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25 bucks at the grocery store

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Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

DH and I have a kosher home. As far as kosher meat and cheese goes, $25 buys next to nothing! It is more than double the price of non-kosher products.

I have cut back a lot lately on buying meat, and have been trying to come up with more dairy options. Any vegetarians with good ideas, feel free to FM me!

When I do buy meat, I find myself buying cheaper cuts than I would like.

It's not easy at all...

Posted 10/29/08 9:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by Meaghan729

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by MrsProfessor

Apparently, you can buy lots of ramen noodles!

You can buy cases of ramen noodles with $25 and it fills your belly! Ive done it and lived to talk about it. You can also buy a nice big chicken for less than $25 and make a few meals from that. Ground beef is often on sale.

where do you live?

a Roasted chicken lasts us one meal....

Ramen noodles? COME On Now...Seriously. Please tell me your not suggesting people LIVE ON THAT sodium filled preservative added junk?

What do you suggest they eat the ground bveef with?

I didnt want to go this route..debating the nitty gritty details but this is silly now.

DH just bought a roasted chicken for us tonite. DH eats enough for 3 people and we have half of it left over. It was $7.

guess we are pigs. we have 3 adults and a child and a roasted pre made chicken doesnt even full up this family.

Im done with this thread though. Im disgusted by the responses .

Posted 10/29/08 9:44 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by Meaghan729

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by MrsProfessor

Apparently, you can buy lots of ramen noodles!

You can buy cases of ramen noodles with $25 and it fills your belly! Ive done it and lived to talk about it. You can also buy a nice big chicken for less than $25 and make a few meals from that. Ground beef is often on sale.

where do you live?

a Roasted chicken lasts us one meal....

Ramen noodles? COME On Now...Seriously. Please tell me your not suggesting people LIVE ON THAT sodium filled preservative added junk?

What do you suggest they eat the ground bveef with?

I didnt want to go this route..debating the nitty gritty details but this is silly now.

DH just bought a roasted chicken for us tonite. DH eats enough for 3 people and we have half of it left over. It was $7.

guess we are pigs. we have 3 adults and a child and a roasted pre made chicken doesnt even full up this family.

Im done with this thread though. Im disgusted by the responses .

I have 4 people and a baby. I dont buy the chicken already made, I make it myself.

Message edited 10/29/2008 9:46:28 PM.

Posted 10/29/08 9:45 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by Jax430

DH and I have a kosher home. As far as kosher meat and cheese goes, $25 buys next to nothing! It is more than double the price of non-kosher products.

I have cut back a lot lately on buying meat, and have been trying to come up with more dairy options. Any vegetarians with good ideas, feel free to FM me!

When I do buy meat, I find myself buying cheaper cuts than I would like.

It's not easy at all...

ever hear of quinoa? ITs a high protein grain. It's more expensive than rice, but a box of it is maybe 3-4 bucks, and it lasts us alllll week!!!!

There are so many things you can do with it! Chat Icon

Message edited 10/29/2008 9:52:28 PM.

Posted 10/29/08 9:45 PM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

7376 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

$25 at the grocery store buys a lot more than $25 at a restaurant

Posted 10/29/08 9:45 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by seank80

Posted by dm24angel


a Pound of cheese is a good $7....and add some Ham at $8 and you have enough for a loaf of bread and thats about 3-4 days worth of lunches...not meals.

Peanut butter is $4, Jelly $3 on sale

Bread is up so we will say $3.50
Thats $10.50....For a week.

If your shopping somewhere else..please tell me WHERE!

A dollar a can of tuna.

I can use a can of PB and Jelly for at least a few weeks.

Two Loafs of Bread.

Cold Cuts aren't mandatory.

I stand by the fact I could eat lunch for a few weeks on 25 dollars.

DW shops at stop and shop if you're interested in the deals. Chat Icon

Do you add mayo to that tuna? Chat Icon

I guess its because I dont feed my child those things, as they are detremental to his health that cause the difference here.

Eating PB and J every day can certaintly get you buy. But what about breakfest, dinner, snacks and drinks?

Do we not have the decency to allow people that? Or should the poor live on Pb & J and Tuna in your opinion?

Posted 10/29/08 9:46 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by Jax430

DH and I have a kosher home. As far as kosher meat and cheese goes, $25 buys next to nothing! It is more than double the price of non-kosher products.

I have cut back a lot lately on buying meat, and have been trying to come up with more dairy options. Any vegetarians with good ideas, feel free to FM me!

When I do buy meat, I find myself buying cheaper cuts than I would like.

It's not easy at all...

ever hear of quinoa? ITs a high protein grain. It's more expensive than ricw, but a box of t is maybe 3-4 bucks, and it lasts us alllll week!!!!

There are so many things you can do with it! Chat Icon

Liza, where do you buy that? At the supermarket or specialty store?

Posted 10/29/08 9:46 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Whats wrong with Tuna? I thought it was good for you?

