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2 year old not know colors?

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Member since 5/09

6414 total posts


Re: 2 year old not know colors?

Diana go buy the Bright Baby Big board book called "Colors, ABC, Numbers". It's a great learning tool and Teddy loved these books, as does Andrew. I will also suggest the 100 first words book. But he's still young.Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/11 10:06 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

1449 total posts


Re: 2 year old not know colors?

DD is 25 months and up until a few weeks ago every color we showed her was "green". She just started picking up colors recently, but still gets confused.

Posted 12/20/11 11:55 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: 2 year old not know colors?

I think we all worry too much about what our kids know or don't know. When I just read this thread I felt instantly bad about my kid's development. I had to remind myself that all kids develop different and also what I actually KNOW about early childhood learning.

Most kids should know ONE color by 3 yrs old. ONE.

These days they push things sooooooo early,many pre school or elementary ed teachers can confirm that.

When most of us were kids, a 2 yr was a genuis if they knew their colors.

I see no harm in teaching it early, but not all kids are ready and it is NOT a sign of intelligence at this age, I forget that when I see things like this.

So I hope other's realize that as well.

Posted 12/20/11 11:55 AM

my love, my life, my son

Member since 1/09

4169 total posts


Re: 2 year old not know colors?

do you have color identifying toys for him?

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discount school supply

I like this one and want it for my son when it's time to get into colors.

Posted 12/20/11 12:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

1199 total posts


Re: 2 year old not know colors?

DD is almost 26 months and does not know her colors.

I am not worried at all.

She is developing beautifully (my opinion and ped) so I am not going to sweat the small stuff.

Posted 12/20/11 3:28 PM

my love, my life, my son

Member since 1/09

4169 total posts


Re: 2 year old not know colors?

another low cost way to teach colors
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Posted 12/20/11 3:54 PM

For mom i miss u ETC ILOVEU

Member since 3/07

13921 total posts


Re: 2 year old not know colors?

Lara just turned 2 yesterday. She literally only knows one color, green. Im a little worried but honestly I dont go over it as much as i probably shouldChat Icon Im bringing her to the ped on Friday and will ask him what he thinks.

Posted 12/20/11 3:58 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/08

399 total posts


Re: 2 year old not know colors?

Posted by Carolyn

DS (24 months) does the same thing. Everything is yellow. He knows other colors, he's just screwing with me. Seems to be a theme with him Chat Icon . I wouldn't worry.

MY SON TOO he knows the colors just likes to aggravate me

Posted 12/20/11 5:01 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: 2 year old not know colors?

I am pretty sure it's not even expected til like 4 years old so don't worry about it in the least.

luce in the last few weeks has made great strides in them...he's got azul, verdo, negro, and blanco down pat, amarrillo is pretty good, but he confuses rojo and naranja often.

Posted 12/21/11 2:44 PM


Member since 5/09

5751 total posts


Re: 2 year old not know colors?

I wouldn't worry.

DS knows all his letters. Has for months. He has a game on the iPhone where he has to pick the correct letter out of 3. He has gotten bored with the game so he purposely picks the wrong letters 1st and this is fun for him. Sounds kind of like what Ian is doing.

My DS is a late talker and so colors don't make up any of his 40 words. But, receptively he knows at least 4 colors, in both Spanish and English. Red, green, yellow, blue.

He probably knows lots of other things you don't even realize. No need to start stressing over these things now.

Posted 12/21/11 3:15 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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