LIF Adult
Member since 1/12 1261 total posts
Finishing Basement/Bathroom
Yes. If not you may run into an issue down the road when you sell your house. If there is no COD, your potential buyers may not be able to get their mortgage approved.
Re: Finishing Basement/Bathroom
Yes - You will be adding plumbing, heat, electric, so you need a permit and then you will need inspections to close the permit(s) out and get C/Os.
Many contractors will not inform their clients of this or will say they don't need it, so there are MANY people on Long Island with finished basements and basement bathrooms with no C/O.
It's unlikely that this would ever be an issue until you go to sell your house. Buyers may want you to get the C/O then (or their lender will require it), and even if that's not the case, the buyer would likely not add any value to the extra bath and improvements because they are not "legal."
Although it can be a pain to deal with, I would say to get the C/Os now. The problem with waiting to get them when you sell is that if the building codes have changed, you may have to do significant work to bring everything up to current code. So in other words, everything can be done properly today, but if you go to sell in 20 years, you will need to change everything to bring it up to the requirements 20 years from now to get a C/O. If you get a C/O now, it doesn't matter what new requirements are, it will be fine "as is" because you have the C/O. It can be costly to change things (like if your bathroom is built to close to your electrical panel, if that's in the basement, then you will have to move one of those things to bring it up to code). Also, when you are selling, time is usually of the essence, so most sellers will pay an expediter to obtain missing C/Os, and they aren't cheap.