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LIF Infant
Member since 2/12 370 total posts
If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
My DD will be 3 in a few months. She has always been home with me or my family (I work part time). When she turned 2 we started a mommy and me class at a local school. It's one hour a week and she basically gets the classroom experience (projects, story time, free play, snack etc.) with me still being there. I signed her up for a 3 day (2 hours per day) nursery program starting in September. I really only wanted 2 days but this program came highly recommended. I am not 100% comfortable leaving her with strangers but I know she needs the socialization. She loves playing with kids her age and we just don't have many around so this will be great for her even if she is apprehensive at first.
Posted 6/5/15 9:53 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
My DD started right before she turned 2 (she's a September baby). It was 2 days a week for 2 hours. I had no intentions of enrolling her so early, but she was more than ready and I felt like she needed the independence from me as well.
She started her 3 year program this year right before she turned 3. She goes for 2 days/3 hours now. She's never had a problem, but I've seen lots of crying in her classroom that are upset when they get drop off, and those same kids are laughing and playing at pick up and not wanting to leave the class!
Posted 6/5/15 9:56 AM |
Member since 1/13 1329 total posts
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
We did a mommy & me class the summer he turned 2, then he did a drop off 2yo program 3 mornings a week (2.5 hours), then drop off camp the summer he turned 3 (3 days a week, 9-1) and now is in a drop off 3yo program 3 days, 2.5 hours but I wish I sent him 9-1. I tried to switch him at the beginning of the year but the class was full.
I am not crazy about the classes where you go with them and sneak out, I think its better to do a clean break. Of course when it was me and my first baby I wanted the gradual transition but I think it made things worse for us. DS and I did mommy and me at school A with teacher A and when I found out she was teaching the 2yo program I enrolled him in that program thinking it would be easier for him going to the same school, same teacher, same classroom. He had a hard time adjusting and I think a lot of it was because he was used to me being there in that class, with that teacher, in that classroom.
This year we sent him to the same school but their other location and we got a clean start -- he loved it from day 1 and never an issue adjusting. He looooooves school. Some of it may be the age but I think he was so used to me being there at the other class/teacher that it was harder to separate.
I think 3 is a good age to start and I would start with a shorter day to ease into it.
Posted 6/5/15 10:30 AM |
Love my kids
Member since 11/08 1424 total posts
If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
My DS is 4 and is starting pre-k this fall. I'm still not ready to let him go, but I know it will be good for him- even though I'll be a basket case!
Posted 6/5/15 10:51 AM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
Posted by ANewDayHasCome
16 months she started a step up program. Started as mommy and me October - December. January when she was 18 months it became drop off. It's the nursery school where she will do 2s, 3s etc. she LOVES it.
She cried at drop off for the first two months, but for two minutes. At pick up she would be beaming and playing. After that she ran into the class room and was so excited to see her friends. Best decision to start her early, especially trying the separation.
My son is in daycare but I always felt that if he was not, this was the route I would go.
Posted 6/5/15 11:31 AM |

Member since 7/10 8027 total posts
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
will be 3 in dec, starting nursery in september.
Posted 6/5/15 12:33 PM |
For mom i miss u ETC ILOVEU

Member since 3/07 13921 total posts
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
Posted by MissMeliss
My DS is 4 and is starting pre-k this fall. I'm still not ready to let him go, but I know it will be good for him- even though I'll be a basket case!
This is me!! But ds will be 3 and a half
Posted 6/5/15 12:41 PM |

Member since 3/09 7721 total posts
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
DS at 3, DD at 3.5 (ages in September). We had absolutely no problem.
Posted 6/5/15 1:32 PM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
Posted 6/5/15 1:45 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/14 454 total posts
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
DS 3 went from 3 to 5 days a week ( 5 because of special program for speech issues)
DD: will be 3 this summer. Going 2 x a week for 2.5 hours each time to pre school. Jan 2016 we might bump it up to 3 x week .
Posted 6/5/15 2:12 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
Ds will be 2 in September and that is when he will start a 2 yr old program - 2 days a week for 2 hrs per day. He has been doing gym and library classes with my babysitter and will continue that until this starts.
Posted 6/5/15 2:52 PM |
I'm a lucky mama
Member since 1/10 7585 total posts
Name: L
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
3yo class 2 times a week and then universal prek everyday when she was 4. we did the 3yo program through the town. With dd2 im going to start her in separation classes prior to the 3 year program
Posted 6/6/15 11:01 PM |
it's only forever

