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@&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

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Member since 5/10

6691 total posts


@&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

I don't even HAVE FB.
DH does.
That's cool.

We get together with friends.
Have a few drinks.
People take pics.
Fine, cool.

.....but then they post them.

Without asking permission, and some of them are dumb and don't make their albums private.

It really p!sses me off.

This is why I don't trust anyone taking a pic of me anymore..I don't want it ending up on FB!

And then I have to ask for them to be taken down. I have to say, hey, make that sh!t private!!!

No one needs to see pics of a tipsy me!

Does this bother anyone else?

It's like I feel violated and I am not even on FB!

Chat Icon

Posted 7/6/11 7:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/09

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Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

if i was a private person and didnt have fb..yea it would prob bother me

but i like fb and i like seeing pics of friends and families and that i can connect with friends or whatever

so basically the ones i hate being tagged in is the ones that make me look really fatChat Icon Chat Icon

next time u prob have to tell her either dont post the ones of me in them or i wont be in the pics cause she might wasnt to post for herself kwim?

Posted 7/6/11 7:44 PM


Member since 1/10

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Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

It doesn't bother me at all... If I don't like the pic I untag myself...

Posted 7/6/11 7:46 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

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Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

If someone posts an unflattering pic of me, I will politely ask them to take it down. ETA It has to be really bad.

I have to admit, I post mostly kiddie pics now. But there are plenty of pics of my friends and family up. If it bothers them I will take it down, but I never thought to ask. My albums are private to my friends only. And my friends are people I know IRL, for the most part. I never put unflattering pics. And I won't post pics of other peoples kids unless they say it is ok. I have a couple of friends on here, that we will post pics of each others kids on FB and tag each other. But I also have friends that don't want their kids on the internet, and I respect that.

To answer your question, no it doesn't bother me. But I AM on FB.

If you don't like it, then just ask them to take it down. They will understand.

Message edited 7/6/2011 7:50:58 PM.

Posted 7/6/11 7:50 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

It only bothers me when children are involved. I don't post photos of other people's kids without permission and it bothers me if they post photos of mine. I do not say my child's name or date of birth on facebook and I do not want anyone else to. I want to be able to remove pctures if him if I see the need.

Posted 7/6/11 7:54 PM


Member since 5/10

6691 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

It's just so annoying to have to constantly check for photos.

I can't even relax anymore at a BBQ without wondering if letting loose will end up on FB for all the world to see.

And I've stopped "posing" in pics, but of course, gotta love the candid shots!!!

I really, truly hate FB. Chat Icon

Thankfully, my friends understand and will oblige...I just hate having to ask.

Posted 7/6/11 7:54 PM

Our Ron is an awesome Ron

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baby fish mouth

Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

my friends don't post pictures without asking permission.. the ones that DO post pictures, usually do it privately.

Posted 7/6/11 8:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

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Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Posted by LadyBugN2Buggies

I don't even HAVE FB.
DH does.
That's cool.

We get together with friends.
Have a few drinks.
People take pics.
Fine, cool.

.....but then they post them.

Without asking permission, and some of them are dumb and don't make their albums private.

It really p!sses me off.

This is why I don't trust anyone taking a pic of me anymore..I don't want it ending up on FB!

And then I have to ask for them to be taken down. I have to say, hey, make that sh!t private!!!

No one needs to see pics of a tipsy me!

Does this bother anyone else?

It's like I feel violated and I am not even on FB!

Chat Icon

My DH is EXACTLY like you. He doesn't have FB & does not want me to post pics of him on my FB and he gets angry if one of our friends puts his pic up. He had his mom take our wedding pics off of her facebook. I, on the other hand, don't care as much.

Message edited 7/6/2011 9:13:52 PM.

Posted 7/6/11 9:13 PM

Our April Baby is here!

Member since 4/11

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Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Posted by muffaboo

Posted by LadyBugN2Buggies

I don't even HAVE FB.
DH does.
That's cool.

We get together with friends.
Have a few drinks.
People take pics.
Fine, cool.

.....but then they post them.

