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I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Thought I'd finally share here (as i sit with insomnia at almost 39 weeks pg!).

So here is the story....I started an accelerated anatomy/physiology II course in early June. It just literally ended 2 nights ago and was mon-thurs nights, 3 hours/night.

A woman in my class approached me on day 1 asking me questions during our break about being pregnant, when I was due etc...innocent questions but I knew from the first moment of talking w/her there was something socially off. I honestly thought maybe aspergers...she seemed nice enough but not much social awareness if that makes sense. She was also pretty unkempt (crazy hair, dirty looking shirt etc..). I'm giving these details to give you a better image of what she was like.

The second day of class, she asked to please exchange cell #'s just in case one of us missed something and needed to text the other person.
Again, I knew she was "off" but it was one of those things where I just thought she didnt know how to communicate well, and was harmless. I didn't get a horribly weird feeling, no real alerts went off in my mind.

Soon things began getting very very weird. My son fell down the stairs the second week of school-he was in the ER (landed on his face). I was telling the girls at my lab desk about it and this person overheard...she ran up to me asking a million questions...there wasn't much to tell. He was OK and nothing was broken even though his nose looked so swollen. The very next night, I am a few minutes late to class. the girl across from me whispers to me that this woman has been looking for me, asking everyone in sight if I'll be in class that night and seems upset that I may be absent. At our break, she runs over to me with a huge bag...filled with presents for my 3 year old and a hand written card about how she hopes he is ok, to feel better, to enjoy the toys and she hopes to meet him soon. She signs it, "Love your friend, ____.".

I officially feel weird. I thank her...not sure of what else to do..tell her it was unnecessary since she doesn't know him, but thanks.

I forget to mention that before this incident the phone calls have started. She has called my cell phone sometimes 4 times/day to say hi or ask a random question. We have been in one study group together and she was NOT there to study. She asked the group questions unrelated to AP and we are all annoyed to have the time wasted. I vow not to study with her in a group again.

I ignore a lot of calls...sometimes I text her back very quickly answering a questions she may have about course material but I don't get personal with anything. She has now said more weird things in class ...looking at my chest and asking me if I'll be breastfeeding. Asking me how she too can have a baby since she doesn't have a man in her life...that she REALLY wants to be a mommy but can't find a guy. I approach the professor privately and relay my concerns. Tell him I'm not feeling right about her. He tells me that he had her for AP1 and that although she has some social issues, he feels she is harmless but if I need to go to campus security to let him know.

Now we're at the second to last week of class. I arrive early to look at lab models and see her rocking back and forth on a bench outside class. There is one other girl sitting near her looking at her...we both make eye contact and wonder what the hell is happening. She is muttering stuff and seems very agitated. She says "no one gives an eff about me, i'm gonna fail this class and no one helps me out..". She then looks at me and yells "I won't even complain to you, because the professor LIKES you and you get good grades and you like him too". At this point I'm scared. She looks crazy (you guys would not believe what she looks like, seriously..shes scary to begin with but at this point its like something snapped).

I start quickly walking down the hallway and run into the professor who is coming the other way. I'm upset. He pulls me into an empty classroom to talk in private. I tell him what is happening and he is now pretty concerned...he tell me another student approached him the day before with a similar complaint. I tell him I'm scared at this point, she seriously looks like she wants to hurt someone. He tells me to go into the classroom and he's going to talk to her.

At this point, most of the class is in the lab to begin our exam and she's still outside the room. We all suddenly hear screaming. She is seriously SCREAMING in his face...we can hear him trying to calm her down. I hear things like "i guess you have to be pregnant to get attention around here" and "i lost my hearing in one ear and i have a disease in my ear and get no sympathy but SHE has a baby and doesn't even realize how good she got it". I'm shaking at this point. I realize that she is pretty much insane. The professor walks in the class and and you can see this woman walking out of the building. He told her to go home, to take the exam the following week when she is calm and rational and not to come back to the school for now.

Campus security is now alerted...i feel better knowing they are surrounding the building. I get an escort to my car once the test is over. Prior to that, the other girls and myself start talking about the whole thing and all this stuff comes out about how she's made several comments to people about how I probably get extra special treatment for being pg (I never once have, never even missed a class). How I have a blessing growing in me while she has a curse....then I hear that she has been sending love letter type emails to another girl in class. UGH. this girl had just complained a few days prior as well. ALL this stuff starts coming a former classmate of hers apparently warned another girl in our class to not be around her and keep our distance.

