a bad mother I was. I too had a c-section, was in alot of pain, was pumping my milk for them, and I needed to rest.
Posted 3/30/13 2:33 AM |