Member since 11/10 1598 total posts
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
my DD was home with me til 3 and then started pre school two mornings a week. at 3.5 we upped it to 3 mornings a week. smooth transition because we spent lots of time preparing for it and talking about it
Posted 6/7/15 9:10 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
Both of my kids started preschool the year they turned 3. That is the natural progression at all the schools in our area - nursery, pre-k and then Kindergarten (well, unless you are holding back - which, you don't say is what you are doing). I felt I would have done them a disservice otherwise. My first was on the younger end like yours and turned 3 literally a day before school started, my second is on the older end. Both loved it and did great and had little problem transitioning.
If you are putting her in a mommy and me separation program instead of nursery is that age appropriate or will she be older than the other kids in the group? As in, will all the other kids be tracked to start nursery next year? I only ask because that is how it is in our community. They don't offer those type of programs for kids that should be in nursery. If that is the case I wouldn't do it - I think putting your DD in a program with kids that will be a whole year younger will only slow down her maturing while putting her with her class year in nursery - you will be amazed how she grows!
Good luck! I know it isn't easy. But, at the end of the day, our program was two hours - that is the blink of an eye and you have the entire rest of the day with her! It's good for her and for you.
Message edited 6/7/2015 9:16:35 AM.
Posted 6/7/15 9:14 AM |
Love my babies!