Without asking permission, and some of them are dumb and don't make their albums private.

It really p!sses me off.

This is why I don't trust anyone taking a pic of me anymore..I don't want it ending up on FB!

And then I have to ask for them to be taken down. I have to say, hey, make that sh!t private!!!

No one needs to see pics of a tipsy me!

Does this bother anyone else?

It's like I feel violated and I am not even on FB!

Chat Icon

My DH is EXACTLY like you. He doesn't have FB & does not want me to post pics of him on my FB and he gets angry if one of our friends puts his pic up. He had his mom take our wedding pics off of her facebook. I, on the other hand, don't care as much.

DH is the same way! He really hates how he doesn't have control over what's out there when he hasn't even chosen to participate.

I have to agree about that. People really can't be private anymore even if THEY avoid all the social networks.

i hate when people tag you in every pic ever no matter how unflattering or embarassing.

Posted 7/6/11 10:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/11

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Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Posted by gina409

so basically the ones i hate being tagged in is the ones that make me look really fatChat Icon Chat Icon

Yup. Lol.

Posted 7/6/11 10:52 PM


Member since 5/10

6691 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Posted by lynnd126

Posted by gina409

so basically the ones i hate being tagged in is the ones that make me look really fatChat Icon Chat Icon

Yup. Lol.

mine too, or the ones where I've drank a bit too much - a different side comes out of me.....Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/6/11 10:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Yes it annoys me to no end. It has gotten to the point that DH and I will not go into any pictures, or we state NO FB! My family knows this and respects it, my friends also, however someone put up pics from my DH 40th b day party last year and I was really really really annoyed, they were private, but not the most flaterring pics of me, and she did not take them down, I was not tagged in them, but will NEVER let her take a pic of me again. I am a very private person and to me this is an invasion of privacy. I am glad I am not the only one who feels this way- you are not alone on this. By the way I have up 2 pics of myself , one from HS and a wedding pic, people are even cropped out in the background because I was considerate enough to respect their privacy.

Message edited 7/7/2011 8:17:35 AM.

Posted 7/7/11 8:14 AM

Mrs. O'Connor

Member since 6/10

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Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

No, it doesn't bother me. If it did, knowing that's what everyone does now, I wouldn't pose in those pictures.

So there's a silly picture of you with a drink in your hand... so? If it's suggestive or incriminating in any way, that's one thing, but otherwise, no big deal to me!

Message edited 7/7/2011 8:21:35 AM.

Posted 7/7/11 8:20 AM

He is the reason!

Member since 2/06

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Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

I agree with OP. There are some people left in this world who wish to keep their private lives private and not open for the web to see (that's why they didnt join FB). It is completely inappropriate to put up a picture of someone on the web without their permission.

Posted 7/7/11 8:35 AM

And then there were 4

Member since 1/10

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Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

i think it's a generational thing..doesn't bother me, i just untag myself when it's not flattering-although i know it's still up there

i've never even thought to ask if someone minded should i put up a pic of them

Posted 7/7/11 8:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3272 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Funny how folks flip out about Facebook but how many here provide every detail about their lives?

How many of the people here could be identified just based on their posts?

How many have shared town they live in, babies name, what they do for a living, etc.

I don't get the FB outrage.
If you hate the pic untag yourself, takes 3 seconds to remove your name.

Posted 7/7/11 9:57 AM


Member since 5/10

6691 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Posted by annoyedTTCer

Funny how folks flip out about Facebook but how many here provide every detail about their lives?

How many of the people here could be identified just based on their posts?

How many have shared town they live in, babies name, what they do for a living, etc.

I don't get the FB outrage.
If you hate the pic untag yourself, takes 3 seconds to remove your name.

. Can't untag myself, as I stated I don't have FB..... Don't you also provide details of your own life here---the ones you are willing to share? Why should that be held against anyone? Don't make people feel bad about sharing details here on LIF that they choose, but say they shouldn't then get annoyed at things posted on FB beyond their control. For the record, you've shared your troubles conceiving, your success of getting pregnant and having a baby boy named Logan, you have a nanny, and work in media... You chose to share all of that here. I wouldn't fault you for then getting upset at something being posted about you _whether here or on facebook that you didn't permit. Geez

Message edited 7/7/2011 10:21:31 AM.

