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Member since 2/12 1998 total posts
sleep issues for 1 mo old
hi all - i love my 1 month old more than anything, but he is driving. me. crazy.
he is having a lot of sleep issues at night and it is extremely hard to get him to sleep unless i am holding him (which of course means that i don't sleep). during the day he has no problem (he is currently conked out on a mat and i am pretty sure a marching band coming through here wouldn't wake him).
he might be a little refluxy, but if that were the problem you'd think it would be an issue after every feeding, not just the nighttime ones.
is this just a matter of a day-night confusion thing? if so, how can i fix this? he's only 1 month, so it's not like i can distract him with toys and activities all day.
(this is my first official post on the parenting board since becoming a parent!)
ETA: because he is so stinkin' cute, here is a pic of him! Image Attachment(s):
Message edited 7/10/2017 4:15:24 PM.
Posted 7/10/17 4:10 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: sleep issues for 1 mo old
Congrats!!!!! And what is this word "sleep" you speak of?
I kid, I kid. But seriously. I don't know if this is going to be helpful, but at 1 month, I would do whatever it took to get him to sleep and not worry too much about fixing it. It's more than likely day-night confusion and that won't last long.
I used to have to rock DD to get her to sleep and now she's 5 and will barely let me have a kiss goodnight. I miss those rocking days.
Posted 7/10/17 4:19 PM |
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Member since 2/12 1998 total posts
sleep issues for 1 mo old
The problem is that what it seems to take to get him to sleep means that I don't get any sleep! We can sometimes get him to sleep in the mamaroo at night, but it's hit or miss.
And thanks! I know I am biased, but I am pretty sure he is the cutest baby that's ever existed. Like, all of you have cute kids, but nowhere near as cute as mine 
Posted 7/10/17 4:30 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 10/11 767 total posts
Name: Jacqueline
Re: sleep issues for 1 mo old
He is soooooo cute!!!!!!!
I agree with the previous poster - 1 month is whatever flies.
I can only tell you what worked for me and helped him sleep longer intervals...but they are all different so who knows...
I would feed him right before I wanted him to go down, 7:30/8. I would make sure the room was super dark I would put the sound machine on and a fan (drowns out other noise and is calming) I slept him in the Rock N Play so he was snug. They now make the one that rocks by itself which I didnt have with my first! I would use SWADDLE ME's so he couldnt startle himself awake. Pacifier as well
So I pretty much tried to stay with the baby S's - Shushing, Swinging, Swaddle, Sucking
I would put him down drowsy...and typically i found if I did all of the above, he would sleep for about 3-4 hrs...he would then wake, I would feed him and put him back down and he would sleep another 3-4 hrs.
But its really all a crapshoot - sometimes what works for some, wont work for all.
But GOOD LUCK!!!! The beginning is soo hard.
Image Attachment(s):
Posted 7/10/17 4:55 PM |
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Member since 2/12 1998 total posts
Re: sleep issues for 1 mo old
Thanks. He used to love being totally swaddled, then hated having his arms in but loved having his body and legs, and now doesn't really like being swaddled at all.
We use the ocean sound on the mamaroo and he seems to like that so I think we probably need to get a white noise machine. Maybe I'll download a white noise app.
Posted 7/10/17 5:07 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/16 2921 total posts
sleep issues for 1 mo old
when dd was a newborn, i would put her in her bassinet right in front of the window with the sun shining in. I think it helped with the day/night confusion... She was up every 3-4 hours at night until we got the rock and play at around 5 weeks old and then she slept for 5-8 hours at a time :)
Posted 7/10/17 5:46 PM |
And then there were 4