Member since 8/11 4096 total posts
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
Posted by itsbabytime
Both of my kids started preschool the year they turned 3. That is the natural progression at all the schools in our area - nursery, pre-k and then Kindergarten (well, unless you are holding back - which, you don't say is what you are doing). I felt I would have done them a disservice otherwise. My first was on the younger end like yours and turned 3 literally a day before school started, my second is on the older end. Both loved it and did great and had little problem transitioning.
If you are putting her in a mommy and me separation program instead of nursery is that age appropriate or will she be older than the other kids in the group? As in, will all the other kids be tracked to start nursery next year? I only ask because that is how it is in our community. They don't offer those type of programs for kids that should be in nursery. If that is the case I wouldn't do it - I think putting your DD in a program with kids that will be a whole year younger will only slow down her maturing while putting her with her class year in nursery - you will be amazed how she grows!
Good luck! I know it isn't easy. But, at the end of the day, our program was two hours - that is the blink of an eye and you have the entire rest of the day with her! It's good for her and for you.
I was worried that she'd be in the class with much younger kids. The director told me they've had 3 year olds in that group though. The age span is listed as 2-3.5. So I know there will be 2 year olds in the class, I'm just hoping she won't be the only 3 year old. I think I'll just try it for the Fall, since she turns 3 in mid October. Then in January I'll suck it up and put her in a 3yo program
Posted 6/7/15 2:46 PM |
Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11 5043 total posts
Name: Antonella
If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
i could have written this post myself. I am a SAHM and my DD is 27 months. As a personal decision, i feel like 3 is too young to start school if you don't have to. She'll be starting pre-K when she is 4. She is also super attached to me since she is with me all day long and I don't think she is anywhere near ready to attend yet.
Posted 6/7/15 4:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/11 6163 total posts
Name: Momma Bear
If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
My dd started preschool at age 2. It was a drop off program. No separation classes. She was never in day care and never watched by anyone but family. We did mommy and me classes, but that was it in terms of socialization. Beyond plydates with friends and their kids. For me, I know she needed to have time away from me to see she can do it. I felt it would help her confidence, learn socialization skills, they would teach her things I cant and dont know to. It was the best decision i ever made. She absolutely loves it. The lessons she has learned, the amount she has grown socially is priceless. Its remarkable. It also opened up a whole new dialogue between us. The car ride home and our time at home she tells me all she has done. She made friends, we have play dates and in turn i have met some really wonderful women who have become my friends. Of course it was hard dropping her off hearing her cry for me, i cried the 1st day. And after that i just sucked it up cause i knew she was going to love it. Only you know what is best for your daughter. My personal feeling is, i want to push her a little even if she doesnt get it and gets upset. Even if im nervous i try to do what i think is best. Separating is a good thing for her and for me. My advice would be to just go for it because every year you put it off is every year it will become that much harder to send her. That much harder for her to adjust to it. Again i do not know you or your daughter, only you know what is best.
Eta: when im there she used to get upset when i leave shes fine after a min or 2. They just need to learn after repition and routine that you are coming back. She wont get upset anymore. So it may be better to just do drop off. As opposed to you sneaking out she will cling to you more, i would think cause shes gonna catch on and be just waiting for you to leave.
Message edited 6/7/2015 6:48:44 PM.
Posted 6/7/15 6:43 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
Posted by BlessedMomma
My dd started preschool at age 2. It was a drop off program. No separation classes. She was never in day care and never watched by anyone but family. We did mommy and me classes, but that was it in terms of socialization. Beyond plydates with friends and their kids. For me, I know she needed to have time away from me to see she can do it. I felt it would help her confidence, learn socialization skills, they would teach her things I cant and dont know to. It was the best decision i ever made. She absolutely loves it. The lessons she has learned, the amount she has grown socially is priceless. Its remarkable. It also opened up a whole new dialogue between us. The car ride home and our time at home she tells me all she has done. She made friends, we have play dates and in turn i have met some really wonderful women who have become my friends. Of course it was hard dropping her off hearing her cry for me, i cried the 1st day. And after that i just sucked it up cause i knew she was going to love it. Only you know what is best for your daughter. My personal feeling is, i want to push her a little even if she doesnt get it and gets upset. Even if im nervous i try to do what i think is best. Separating is a good thing for her and for me. My advice would be to just go for it because every year you put it off is every year it will become that much harder to send her. That much harder for her to adjust to it. Again i do not know you or your daughter, only you know what is best.
Eta: when im there she used to get upset when i leave shes fine after a min or 2. They just need to learn after repition and routine that you are coming back. She wont get upset anymore. So it may be better to just do drop off. As opposed to you sneaking out she will cling to you more, i would think cause shes gonna catch on and be just waiting for you to leave.
Thanks for posting this. Im hoping my experience is the same. I have the same hopes for my DS :)
Posted 6/7/15 9:43 PM |
Yes it is! Going as planned:)
Member since 6/07 5339 total posts
If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
My twins were in daycare until 3 years 2 months when I quit my job to stay home. They started a 3 day a week 2.5 hour a day preschool program at 3 years 9 months. They will be going into pre-k in September. My youngest was 18 months when I quit my job. He is starting the same program my twins were in this September. He'll be 3 in August, and the. Do pre-k next year.
Posted 6/8/15 8:17 AM |
Love my fur baby

Member since 8/07 5183 total posts
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
My Son started a 2 (1/2 day) program at 2 years old. 3 years he did 3 full days & at 4 he did 5 full days.
Posted 6/8/15 9:29 AM |
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
I am in a similar boat and will be doing 2 half days a week for my 3 year olds. I am probably going to add another day once they (and me too) get used to it in the winter. I've talked to them a lot about separating and have been trying to do it here and there during playgroups and whatnots.
Posted 6/8/15 3:36 PM |
Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?
I'm still not sure if I'll even do preschool. I used to always say that when she turned 4 I'd just put her in for 2 days a week to prepare her for kindergarten. Honestly, I hardly think it's worth it now that she's reached that age. I've worked in daycares and preschools for over 10 years and don't think they're necessary unless it's for the purpose of childcare. DD already gets a lot of social interaction being that I have a home daycare she's part of, and sunday school, and gymnastics & dance classes mid-week. And the things they learn, I have more than enough experience & education to teach her at home. Sadly, at some preschools I worked at, I was actually reprimanded for teaching lessons because they wanted it to all be about play. So just as an FYI, make sure you know what your preschool is all about if you DO want actual lesson plans going on and not just a 'babysitter' type place.
So as of now, I'm thinking of 'home schooling' for preschool and just going straight to kindergarten when she's 5.
Posted 6/8/15 3:43 PM |
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