I think that's good! I had only about half of mine fertilize and they said something about only half the eggs making good embies in a 21 yr old egg donor ..something like that. So I don't think all of them fertilize. I had 8 of 9 mature but only ended up with 2 good embies to transfer. The rest fizzled out on day 6.
13 is a great number of embies... I have seen some posts where there are only 2 or 3 and have had success. I take it they are going to do a day 5 transfer and freeze the rest.
13 is a great number of embies... I have seen some posts where there are only 2 or 3 and have had success. I take it they are going to do a day 5 transfer and freeze the rest.
I am not sure what day transfer they are doing.. They will call tomorrow to let me know.. Which is better? And yes we do plan to freeze the rest.
A friend of mine only had 3 eggs total and all 3 were fertalized and transferred in. She has a happy healthy little boy from that transfer. I think those numbers seem pretty good. My RE told me 10 eggs retrieved is the average so it seems like you are ahead of the game.
13 is a great number. I had a very little amount of eggs fertilized it only takes one egg! I also had a three-day transfer instead of a five day transfer we put two eggs back and I am currently 16 weeks pregnant; stay positive!