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LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/10 887 total posts
Having kids so you have someone to leave your assets to
I'd like to get opinions on this. Basically, I was telling a coworker that my friend's Mom is engaged to someone 18 years or so younger. They have been dating for years. Now, according to my friend, the fiance never wanted children. My friend also has a baby (so basically her mother is a grandma- a young grandma though). I mentioned this to my coworker because we were talking about age differences in relationships.
This coworker claimed that this relationship (my friend's mom and the much younger fiance) won't work. She said that he is going to want kids. I told her that he supposedly does not want kids and obviously is aware of the fact that my friend's mom can no longer have them. My coworker claims that when he gets to be a little older he is going to start to want kids. She said that "he is not going to want to leave his money to his step grand-baby when he dies. He will want to leave his money to his own kids."
I thought this was so ridiculous so I stopped even arguing with her because I was getting annoyed. If I remain child-free and I have a few bucks in my name when I die, I have no problem leaving it to my favorite charities. I'm just wondering what everyone else's thoughts are. Is this a common reason for wanting kids?
Posted 2/21/12 11:12 AM |

Member since 5/05 8129 total posts
Re: Having kids so you have someone to leave your assets to
I would hope not. To have kids just because you need someone to leave your assets to? Crazy IMO, and I would feel bad for the kids.
We plan on using our money, and Little Shelter in Huntington will get whatever is left over. Maybe they will build a new cat house in our name.
Posted 2/21/12 11:33 AM |
. . . . .
Member since 3/09 8268 total posts
Name: S
Re: Having kids so you have someone to leave your assets to
I too, plan on using my money and whatever is left over will be split amongst my niece and nephew. They also get the title to our vacation home. Any valuables from my side go to my niece and nephew, and any valuables from DH's side go to whomever he wants (he has no siblings and his first cousins have all died).
Posted 2/21/12 2:11 PM |
To travel is to live.

Member since 7/09 1679 total posts
Name: Celia
Re: Having kids so you have someone to leave your assets to
Posted by SusiBee
I too, plan on using my money and whatever is left over will be split amongst my niece and nephew. They also get the title to our vacation home. Any valuables from my side go to my niece and nephew, and any valuables from DH's side go to whomever he wants (he has no siblings and his first cousins have all died).
This is exactly what DH and I will be doing except DH's valuables will be going to his Best Friend that he has known forever.
Posted 2/21/12 3:23 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/11 534 total posts
Name: M
Re: Having kids so you have someone to leave your assets to
Unfortunately it is one of several reasons for why people have kids. My grandmother on my moms side is like this..she had 5 daughters, and specifically got pregnant 3x (the first 2 were byproducts of whirlwind romances with local hometown boyfriends) and said her reason for having her "clan" was so she could pass along her mom is the oldest so she already has certain properties deed-ed to her (my grandma is a property manager and holds properties overseas).
My grandmother is also one of those people who expect her kids to actually be by her deathbed when she goes (and calls my mom anytime she even much as coughs just for attention). My mom actually said she is happy that she stopped having any more kids after I wqs born because she thinks that whole "leaving assets to your kids" is hogwash...when my mom passes, the only thing I will be inheriting is her credit card bills!!
Posted 2/21/12 7:41 PM |
Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09 6691 total posts
Re: Having kids so you have someone to leave your assets to
I've always heard the 'have them so they can take care of you in your old age' reason...but not to leave your assets to
My brother (or his kids if he has any) will get everything when the time comes.
Posted 2/21/12 7:50 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Having kids so you have someone to leave your assets to
Why can't he leave them to charity or other relatives?
Posted 2/21/12 7:57 PM |
You make me happy

Member since 5/05 2474 total posts
Name: cause you are gray.
Re: Having kids so you have someone to leave your assets to
When I was deciding to have children or not, that was definitely not one of the factors. We have plenty of Godchildren, nieces and causes to leave assets to.
Posted 2/22/12 12:59 AM |
Look! I changed it!

Member since 4/10 1789 total posts
Name: Andrew
Re: Having kids so you have someone to leave your assets to
Posted by SusiBee
I too, plan on using my money and whatever is left over will be split amongst my niece and nephew. They also get the title to our vacation home. Any valuables from my side go to my niece and nephew, and any valuables from DH's side go to whomever he wants (he has no siblings and his first cousins have all died).
Almost the same for us... My niece, nephew, and cousins are already named beneficiaries to most of our assets...
Though, we dont plan on leaving a dime to DW's side...
Posted by Blazesyth We plan on using our money, and Little Shelter in Huntington will get whatever is left over. Maybe they will build a new cat house in our name.
DW would LOVEEE this idea!!
Posted 2/22/12 10:04 AM |
missing my handsome boy

Member since 3/09 1579 total posts
Name: Kat - HamptonsBride (LIW)
Re: Having kids so you have someone to leave your assets to
Oh I have to have a kid so my stuff goes to the right people! Glad I come here to learn how the world really works!!
Posted 2/23/12 12:21 PM |