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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 2697 total posts
Name: Christina
Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My DD turned 3 in September. We have tried 3 times to potty train her. We tried the 3 day training and didn't work. She knows the whole concept......knows what its for, always comes with me and will sit but just will not go. My DH said not to stress about it; but I feel like should be in underwear by now. Also completely think its a control thing.
Posted 12/28/13 9:39 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 3206 total posts
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
Honestly my DD wasn't trained till she was almost 4..... Her ped. Said its normal and not to worry????
Posted 12/28/13 11:09 PM |
Brotherly love

Member since 12/07 1816 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My boys were 3.5 and 3 years 10 months when they trained.
I tried earlier, and nothing worked. Something just clicked in them, and they wanted to do it. Sometimes it is peer pressure that motivates them, or, they want to be grown up and clean.
I liked the Potty Power DVD.
Posted 12/28/13 11:25 PM |
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My twins just turned 3 2 weeks ago and are not trained. I have tried half assed a few times but I can't commit to fully trying yet. We had a rough year and 2 cross country moves in 10 months so I'm waiting unti we all feel more settled. I am upset though. i feel they're overdue especially DD.
Posted 12/28/13 11:47 PM |
The loves of my life :)

Member since 6/08 4276 total posts
Name: Candice
Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My twins turned 3 in September. My daughter has been trained for probably close to 2 months now. My son has absolutely no interest in even trying. Won't sit on the potty or anything. At the rate he's going I think my 18 month old will be trained before him. Im not pushing it though because I think that will discourage him even more.
Posted 12/29/13 12:25 AM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My DD was not trained til about 3yrs 4 mos. I too tried several times and she was just not interested
Posted 12/29/13 1:36 AM |
My two miracles!

Member since 5/06 17826 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My youngest is almost 3.5 & not completely trained. He will go pee pee here & there but not consistently. My ped told me its not uncommon & you can't force it or you could face possible regression.
Posted 12/29/13 6:37 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13 665 total posts
Name: Caille
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
my 3.3 year old is not trained yet. he gets it & has done both pee & poop in the potty before, but has no interest in doing it all the time.
im going to try the 3 day method in february & hope for the best... if that doesnt work, were having our 2nd baby in april so i guess i will have to wait & see what happens after that to try again
good luck!! your not alone!!
Posted 12/29/13 9:02 AM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
Dis wasn't fully trained until 3.5. It was frustrating because we would take one step forward, two steps back for a while. But they it finally clicked.
Posted 12/29/13 10:14 AM |
Yes it is! Going as planned:)
Member since 6/07 5339 total posts
Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My twins just turned 3 on 12/2 and they are not even close to potty trained. They have no interest in the potty. I am quitting my job and will be a FTSAHM come February 1st so I figure I can work more with them then, but it's quite frustrating. They scream every time we go near the potty.
Posted 12/29/13 10:15 AM |
Mommy to FOUR little men!
Member since 8/08 9655 total posts
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
The "diaper fairy" came and took all of DS diapers on his 3rd birthday in early December. That sort of forced him into trying and he has been going peepee on the potty ever since - if he has to poop, he asks for a pull-up. Before that, he had ZERO interest and would cry when we tried. We also had a reward system every time he went during the first week or so.
Many kids aren't potty trained until 3.5-4, but if you want to get rid of the diapers, the "diaper fairy" worked like a charm here!!
Posted 12/29/13 11:40 AM |
Sour Girl

Member since 3/08 5271 total posts
Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My DD was trained at 3.5. I never even attempted it before then, and it was a super easy process for both of us. Little to no accidents! She was just ready.
Posted 12/29/13 11:54 AM |