Member since 1/10 5224 total posts
Name: Kayla
sleep issues for 1 mo old
At a month sleep is whatever you get.
Do you put a cap on daytime naps? I never let my kids sleep more than 3 hours in the morning, 2 or so hours in the afternoon.
Bedtime is always between 645-730 for both since day one. Rock and nurse, then put down when asleep. Ds until 5 months or so I woke up again at 10 for a dream feed. Anytime he woke up after that we end up cosleeping for the remainder of the night.
But at a month, what you're describing is pretty normal.
Posted 7/10/17 7:31 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/14 7274 total posts
sleep issues for 1 mo old
At that age my DD didn't sleep. At all. The most I'd get is 20 minutes here and there. It was horrible and is the reason she'll never have a sibling.
Anyway, there's probably not much you can do besides wait it out. He'll eventually figure out day vs. night. He's too young to put on any type of schedule.
Posted 7/10/17 7:39 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: sleep issues for 1 mo old
Posted by LuckyStar
At that age my DD didn't sleep. At all. The most I'd get is 20 minutes here and there. It was horrible and is the reason she'll never have a sibling.
Anyway, there's probably not much you can do besides wait it out. He'll eventually figure out day vs. night. He's too young to put on any type of schedule.
This. There was no sleep at that age. None. For anyone.
Message edited 7/10/2017 9:06:57 PM.
Posted 7/10/17 9:06 PM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: sleep issues for 1 mo old
DS1 couldn't be put down for the first 6 months. He eventually was able to take 1 long nap in the swing during the day, but wouldn't sleep anywhere except in our arms at night. We tried everything to get him in a crib, but he'd just wake up every 10-20 minutes all night long. We held him. DH usually took the first shift so I could get some sleep and then I'd take over when he was ready to go to bed. It certainly wasn't my first choice to co-sleep, but it was the only way any of us got some sleep. No real advice, but you're in survival mode right now so do whatever works for you.
Posted 7/10/17 9:58 PM |
Mama x2 <3
Member since 12/10 4946 total posts
Re: sleep issues for 1 mo old
Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone with the nighttime "witching hour" as I call it- my almost 1 month old is the same way- you would think we were torturing her between the hours of 8-10.
Hang in there- hopefully it will pass soon for the both of us
And OMG what a cutie you have there!!
Posted 7/10/17 10:00 PM |
Re: sleep issues for 1 mo old
Posted by Jacquelina
He is soooooo cute!!!!!!!
I agree with the previous poster - 1 month is whatever flies.
I can only tell you what worked for me and helped him sleep longer intervals...but they are all different so who knows...
I would feed him right before I wanted him to go down, 7:30/8. I would make sure the room was super dark I would put the sound machine on and a fan (drowns out other noise and is calming) I slept him in the Rock N Play so he was snug. They now make the one that rocks by itself which I didnt have with my first! I would use SWADDLE ME's so he couldnt startle himself awake. Pacifier as well
So I pretty much tried to stay with the baby S's - Shushing, Swinging, Swaddle, Sucking
I would put him down drowsy...and typically i found if I did all of the above, he would sleep for about 3-4 hrs...he would then wake, I would feed him and put him back down and he would sleep another 3-4 hrs.
But its really all a crapshoot - sometimes what works for some, wont work for all.
But GOOD LUCK!!!! The beginning is soo hard.
Congrats! And swaddle that baby! My kids hated it at first after a few sleepless nights, hell no, I didn't mess around. I sleep trained asa friggin p. My sleep is like number 1 in life. I physically feel ill if I don't sleep. Needless to say they have slept through the night 8:30-7:30 since 9 weeks old. Swaddle swaddle swaddle . Don't feel alone! My kids had the witching hour- 1 twin every night religiously I thought we were going to die. It eventually gets better! Hang in there! And if you can, nap during the day (I know not always possible) and ask your DH to get up every now and then! Moms need sleep!
Message edited 7/10/2017 10:15:13 PM.
Posted 7/10/17 10:13 PM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: sleep issues for 1 mo old
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by LuckyStar
At that age my DD didn't sleep. At all. The most I'd get is 20 minutes here and there. It was horrible and is the reason she'll never have a sibling.
Anyway, there's probably not much you can do besides wait it out. He'll eventually figure out day vs. night. He's too young to put on any type of schedule.
This. There was no sleep at that age. None. For anyone.
Posted 7/10/17 10:34 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
sleep issues for 1 mo old
During the first 7-8 weeks, I was lucky if I got 1-2 consecutive hours of sleep. It sucks, but that's what life with a newborn is like. At that age, do whatever works!
Posted 7/11/17 6:19 AM |
Two Little Rosebuds

Member since 8/09 2106 total posts
Re: sleep issues for 1 mo old
Posted by gina409
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by LuckyStar
At that age my DD didn't sleep. At all. The most I'd get is 20 minutes here and there. It was horrible and is the reason she'll never have a sibling.
Anyway, there's probably not much you can do besides wait it out. He'll eventually figure out day vs. night. He's too young to put on any type of schedule.
This. There was no sleep at that age. None. For anyone.
Yep. Like Gina, we did it with twinsies. DH and I took shifts because an adult needed to be totally on 24 hours a day until 12w and then things started to ease. We spent literally that entire time making slow transitions to better, safer, more independent sleep. I saved arms-in swaddle for the wits-end moment because I knew it meant at least 2 minutes of all out screaming but then they would conk out and stay out. It was hell getting them on a flat surface like the guidelines say. We had to put a heating pad under the sheet, prop their legs with blankets to give them the feeling of being cradled, and those things meant continuing to supervise sleep in shifts because they are not really safe. We had to buy a louder white noise maker that wasn't on a timer and would run all night. Then we had to just start letting them fuss and thrash (but we picked them up if it was a full, hard cry) at around 2mo.
The heating pad tho: that was the jackpot for getting them used to the other uncomfortable stuff (alone, on the back, flat surface) and then we weaned them off the heat and stopped watching babies sleep all night.
And the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child has been great for educating myself as a FTM so that I could help them sleep better.
Posted 7/11/17 11:31 AM |
Mom to E&M

Member since 12/08 1762 total posts
Name: D
Re: sleep issues for 1 mo old
I also recommend Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child and the Happiest Baby on the Block. They were lifesavers for me in helping me through the 1st 2 years with sleeping.
Happiest Baby on the Block
Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child
Also, the Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper, sound Machine for white noise and a tight swaddle help too.
Posted 7/11/17 1:52 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
sleep issues for 1 mo old
For a one month old imo there are no sleep issues. They are tough and they need to grow to be able to sleep more.
Posted 7/11/17 3:19 PM |