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Ok, so I bit the bullet - AJ got her MMR today

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Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Ok, so I bit the bullet - AJ got her MMR today

I dont care how she screams when she gets the shot. She got over that super fast.

I feel that i just exposed my child to viruses that can potentially alter her for the rest of her life.

She has an ear infection but the doctor said that since she doesnt have a fever anymore (hasnt had one in days) that the shots were ok to give her.

I was able to talk them out of giving her the Chicken Pox shot for another 6weeks.

Here's an interesting point tho: I argued that last time i visited (last week) they did not push the swine flu vacc onto me. Thinking it through i said the chances of AJ getting Mumps, Measles, Ruebella or Chicken Pox over the next 6months vs the % chances of her getting the swine flu are grossly importionate. Why is it that i am forced to prove and provide the MMR where as the Swine flu is just 'optional' when the justification for the MMR is for you its 'easier' to avoid future medical visits from a treatable disease?

She was honest enought to admit that the answer i got last week was a bad one. She says children 0-5 are at high risk and should get the swine flu shot but that they just dont have it. Chances of them getting it are also slim to none. So while they admit that the MMR and chicken pox are unlikely they can not 'recommend' a vacc that they just don't have. Nevermind I can try to find a place that does have it (heaven forbid i go outside of them, right?) She seemed genuinely apologetic that I got the dumb answer last week.

So I was able to say no to the Chicken Pox and not be fired as a patient! Yeah me!

AJ loves this doctor too.. I think i may need to call and make her my primary.

So BTDT moms, how bad of a fever am I in store for?

Posted 9/1/09 1:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08

9702 total posts


Re: Ok, so I bit the bullet - AJ got her MMR today

My kids never had any fevers ,just a little crankiness !! Don't feel like a bad mom .. you are an amazing mother Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/09 2:09 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: Ok, so I bit the bullet - AJ got her MMR today

My daughter had absolutely no reaction to the MMR at all.

As for exposing her to the virus, I thought of it this way: I'd rather expose my DD to a weakened version of the virus rather than the full strength version (through possible exposure).

As for swine flu. I'm still on the fence as to whether we'll vaccinate or not. DH and I both work in high exposure areas (school and airport) and my older DD will be in nursery school. Chances are we'll vaccinate, but I undertsand the fear completely.

Posted 9/1/09 2:12 PM

My Girl!!!

Member since 8/07

2977 total posts


Re: Ok, so I bit the bullet - AJ got her MMR today

DD had no reaction to the MMR

Posted 9/1/09 2:15 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Re: Ok, so I bit the bullet - AJ got her MMR today

Posted by Porrruss

My daughter had absolutely no reaction to the MMR at all.

As for exposing her to the virus, I thought of it this way: I'd rather expose my DD to a weakened version of the virus rather than the full strength version (through possible exposure).

I only issue with this was I wanted it broken out.

I am not against vaccinations

I am not against the schedule (per se)

I am very much against exposing a child to that many virsuses in one sitting. I prefer it broken out. CDC says 12-15months so that's 3months of time to get these two major shots done. For me that's a green light to spread them out. Why should she be forced to adapt to FOUR total diseases in a single month's time?

Make sense?

well I dropped her off at Daycare and since i drove her to the Dr and daycare by myself I have to pick her up on my own too. She HATES when I pick her up by myself. She loves Daddy talking to her in the backseat and sheilding her eyes from the light. Both things I can't do while I drive. So if she's extra cranky, its gonna be a long 10min drive home *sigh*

Posted 9/1/09 2:28 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: Ok, so I bit the bullet - AJ got her MMR today

We spread out the chicken pox and MMR because Kaydyn had a reaction to every single shot and I didn't want to give her all that at once.

So we gave her the MMR at 15 months and then went back a month later for the Chicken Pox.

But she didn't not have any reaction to either one of them. Maybe a little cranky but she didn't develop a fever or anything.

Posted 9/1/09 2:34 PM

Where Does The Time Go?

Member since 11/07

4619 total posts


Re: Ok, so I bit the bullet - AJ got her MMR today

Surprisingly, DS didn't get a fever from the MMR nor the Varicella and he got both shots at the same visit. I was expecting him to get one because he usually gets a fever from vaccines, but this time no fever. Go figure!

Posted 9/1/09 2:47 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

4313 total posts


Re: Ok, so I bit the bullet - AJ got her MMR today

DD did get a fever, but not until a week later. It was low and she was cranky. But, she was back to her ususal self in a couple of days.

Posted 9/1/09 2:58 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: Ok, so I bit the bullet - AJ got her MMR today

10 days after ds got a rash and low fever, but nothing too serious, he was a little cranky...

Posted 9/1/09 3:08 PM

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