Posted 7/7/11 10:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/06

1978 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??


I also find myself ducking from picture taking because of it more now.

I swear it is even costing me money, because I have 5 weddings with all different people where I could seriously have worn the same dress a couple of times, but someone tagged me wearing it at a wedding and now (even though NOONE else would probably notice or care) I feel like I can't wear it againChat Icon

Posted 7/7/11 10:50 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3272 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Posted by LadyBugN2Buggies

Posted by annoyedTTCer

Funny how folks flip out about Facebook but how many here provide every detail about their lives?

How many of the people here could be identified just based on their posts?

How many have shared town they live in, babies name, what they do for a living, etc.

I don't get the FB outrage.
If you hate the pic untag yourself, takes 3 seconds to remove your name.

. Can't untag myself, as I stated I don't have FB..... Don't you also provide details of your own life here---the ones you are willing to share? Why should that be held against anyone? Don't make people feel bad about sharing details here on LIF that they choose, but say they shouldn't then get annoyed at things posted on FB beyond their control. For the record, you've shared your troubles conceiving, your success of getting pregnant and having a baby boy named Logan, you have a nanny, and work in media... You chose to share all of that here. I wouldn't fault you for then getting upset at something being posted about you _whether here or on facebook that you didn't permit. Geez

Yet i'm sure to not mention where DH and I work and I don't post hundreds of pics of my DS, home or vacation. This is done on purpose.

If you aren't on FB the pics aren't showing up in your feed for friends and family to see.

Posted 7/7/11 11:02 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3272 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Posted by Danamz


I also find myself ducking from picture taking because of it more now.

I swear it is even costing me money, because I have 5 weddings with all different people where I could seriously have worn the same dress a couple of times, but someone tagged me wearing it at a wedding and now (even though NOONE else would probably notice or care) I feel like I can't wear it againChat Icon

That is funny. Never thought of that issue

Posted 7/7/11 11:02 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1636 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Yes! I have FB my DH does not. Got to love the picture of my DH with an empty keg on his head that showed up on my page. Such a proud moment....

Posted 7/7/11 11:47 AM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Posted by annoyedTTCer

Posted by Danamz


I also find myself ducking from picture taking because of it more now.

I swear it is even costing me money, because I have 5 weddings with all different people where I could seriously have worn the same dress a couple of times, but someone tagged me wearing it at a wedding and now (even though NOONE else would probably notice or care) I feel like I can't wear it againChat Icon

That is funny. Never thought of that issue

lol-- I have a turquouse cardigan that I realized I wore when I went out a lot, but with different groups of people--when I am tagged & those show up on my facebook page, it looks like I only have that one top! Chat Icon I actually stopped wearing outside of work for that reason.

Posted 7/7/11 11:56 AM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

12785 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

I always ask people if they want me to tag them first because I hate seeing myself in pictures.

Posted 7/7/11 12:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/10

935 total posts


Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

Posted by Danamz

I swear it is even costing me money, because I have 5 weddings with all different people where I could seriously have worn the same dress a couple of times, but someone tagged me wearing it at a wedding and now (even though NOONE else would probably notice or care) I feel like I can't wear it againChat Icon

This is so funny. I was just telling a friend I couldn't wear a particular dress to an upcoming event bc there are already pics of me in it on fb and I expected more pics to be taken and posted-- couldn't be seen twice in the same dress. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/11 12:08 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/11

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Re: @&@$!! facebook vent. does this bug you??

I have one friend who does that and it annoys me to no end.

I always ask people. Or I make the album private just between the people there..know what I mean? If they ask me to delete

I purposely do not want to be in pics but then everyone says "aww cmon".

Not doing it anymore.

I just feel it's wrong. You never know who sees what.

Posted 7/7/11 1:22 PM
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