Wish we had all known these things prior and how bad it really was. A bunch of us had to file official reports w the school. She was supposed to show up to meet with the Dean and never did. She disconnected her phones (cell and land line) and it turns out her address on file is invalid. No one has seen her since. Security was there the whole last week waiting outside the building just in case.

I know this was a long story and there are things I know I'm leaving out (such as the crazy long rambling texts I received, ugh..) but figured I would share it. I really really wish I hadn't tried to be nice to her from day one. I have a tendency to feel bad for those that may be different or have some social issues and always try to treat everyone the same. DH says I need to put on a stoic face like he does and it'll keep people away, lol.

I am still creeped out. I am due with my baby in a week, and this whole thing has caused so much stress its sickening. She is not allowed back on campus or to continue there until further mental health evals, but still. I realized my address is public, not sure if she knows my last name but she worked PT for the school doing work study and who knows what access she has to records.

It felt like something out of a lifetime movie. And what makes it worse is that I really really loved this course and the professor..he made it so enjoyable and interesting..I aced the class grade wise, but the last few weeks were not what they should have been. I am glad to be done and hoping its all a distant memory.

Thx for reading. Sorry for the length!!!!

I forgot to add..she works as an LPN for a hospice....can you imagine?? she is around people who are in their final days. She is in college to become an RN but has been failing most prerequisites. I told the dean that this is someone who should never ever ever be treating patients and pushing meds. I know that is not up to me to decide, but its a very scary thought that this person could be someones nurse!! At this point Im sure the chances of nursing school admission for her are slim, and she needs to prob retake AP at another school, but still..really makes you thinkChat Icon

Message edited 7/20/2013 6:47:02 AM.

Posted 7/20/13 6:41 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

I was sick reading so sorry you had to experience this. Sounds very stressful and scary Chat Icon

Did you ever file a police report? Not positive, but it seems that you have enough to back a report.

ETA: Can the find her through her work? Can you get an order of protection? Has she tried contacting you at all

Message edited 7/20/2013 6:53:37 AM.

Posted 7/20/13 6:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Posted by want2beamom

I was sick reading so sorry you had to experience this. Sounds very stressful and scary Chat Icon

Did you ever file a police report? Not positive, but it seems that you have enough to back a report.

I didn't and its been on my mind. I honestly am not sure what to do. I know that I will alert labor/delivery to NOT allow anyone but approved family and she doesn't know my due date or hospital (I skirted around the questions and i just simply said i was due "soon").

ugh. I prob should file the report. The dean was saying how he believes she's more of a harm to herself than anyone else and she just needs some counseling...but he didn't really get to talk to her...

Posted 7/20/13 6:55 AM

Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06

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True love doesn't end with happily ever after...

Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Posted by maybebaby

Posted by want2beamom

I was sick reading so sorry you had to experience this. Sounds very stressful and scary Chat Icon

Did you ever file a police report? Not positive, but it seems that you have enough to back a report.

I didn't and its been on my mind. I honestly am not sure what to do. I know that I will alert labor/delivery to NOT allow anyone but approved family and she doesn't know my due date or hospital (I skirted around the questions and i just simply said i was due "soon").

ugh. I prob should file the report. The dean was saying how he believes she's more of a harm to herself than anyone else and she just needs some counseling...but he didn't really get to talk to her...

I think its very smart of you to alert the hospital...and for peace of mind, if it were me, I would follow a report...just to document everything Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/13 7:00 AM

Love her!

Member since 2/08

3673 total posts


I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

OMG, I feel like this was out of the movie Single White Female. I truly understand your concern and I absolutely would go to the police and try to get an order of protection. I feel terrible for you and can only imagine how frightened you are, you poor thing! I'll be thinking about you. Let's hope that like your professor said, she's only looking to harm herself!!

Posted 7/20/13 7:17 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15660 total posts


I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Oh my gosh, reading that it sounds like a Lifetime Movie! How scary! I would file a police report, and I would also be very aware of your surroundings when driving home, in case she decides to follow you home from school one day.

Posted 7/20/13 7:26 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 6/11

494 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Obviously she's mentally ill and became fixated on you. Do you know for sure she worked at a hospice? She could have been making it up.

Go with your gut feeling on this one

Posted 7/20/13 7:41 AM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

I'd definitely file a police report just to have a record.