Member since 7/09 9209 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
don't stress, don't push, its totally a control thing, give her back the control
mine was funny he'd only go on certain potties. He loved his daycare potty, they had tiny ceramic toilets, he'd only go pee and poop in there. At home I'd ask him, do you want a diaper, or will you wear underwear and use the potty to pee.
He chose diaper at home, underwear for daycare. At around 3.5 something clicked and he didn't want diapers anymore anywhere.
Posted 12/29/13 12:39 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My oldest didn't train until 3.5 she wanted to but wasn't ready. Ped said she was small and just not physically ready. She tried hard but had lots of pee accidents. She said she was ready one day and trained in 2 days. Night trained in less than a week. My younger was trained at 26 months. I learned they will do it when they were ready. Not necessarily when you want them too. My oldest tried many times. She did well day one, day 2 had a few accidents more on day 3 then would get upset and give up. She just got it one day.
Posted 12/29/13 6:54 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 11/10 291 total posts
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My twin boys turned 3 in August and are nowhere near trained. We have tried everything. They know what the potty is for and will use it whenever they feel like getting some candy but other than that nothing. When I ask them to go, they actually tell me, "No thanks mommy, ill just go in my diaper." When I try and force them to sit they scream and cry. Sorry I have no advice just wanted to say you arent alone.
Posted 12/29/13 8:53 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
DD is a pro with pee...wakes up dry, no accidents ever. But I am convinced she will be shitting her pants until High School. I am at a loss with that one. Just a total loss...
Posted 12/29/13 10:28 PM |
Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10 9170 total posts
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My just about 3 year old dd has been trained since 2.5 her twin brother on the other clueless! He pees when I tell him to but will not poop on the potty. The other night they were running around naked after their bath and he pooped next to the Christmas tree. He was so proud too..."look mommy I don't go poopy in my diaper" Clearly he is not ready!!!
Posted 12/29/13 11:11 PM |
Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10 9170 total posts
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
Posted by NervousNell
DD is a pro with pee...wakes up dry, no accidents ever. But I am convinced she will be shitting her pants until High School. I am at a loss with that one. Just a total loss...
Omg your explanation is priceless !
Posted 12/29/13 11:12 PM |
And then there were four...

Member since 6/09 2088 total posts
Name: Denise
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
Posted by NervousNell
DD is a pro with pee...wakes up dry, no accidents ever. But I am convinced she will be shitting her pants until High School. I am at a loss with that one. Just a total loss...
My DS is almost the opposite. He will poop in the potty (not all the time) but never tells us when he has to pee so that's always in his pull-up. He still wakes up completely soaked every morning too, so I think he's just not ready still. He's 3y3m.
Posted 12/29/13 11:15 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My DS had no interest in training. We tried once and it was a disaster so I gave up. I knew he could do it, but he didn't want to. So, every day when he woke up and before bed I'd ask if he wanted to go on the potty and if he said no, I just told him ok maybe later or maybe tomorrow. One morning, when he was 3.5, he woke up and said he wanted to go on the potty and that was it - instantly trained! So easy and stress free for all of us. Pee and poop, no accidents day or night - it was just done. As my ped said, no one goes to high school in a diaper - he'll do it when he's ready. BTW, I don't believe in "training" per se - if you have to train them, they're not ready. You show them how to do it and they will do it when they are physically and emotionally ready. JMO.
Posted 12/29/13 11:53 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 6/09 137 total posts
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
My DS is 3 1/2 and so NOT trained. This thread was such a relief to me. I thought I was the only one. He has no interest and we have been trying for months. My biggest problem is school. If he has an accident in his pull ups they call us to change him. Sometimes it's twice in a session. What are you guys doing about school and training?
Posted 12/29/13 11:57 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
Posted by morbar
My DS is 3 1/2 and so NOT trained. This thread was such a relief to me. I thought I was the only one. He has no interest and we have been trying for months. My biggest problem is school. If he has an accident in his pull ups they call us to change him. Sometimes it's twice in a session. What are you guys doing about school and training?
Luckily her school is a full time daycare so they will change them if they have accidents. Like I said- she pees like a pro, poop is the issue. She usually poops at home though so she only had a handful of accidents in her panties at school- and they will change her into clean underwear that I keep in her cubby.
Posted 12/30/13 10:09 AM |

Member since 9/06 9532 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
DS turned 3 in August and he has no interest at all. He says it's "too loud" ... and it's not the flush he thinks it too loud because if he sees us on the toilet, he always wants to flush.
I don't want to force it because I don't want it to be traumatic, but at the same time, we want him in school in Sept and I'm afraid that if he's not trained he won't be able to go (and I realize that a lot can happen between now and Sept). UGH!
Posted 12/30/13 11:39 AM |
Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08 10420 total posts
Name: Momx100
Re: Anyone's 3 year old NOT potty trained
DS#2 is almost 3 and we are just starting. I am in no rush.
Posted 12/30/13 11:42 AM |