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Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Breech baby, did they flip ??
33w4d, baby is breech. I plan on going to chiro and doing the exercise at home to try to flip her, I had a vaginal birth w my son and obviously would like one this time. Please share your experiences...
Message edited 7/31/2014 2:06:54 PM.
Posted 7/31/14 2:06 PM |

Member since 9/06 9532 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
Both of my kids were breech (bad sense of direction I guess!). After a lot of research, more-so with my first, we scheduled the c-section and chose not to try and flip the baby.
ETA: Neither of them ended up flipping.
Message edited 7/31/2014 3:08:06 PM.
Posted 7/31/14 3:07 PM |
L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05 9320 total posts
Name: Mrs. B
Breech baby, did they flip ??
My DD was breech at my 37 week appointment. They wanted me to go in for a version 3 days later. She was born the day after my appointment via C-section.
Posted 7/31/14 3:46 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/12 2912 total posts
Breech baby, did they flip ??
My baby was breech at 31weeks and flipped by 33 weeks. But they still wanted to check again at 36 weeks. There is still plenty of time for your LO to flip. I think the chiro and exercises are a good idea. There was a story of a successful version on here recently. I would be trying that if baby didn't flip or had flipped back again.
Message edited 7/31/2014 4:25:52 PM.
Posted 7/31/14 4:25 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/10 751 total posts
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
dc#2 was transverse until about 34-35 weeks. I did the mini handstand off the couch a few times, tried the flashlight and ice packs on my stomach. I went back and I have no idea if any of that actually did the trick but he flipped and was head down by 36 weeks.
Posted 7/31/14 5:03 PM |
my little loves

Member since 8/08 18453 total posts
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
yes, DS was transverse until 36w then flipped. But, my fluid was high until the end which made it easier for him to move.
Posted 7/31/14 5:20 PM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
Breech baby, did they flip ??
DS was breech at 34 weeks- he flipped by 36 weeks.
Posted 7/31/14 5:45 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Breech baby, did they flip ??
thanks so much ladies, going to do the handstands, raise the legs, play music,ice lol
My doctor also said there is a chinese medicine method of burning a root over the belly that works, anyone heard of that?
In any even will try all of that and hope for the best, I need to look into version...
Posted 8/1/14 7:09 AM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Breech baby, did they flip ??
nope and I didn't want her to. LOL like she read my mind, she was ALWAYS breech at every visit. She moved around with tons of fluid, but didn't like to 'line up' they had me scheduled for C/S and the day of my 37w (3day) visit she was still breech. That night my water leaked and they STILL checked her for flipping when I got there and before they started at least twice maybe more. They REALLY wanted her to flip. Me? not so much. LOL She was breech the entire time!
Posted 8/1/14 8:35 AM |
Love my babies!

Member since 8/11 4096 total posts
Breech baby, did they flip ??
Mine didnt flip. I tired the version and the exercises. But I think she just didn't have enough room in there to flip. I ended up having a schedule c/s which I was very upset about at the time because I had wanted a natural birth. But, in the end all that really matters is that she came out healthy and safe. Good luck. You still have time for the baby to possibly flip. 33 weeks is still early.
Posted 8/1/14 8:48 AM |
I'm a lucky mama
Member since 1/10 7585 total posts
Name: L
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
yes. dd2 flipped 2 times since 35w. she went from not breech, to breech back to not breech.
Posted 8/1/14 9:07 AM |

Member since 5/05 4319 total posts
Name: Pam
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
Neither of mine did. DS#1 I only found out he was breech the day before he was born (had asked them to check the weeks before and the doctor did an internal and said he was in position – but must have felt his bony a$$ and thought it was his head. ) That night my water broke and I had a c section the next morning.
DS#2 I knew had turned breech by around 30 weeks. I hoped he’d flip back – saw a chiropractor from about week 34-35 on. I tried headstands in the pool, lots of positions from the spinningbabies website. At 39 weeks I tried a version and while the doctor flipped him, he turned right back. Must be the way I’m angled in there or something, that it’s just more comfortable for them. So, a second c-section for me.
I think you’ve got plenty of time to turn and since you’ve had one fit in correctly, I’d think you have a good chance for #2. Good Luck!
Posted 8/1/14 9:19 AM |
I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11 10413 total posts
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
DS never flipped. I delivered him through emergency c-section (went into labor before my planned cs) and it was discovered the cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times. He never would have flipped on his own, and trying to manually flip him would have been too dangerous.
Posted 8/1/14 11:03 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 6/13 263 total posts
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
Flipped at 36 weeks. I did inversions at home and saw a chiro.
Posted 8/1/14 12:52 PM |
St. Jude pray for us...

Member since 1/11 2951 total posts
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
Mine flipped at 37 weeks!! Keep doing the yoga poses..
Posted 8/1/14 1:03 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 10/11 2140 total posts
Name: Kristy
Breech baby, did they flip ??
At 37 weeks DD#2 was still breech so I had a version done which was successful! I gave birth to her vaginallly at 40 weeks.
I also had an easy vaginal birth with my first baby and wanted to do the same the second time. I was happy I was able to.
I posted my success story very recently, you can look under my name if you want to read it
Posted 8/1/14 3:04 PM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
Breech baby, did they flip ??
Mine flipped at 35 weeks
Posted 8/1/14 4:23 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 11/12 432 total posts
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
DS was "frank breech" at 37 weeks. By 38 weeks he flipped on his own. It happened overnight. I totally felt it too.
Posted 8/1/14 8:05 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Breech baby, did they flip ??
Thanks for sharing ladies, I appreciate it!!
Posted 8/1/14 9:01 PM |
Mommy to 2 amazing little boys
Member since 5/05 9306 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
My son was born on his EDD at 9lbs 14oz and 22.5inches (just to give you and idea of his size) he was breech at 34 weeks. But by 37 or 38 he was no longer breech. I aways say, if a kid his size can flip....any kid can!
Posted 8/1/14 10:43 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: Breech baby, did they flip ??
Posted by Kelly9904
My son was born on his EDD at 9lbs 14oz and 22.5inches (just to give you and idea of his size) he was breech at 34 weeks. But by 37 or 38 he was no longer breech. I aways say, if a kid his size can flip....any kid can!
wow that is awesome !!!
Posted 8/2/14 8:11 AM |

Member since 6/09 10031 total posts
Name: Colleen
Breech baby, did they flip ??
DS was breech from 28 weeks on and never flipped. I ended up having a c/s.
Posted 8/2/14 9:04 AM |
My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09 7395 total posts
Name: Maureen
Breech baby, did they flip ??
My daughter was found to be breech at 34 weeks. From the moment I found out, I did just about every single possibly helpful thing I could do to encourage her to flip. I was already doing prenatal yoga, so my teacher worked really hard with me on all different positiono and stuff to do at home. I don't know what the most helpful thing was, but by 36 weeks, she was head down again and I went on to have a perfect vaginal delivery.
Posted 8/2/14 4:44 PM |