Posted 10/29/08 9:47 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by Jax430

DH and I have a kosher home. As far as kosher meat and cheese goes, $25 buys next to nothing! It is more than double the price of non-kosher products.

I have cut back a lot lately on buying meat, and have been trying to come up with more dairy options. Any vegetarians with good ideas, feel free to FM me!

When I do buy meat, I find myself buying cheaper cuts than I would like.

It's not easy at all...

ever hear of quinoa? ITs a high protein grain. It's more expensive than ricw, but a box of t is maybe 3-4 bucks, and it lasts us alllll week!!!!

There are so many things you can do with it! Chat Icon

I have heard of it, but have never had it. I'd be up for trying it, if you have any good recipes! Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/08 9:49 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by dm24angel

Do we not have the decency to allow people that? Or should the poor live on Pb & J and Tuna in your opinion?

Apparently, some people think they should. Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/08 9:49 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by Deedlebug126

Whats wrong with Tuna? I thought it was good for you?

I love tuna, but it has high levels of mercury, so I certainly won't eat it every day. Although I pretty much did throughout elementary school (come to think of it, that could explain a lot! Chat Icon)

Posted 10/29/08 9:50 PM

~We Did it~

Member since 7/06

6718 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

hmmm I guess since right now we are only a family of 2 the '
grocery bill is not too bad. For 25 bucks we have lunch for

week, cold cuts, bread and drinks.

Posted 10/29/08 9:50 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by Meaghan729

Posted by Beth1210

sadly $25 will get you further at Mcdonalds these days then the supermarket

my lunch was $3 today- not healthy- but it was $3

are you kidding! McDonalds is so expensive!

I only eat off the $1 menu

$25 would get me lunch for almost 2 weeks

Posted 10/29/08 9:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

1165 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

$25 bucks won't get you very far, but come on, people can get by on less that what they buy now.

I grocery shop for DH and I, mostly at whole foods and trader joes, for breakfast, lunch and dinner and spend 60- 80 dollars a week.

People don;t plan meals, they impulse buy. They buy prepared foods instead of making things themselves. I really think what people consider a neccesary amount of money for food is outrageous

Posted 10/29/08 9:51 PM

Love my boys!!!

Member since 8/07

5148 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by Jax430

DH and I have a kosher home. As far as kosher meat and cheese goes, $25 buys next to nothing! It is more than double the price of non-kosher products.

I have cut back a lot lately on buying meat, and have been trying to come up with more dairy options. Any vegetarians with good ideas, feel free to FM me!

When I do buy meat, I find myself buying cheaper cuts than I would like.

It's not easy at all...

ever hear of quinoa? ITs a high protein grain. It's more expensive than ricw, but a box of t is maybe 3-4 bucks, and it lasts us alllll week!!!!

There are so many things you can do with it! Chat Icon

is it high in fiber as well?

Posted 10/29/08 9:51 PM

Don't Taze My Dog Bro!!

Member since 5/07

2240 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by dm24angel
Do you add mayo to that tuna? Chat Icon

I guess its because I dont feed my child those things, as they are detremental to his health that cause the difference here.

Eating PB and J every day can certaintly get you buy. But what about breakfest, dinner, snacks and drinks?

Do we not have the decency to allow people that? Or should the poor live on Pb & J and Tuna in your opinion?

What's up with the picking apart my original post? I answered the thread starters comments about what 25 could buy me. I guess I didn't see the original topic that this was referencing. Or you just really want to talk about financial positions of people in society.

Posted 10/29/08 9:51 PM

My bunny

Member since 5/06

8777 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by MrsProfessor

Posted by dm24angel

Do we not have the decency to allow people that? Or should the poor live on Pb & J and Tuna in your opinion?

Apparently, some people think they should. Chat Icon


we should be thankful we COMPLAIN about PB&J.

Posted 10/29/08 9:53 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/08

337 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by seank80

I like cold cuts, tuna and PB&J for lunch so that could buy me a few weeks of food. Ask DW. I'm a cheap date.

Yeah, HE IS!!!! But DH doesnt realize how costly his cold cuts are...and he is only referring to lunch!! But really...we both could eat lunch for 5 days on $25, but thats about it.

5 for $10 in Weight Watcher/Lean Cuisine/Healthy Choice Meals (sale of course)

$7 for Cold cuts (1/2 lb Turkey, 1/4 swiss, 1/4 Mozzarella)

$2 for 4 yogurts

$3 for bread

$3 for Tuna

I definately shop the sales and use coupons!

Posted 10/29/08 9:53 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by Jax430

DH and I have a kosher home. As far as kosher meat and cheese goes, $25 buys next to nothing! It is more than double the price of non-kosher products.

I have cut back a lot lately on buying meat, and have been trying to come up with more dairy options. Any vegetarians with good ideas, feel free to FM me!

When I do buy meat, I find myself buying cheaper cuts than I would like.

