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6mo old mamas baby sleeping through the night?

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/08

1011 total posts


6mo old mamas baby sleeping through the night?

My DD hasnt slept through the night yet but was doing really well and only getting up once. The past 3 days she has not been sleeping welll at all. I think she might be teething. Those ladies whose baby slept and then woke up any advise???? I am BF.

Message edited 4/16/2009 3:51:06 PM.

Posted 4/16/09 3:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08

9702 total posts


Re: 6mo old mamas baby sleeping through the night?

I had to feed her cereal and a bottle then she started sleeping again Chat Icon if it is her teeth then maybe some tylenol

Posted 4/16/09 3:26 PM

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Member since 12/07

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: 6mo old mamas baby sleeping through the night?

he was for a week or so... not any longer Chat Icon now he falls asleep at 7pm and wakes up at 4am Chat Icon He then returns to the crib at 5am, and wakes-up for the day at 640.....

needless to say, mommy and daddy aren't too pleased with his new 'rhythm'

Posted 4/16/09 3:27 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07

833 total posts


Re: 6mo old mamas baby sleeping through the night?

My DD is almost 5 months and wakes up for the day at 5am, lol..i cant get her back down!!!! She then proceeds to nap two hours later, ugh...we had a prob with her waking at 345-5 and wanting to stay fun...she usually goes down between 645-8 depending on her last nap..lately, she doesnt even go down well because it is getting lighter later, ugh!

Posted 4/16/09 3:41 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: 6mo old mamas baby sleeping through the night?

Yes from 8pm to 9am. He is also just shy of 20 lbs and eating alot so that may have alot to do with it.

Posted 4/16/09 7:22 PM

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