Also you don't live in NY, right?

I know that different states have different systems in terms of mental health.

This is even going above and beyond but if you have her name even, maybe contact a mobile crisis unit if they have that type of thing down there.

Chances are they probably won't do anything either but you never know. Maybe she is known to them already and this is just extra support for them to go out.

Lastly, as someone who has worked in the health care system for many years, I can't even begin to tell you the kind of crazy I've come across. And I'm not talking about the clients.

My last job that I left, 99% of my stress was caused by one of the nurses I had to work with and her crazy fits towards me and the other staff members.

I have seen the same with people in the social work field and am friends with lots of teachers who also report the same.

Mental illness hits all of the professions.

Posted 7/20/13 8:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Thx everyone Chat Icon

To answer some questions...I live in MD. not sure of the rules, going to research some stuff today..

I am sure she works at a hospice. That has actually been confirmed..not sure of her future there now?!

And no she has not contacted me. She was warned by the school not to contact anyone for any reason..surprisingly she listened to that..I would have put money on the fact that she would have texted me...but no, NO contact...the school did say her phones were since out of service. So so weird.

Thanks again for the nice words. I appreciate them all. Hopefully now I can concentrate on the baby and all good things coming our way and not this BS. It was awful! I actually woke up twice with a panic attack thinking she was outside my home. I have never been through something so crazy..

Posted 7/20/13 9:28 AM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

I'm thinking maybe a restraining order considering the constant phone calls...

Posted 7/20/13 9:47 AM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

That is crazy. I am so so so sorry you have to deal with this. No one should - but especially not a pregnant woman who is working her butt off to reach her career goal.

I have no advice. I would feel same as you do.
I would call local police and express all of this.

I'm so sorry.

Posted 7/20/13 10:29 AM

Hudson's Momma

Member since 10/10

2853 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Oh my. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this!

You really can never know about people, if you are naturally friendly, you'll meet positive people that will help you in life and some negative people like this one. I really think the positives will outweigh the negatives so I wouldn't say give up being as friendly as you are!

Really, how could you have known? It sounds like somebody at your school dropped the ball with this woman and didn't take complaints seriously enough.

Posted 7/20/13 10:42 AM


Member since 8/05

12296 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

OMG how scary! So sorry you had to deal with this!

Posted 7/20/13 10:44 AM


Member since 1/09

4429 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Holy Cow, that's some crazy sh*t!!! I'm so sorry this is has happened to you. It was great that you alerted the hospital.

Can you file for a restraining order? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/13 12:19 PM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

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Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Yeah, sounds like this girl has a personality disorder and unfortunately targeting you and that other girl.

I'd attempt to file a report or at least talk to the police to see what options you might have. I'd be freaked out too and also tend to friend "socially awkward" people as well in a school/work situation.

Being pregnant def puts you in a vulnerable position with this girl. Def scary Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/13 2:37 PM

So in love

Member since 10/05

3363 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Scary! Im a hospice nurse and I cannot imagine working with someone like that in our field. I wouldn't be surprised if she was on drugs herself, drug diversion is all too common and people can get away with it long before someone even notices whats going on. Hopefully she gets the help she needs and you and your family are safe

Posted 7/20/13 4:13 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

So scary!

I have to say... Maybe because I work with behavioral issues and psychiatric issues (not just autism) I keep a walk up when I'm around people who got the profile in my everyday life. Even though I understand, I think it's because I understand, I can't get involved too deeply. I avoid conversations, and anything in terms of any kind of personal interactions. I think it surprises people, but I have learned to go with my gut.

I agree with the restraining order!!!

Posted 7/20/13 6:39 PM

blessed <3

Member since 10/09

2113 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

oh my gosh how scary Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/13 7:08 PM

Baby #2 debuts in March 2016!

Member since 9/09

1977 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Oh my God. This freaked me out! I am paranoid to begin with because I watch too much Lifetime but this really is scary. Good for you for telling people and please document everything!

Posted 7/20/13 8:22 PM


Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Re: I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

Wow! My stomach was in a knot for you the entire time I was reading that. Hopefully this is the end of it and you will never see her again. OMG. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/20/13 9:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

2122 total posts


I went through something crazy the last few weeks...

freaks me out a bit that she was so interested in your pregnancy and telling you she wants a baby soo bad, I would def just be aware of your surroundings after the baby is born just incase

Posted 7/20/13 9:46 PM

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