It's not easy at all...

ever hear of quinoa? ITs a high protein grain. It's more expensive than ricw, but a box of t is maybe 3-4 bucks, and it lasts us alllll week!!!!

There are so many things you can do with it! Chat Icon

Liza, where do you buy that? At the supermarket or specialty store?

It used to only be at health food stores, but now you can find it in most natural sections at grocery stores.

It has a nutty taste, but you definitely need to make it with something.... Google quinoa recipes, you will get a bunch!

ETA - I will talk to DH, since he does most of the cooking, for some recipes - and I'll post them on the food forum sometime this week, since may of you asked me about recipes....Chat Icon

Message edited 10/29/2008 9:56:21 PM.

Posted 10/29/08 9:54 PM

Happy Mommy

Member since 9/06

4074 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

8 pack of chicken cutlets (approx) $8
Cereal $4
Milk $3
Cold cuts $7
Bread $3

These are approx #'s and you can get this stuff on sale too. It's not a lot by no means. One thing I learned from being broke is that your diet will not have a lot of variety, but you can eat cheap.

Posted 10/29/08 9:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

1165 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by Meaghan729

Posted by MrsProfessor

Posted by dm24angel

Do we not have the decency to allow people that? Or should the poor live on Pb & J and Tuna in your opinion?

Apparently, some people think they should. Chat Icon


we should be thankful we COMPLAIN about PB&J.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Some people are so missing this point. We should be happy for what we have. It is not a "right" to buy organic food, its a right to have ANY food.

Posted 10/29/08 9:55 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by Jax430

DH and I have a kosher home. As far as kosher meat and cheese goes, $25 buys next to nothing! It is more than double the price of non-kosher products.

I have cut back a lot lately on buying meat, and have been trying to come up with more dairy options. Any vegetarians with good ideas, feel free to FM me!

When I do buy meat, I find myself buying cheaper cuts than I would like.

It's not easy at all...

ever hear of quinoa? ITs a high protein grain. It's more expensive than ricw, but a box of t is maybe 3-4 bucks, and it lasts us alllll week!!!!

There are so many things you can do with it! Chat Icon

Liza, where do you buy that? At the supermarket or specialty store?

It used to only be at health food stores, but now you can find it in most natural sections at grocery stores.

It has a nutty taste, but you definitely need to make it with something.... Google quinoa recipes, you will get a bunch!

On the first season of Top Chef, there was a natural food chef named Andrea who was always making stuff with quinoa! Otherwise I would not have heard of it. Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/08 9:55 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by Jax430

DH and I have a kosher home. As far as kosher meat and cheese goes, $25 buys next to nothing! It is more than double the price of non-kosher products.

I have cut back a lot lately on buying meat, and have been trying to come up with more dairy options. Any vegetarians with good ideas, feel free to FM me!

When I do buy meat, I find myself buying cheaper cuts than I would like.

It's not easy at all...

ever hear of quinoa? ITs a high protein grain. It's more expensive than ricw, but a box of t is maybe 3-4 bucks, and it lasts us alllll week!!!!

There are so many things you can do with it! Chat Icon

Liza, where do you buy that? At the supermarket or specialty store?

It used to only be at health food stores, but now you can find it in most natural sections at grocery stores.

It has a nutty taste, but you definitely need to make it with something.... Google quinoa recipes, you will get a bunch!

[email protected] hates nuts! He says I can still try it though, so thanks Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/08 9:55 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by Jax430

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by lipglossjunky73

Posted by Jax430

DH and I have a kosher home. As far as kosher meat and cheese goes, $25 buys next to nothing! It is more than double the price of non-kosher products.

I have cut back a lot lately on buying meat, and have been trying to come up with more dairy options. Any vegetarians with good ideas, feel free to FM me!

When I do buy meat, I find myself buying cheaper cuts than I would like.

It's not easy at all...

ever hear of quinoa? ITs a high protein grain. It's more expensive than ricw, but a box of t is maybe 3-4 bucks, and it lasts us alllll week!!!!

There are so many things you can do with it! Chat Icon

Liza, where do you buy that? At the supermarket or specialty store?

It used to only be at health food stores, but now you can find it in most natural sections at grocery stores.

It has a nutty taste, but you definitely need to make it with something.... Google quinoa recipes, you will get a bunch!

[email protected] hates nuts! He says I can still try it though, so thanks Chat Icon

It doesn't taste like nuts, it tastes like rice, it can just taste a bit crunchier if that makes sense....

Posted 10/29/08 9:57 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: 25 bucks at the grocery store

Posted by Meaghan729

Posted by MrsProfessor

Posted by dm24angel

Do we not have the decency to allow people that? Or should the poor live on Pb & J and Tuna in your opinion?

Apparently, some people think they should. Chat Icon


we should be thankful we COMPLAIN about PB&J.

This is true, but I don't think that poor people in this country should have to eat junk food just because they are poor.

Posted 10/29/08 9:57 PM
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